HubSpot uses AI to make marketing and sales a breeze

HubSpot, one of the top CRM software providers, has expanded its customer relationship management system with a suite of artificial intelligence tools called Breeze. The company has integrated Breeze across the HubSpot platform and demonstrated how the new features, currently in beta, can boost productivity and efficiency at its Inbound conference and fall 2024 Spotlight event.

With 90% of executives integrating AI into their systems, according to HubSpot research, there’s a lot of opportunity for Breeze and its tools to be a game changer. Breeze is specifically designed to extend the capabilities of marketing, sales, and customer service teams with AI, despite concerns from some in those industries who see AI as more of a disruption than an enabler. To bridge that excitement gap, HubSpot is pitching Breeze as the easy, fast AI solution that doesn’t require rethinking existing work, but rather integrates with customer data to provide actionable answers.

Breeze includes several AI features that are intended to boost CRMs and the teams that use them. The Breeze Copilot chatbot uses AI in combination with a company’s data and HubSpot’s Smart CRM to help with everything from summarizing and analyzing customer service interactions to researching competing companies and even designing content for ads and marketing campaigns.

The introduction of more than 80 AI features to the HubSpot platform demonstrates the company’s commitment to deeply embedding AI into its services. This move reflects the growing demand for integrated AI solutions that not only simplify tasks but also help businesses achieve faster, more impactful results.

Airborne agents

Breeze Agents are AI-powered experts designed to help users automate workflows. Available in 4 flavors, they can automate strategy implementation and deploy content. The content, social, prospecting, and customer agents should handle the more tedious aspects of a project or complement teams so they can focus on the bigger picture.

For example, the content agent will curate website copy, blogs, case studies, and even podcasts that match a brand’s voice. At the same time, the social media agent does the same for social media posts, analyzing a company’s current output and goals to connect with the desired audience. With these AI agents, marketers can maintain a strong brand identity without getting bogged down in the manual work of writing and scheduling posts. The ability to generate content that matches a company’s voice is crucial, especially as companies look to build more personalized relationships with their customers.

For sales teams, the prospecting agent handles research and personalizes outreach to prospects. This agent can even time their messages to best reach someone when they’re most receptive. Meanwhile, existing customers can contact a business at any time and encounter the AI ​​customer agent, who provides assistance using a business’s knowledge base and website to quickly answer most standard questions, transferring the customer to a human agent only when necessary.

Assuming these tools perform at the level that HubSpot claims, these and similar features developed by competitors will likely become widely adopted and standardized among CRMs.

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