Hunter Biden drives a Corvette parked near Dad Joe’s classified documents


Footage from Hunter Biden’s laptop captures him driving his father’s Corvette that was parked next to Joe’s classified documents: an aide who fears she’s to blame for the files fiasco “got the job through HUNTER! “

  • Kathy Chung served as Biden’s administrative assistant in the vice president’s office
  • Identified as meeting with police in investigation of classified documents
  • The newspaper reported that she may have been “unwittingly inadvertently involved” in documents
  • Emails from laptop reveal Hunter Biden helped connect it to work

Hunter Biden was involved in recruiting the assistant who has been publicly identified as having been interviewed by police in the investigation of Joe Biden documents, it was reported Thursday.

Kathy Chung, who served as Biden’s administrative assistant when he was vice president, told associates she is “distraught” that she may have been “inadvertently involved in moving or storing classified material” that a Biden attorney discovered at Penn Biden Center in November. reported the Washington Post.

The discovery of the classified documents is what started the search for more classified material in Biden’s possession and ultimately led to the appointment of special counsel and an investigation that infuriated White House aides and forced them to explain comparisons with former President Donald. The Trump investigation.

His was the only name that appeared in the first report of various helpers They have talked to the police.

The news comes as a former Obama White House official urged Biden to admit to careless handling of classified information to try to control the spiraling situation.

Hunter Biden is seen driving his father’s classic Corvette Stingray. The car was stored in the same garage where a Biden attorney discovered documents marked classified were being stored.

Hunter Biden helped secure the job of Kathy Chung, the administrative assistant to then-Vice President Biden who spoke to investigators in the classified documents probe.

Hunter Biden helped secure the job of Kathy Chung, the administrative assistant to then-Vice President Biden who spoke to investigators in the classified documents probe.

And a newly surfaced photo of Hunter’s infamous laptop appears to show the president’s son driving the classic Corvette Stingray out of the same Wilmington home where the car and documents marked “classified” were stored.

Chung, who now serves as deputy chief of protocol for Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, was identified by sources as helping pack up Biden’s belongings when he left the White House in 2017.

About 10 documents, including some purportedly marked “top secret,” were discovered inside a closet at the Penn Biden Center, a D.C. think tank that provided a home for Biden after he left the vice presidency, along with a salary that amounted to $900,000 more than three years.

Chung was an assistant in the Office of the Senate Vice President, after working for a trio of influential senators, including former Delaware Sen. Ted Kauffman, a longtime Biden adviser who took over when Biden left the Senate.

Patrick Moore, the lawyer tasked with cleaning out Biden’s old office in November, discovered the documents, CNN reported.

President Joe Biden now faces an investigation by special counsel into classified material found in his former office and his Wilmington home.

President Joe Biden now faces an investigation by special counsel into classified material found in his former office and his Wilmington home.

The discovery of documents with classified marks at the Penn Biden Center triggered the federal investigation.

The discovery of documents with classified marks at the Penn Biden Center triggered the federal investigation.

Biden earned $900,000 over three years for his role at the Penn Biden Center

Biden earned $900,000 over three years for his role at the Penn Biden Center

Chung worked for a trio of senators, including Delaware Sen. Ted Kauffman.

Chung worked for a trio of senators, including Delaware Sen. Ted Kauffman.

Emails from Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop have revealed that Chung and the president’s son were in contact via email, with the aide sometimes giving her information about programming, and Hunter recommending her for his job with the vice president when predecessor Michelle Smith left office.

“Thank you for calling and thinking of me,” Chung wrote to Hunter in May 2012, according to foxnews. ‘After the initial shock of taking in what you said… How could I pass up the opportunity to work for the Vice President of the United States?!’

He then followed up with a few questions about salary and responsibilities. ‘Thanks again for thinking of me,” he wrote.

Chung’s lawyer did not respond to a request for comment by press time.