Hunter Biden’s attorney slams Republicans for mocking WhatsApp messages
Hunter Biden’s lawyer sent a burning letter Friday to the Republican chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee, criticizing him for releasing the testimony of two IRS whistleblowers.
Hunter’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, called out the timing of the release — two days after news broke that the first son had signed a plea deal with the Delaware U.S. attorney on tax and gun charges.
He also denounced the commission for tweeting fake WhatsApp messages, which are “complete fakes,” Lowell said.
Lowell was referring to a threatening message Hunter allegedly sent to a Chinese associate demanding money. In it, he said his father Joe “sat next to him.”
One of Lowell’s damning allegations was that IRS whistleblowers had an “axe to sharpen” when they came forward with their amazing testimonials.
The letter comes as Republicans accuse the Justice Department of giving Hunter preferential treatment in their criminal investigation and vow to dig deeper into bribery claims involving the First Family.
Hunter Biden’s attorney sent a scathing letter Friday to the Republican chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee, criticizing him for releasing the testimony of two IRS whistleblowers
Hunter’s attorney Abbe Lowell slammed Republicans for making this image of an alleged WhatsApp message between the first son and a Chinese business partner
“Releasing the interview transcripts and evidence of self-described IRS “whistleblowers” who may be claiming that title in an attempt to evade their wrongdoing was an obvious ploy to fuel the disinformation campaign to defraud our client, Hunter Biden. as a vehicle to attack his father,” Lowell told chairman Jason Smith.
Smith responded with a statement saying it was “a little surprise” that Hunter’s attorney “tried to cool down our investigation and discredit the whistleblowers who say they have already faced retaliation from the IRS and the Ministry of Justice’.
“It (the letter) doesn’t even address concerns that Mr. Biden’s counsel was regularly tipped off about possible warrants and raids in pursuit of evidence implicating him and his father,” Smith added.
In the letter, obtained by AxiosLowell said House Republicans had shown an “obsession with attacking the Biden family” since taking over the majority in January.
Lowell accused him that the interviews with the “whistleblowers” were “orchestrated recitations of mischaracterized and incomplete ‘facts’ by disgruntled officers who thought they knew better than the federal prosecutors who had all the evidence during their five-year investigation into Mr. Biden. .’
He said the House Republicans’ decision to release the information violated “the spirit, if not the letter, of the tax laws and federal rules governing investigations.” interviewers did nothing to find out.
Instead, they “choreographed the spread of incomplete half-truths, distortions, and totally unnecessary details about Mr. Biden.”
One such example that Lowell pointed to was Hunter’s relationships with prostitutes.
Lowell then attacked Smith, saying “disclosure to Congress is not the same as disclosure to Fox News.”
Hunter’s attorney commented on the timing of the release, saying it “didn’t appear innocent,” pointing to news of the plea deal ahead of last Thursday’s Ways & Means whistleblower press conference.
“To any objective eye, your actions were designed to improperly undermine the legal proceedings planned in the case,” Lowell said. “Your release of this selective set of false accusations was an attempt to score a headline in a news cycle – all facts be damned.”
“We all know the adage: an accusation gets attention on page one, while the explanation or exoneration is never addressed, if at all, or buried on page 10. This letter is an attempt to ensure that the answer is found,” continued the lawyer.
Lowell also pointed out how many Republicans were involved in Hunter’s case — and asked how it would be possible for them all to want the Democratic president’s son to receive special treatment.
“How can you believe the officers’ accounts at face value if it would make no sense for Republican-appointed and career prosecutors to turn away from any wrongdoing on the part of Mr. Biden?” he asked.
“For example, your report fails to note that the investigation that you and your Republican colleagues have focused on began during the Republican Trump administration, was overseen by two Republican attorneys general, continued by a backward Republican American attorney, and was prosecuted and assessed. by career and experienced lawyers. What motive would any of these people have for ignoring sound evidence and failing to press charges if warranted?’ Lowell mused.
And, critically, what reason would Attorney General Garland — a former prosecutor, adviser to Justice Department officials, and federal judge with an impeccable reputation for honesty and integrity — lie about the authority he gave to the U.S. lawyer in Delaware?” asked the lawyer.
Lowell also accused Republicans of using the troubled Hunter as a means to attack his father
The letter comes as Republicans accuse the Justice Department of giving Hunter preferential treatment in their criminal investigation and vow to dig deeper into bribery claims involving the First Family
Lowell also issued an explanation for the IRS whistleblowers’ most damning piece of evidence — a WhatsApp message suggesting the president was involved in his son’s foreign business deals.
Lowell said that “President Biden and our client were not together that day, the company referred to was not CEFC but Harvest Financial Group (with an individual also initialed “Z”), and no transaction actually took place. ‘
The recipient of the message was originally identified as Communist Party member Henry Zhao.
More importantly, your own actions call into question the authenticity of that communication and your subsequent use of it. The agent only described one message, but you took that alleged text and circulated images of it in two Twitter posts on June 22 and June 24,” Lowell continued.
He also pointed out how the “screen-grab images you posted” were the wrong color to be WhatsApp messages and how committee staff added a photo of Hunter, which was from 2022, not 2017, and the Chinese flag used to illustrate the recipient – “while that was not the way an SMS or contact was kept anyway.”
“Many media articles confirm that data supposedly coming from Mr. Biden’s devices has been altered or tampered with,” Lowell said. ‘“You, or someone else, did that again,” he charged.
“All of the false statements about this communication and your use of a false text are good examples of how providing one-sided, untested and slanted information leads to false conclusions,” the lawyer added.