Hunter Biden’s ex business partner Tony Bobulinski issues a challenge to the presidential family after they accused him of lying to the FBI: ‘Hunter, Jim, Joe and I should all appear together before Congress, publicly and under oath’

Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski has challenged the Biden family to testify under oath before Congress alongside him, after Hunter’s attorney accused Bobulinski of lying.

Bobulinski, a Navy veteran, teamed up with Hunter Biden and his Uncle Jim — Joe’s brother — to invest in China in 2017.

Bobulinski in 2020 produced a May 2017 email detailing a proposed stock split for a Chinese investment, suggesting “20” for “H” and “10 owned by H for the big guy?”

Bobulinski has claimed that “the big man” was Joe Biden, who served as vice president until January 2017.

Joe Biden has always said he was not involved in Hunter’s business dealings.

Hunter’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, has written a letter to prosecutors claiming Bobulinski lied to the FBI.

Bobulinski, in response, challenged the Bidens to provide public sworn testimony.

Tony Bobulinski did business with Hunter Biden and claimed Joe Biden was also involved in a May 2017 deal with China

Joe Biden, who was seen with his son Hunter in June, has always maintained he was not involved in Hunter's business dealings

Joe Biden, who was seen with his son Hunter in June, has always maintained he was not involved in Hunter’s business dealings

“If Hunter Biden and the Biden family are so determined to ensure that the full truth is presented to the American people, Hunter, Jim, Joe and I must all appear before Congress together, in public and under oath,” said Bobulinski, in a statement to Fox News.

“They can name the date, time and place, and I would certainly want to do that for the American people.”

Bobulinski said Lowell’s letter, sent to Matthew Graves, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, was untrue.

“All of the allegations in Mr. Lowell’s 10-page letter to U.S. Attorney Graves are patently false, and I look forward to exposing these lies and laying out the facts in a public forum at short notice,” said Bobulinski.

“The sad thing for our country is that Hunter, Jim and Joe Biden along with Abbe Lowell know they are all fake and are trying to weaponize the DOJ against me.”

Lowell alleged in his letter that Bobulinski “lied about the business discussions between the partners involved” in the joint venture.

Joe Biden (left) is seen with his brother Jim (right) in 2008.  Jim did business with Hunter

Joe Biden (left) is seen with his brother Jim (right) in 2008. Jim did business with Hunter

Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden's lawyer, has accused Bobulinski of lying

Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden’s lawyer, has accused Bobulinski of lying

He said Bobulinski was guilty of “making things up,” and urged Graves to investigate him.

Lowell accused Bobulinski, who insists he is not political, of planning to attack the Bidens.

“The material reveals the extraordinary lengths to which Mr. Bobulinski and other individuals were willing to go to implicate Mr. Biden or members of his family in a number of false and unfounded allegations of misconduct,” Lowell wrote.

“Even in an era when people spread lies for the purpose of having their falsehoods repeated and disseminated for their political advantage, these statements by Mr. Bobulinski cannot and should not go unchecked.”

Hunter Biden’s business deals are being investigated by several committees in Congress: the House Oversight Committee; House Judiciary; and House Ways & Means Committees.

The Oversight Committee on X accused Lowell of trying to intimidate Bobulinski, who might be called to testify.

“Hunter Biden and his legal team are once again attacking anyone who speaks out against the Bidens,” the Oversight Committee wrote.

“This time their target is Tony Bobulinski, a potential witness in our investigation.

“We will not tolerate intimidation of witnesses. The truth will come out soon enough, despite the Biden team’s threatening tactics.

“We’ll give Hunter a chance to clear the air and speak to us soon.”