Howie Mandel reveals his wife was HIGH on cannabis – not drunk – when she suffered shock fall that left her in a pool of blood with her skull exposed

Howie Mandel has revealed his wife Terry was high – and not drunk – when she suffered a shocking fall left her with her skull exposed.

The incident took place in Howie and Terry’s hotel room at Fontainebleau Las Vegas after the couple enjoyed a night of partying.

He went to sleep, but was awakened by a loud noise and was shocked to discover his wife lying in a pool of blood on the floor.

When he first told the story on TV last Monday, he described Terry as “tipsy,” leading many viewers to blame alcohol for her injuries.

But she was actually under the influence of cannabis gummies, the America’s Got Talent judge clarified during an interview on TMZLive.

Howie Mandel has revealed his wife Terry was high – not drunk – when she suffered a shocking fall that left her skull exposed

“She slipped, fell down, hit her eye with it, then fell to the ground and broke her cheek,” the St. Elsewhere alum explained

“She slipped, fell down, hit her eye with it, then fell to the ground and broke her cheek,” the St. Elsewhere alum explained

“First of all, she wasn’t drunk,” says Howie, who has been married to Terry since 1980. ‘She is so afraid that people will interfere with her alcohol problem; she doesn’t have an alcohol problem.’

He shared, “I’m going to tell you the truth – she took gummies. She took gummies. So it is not an alcohol problem. She was on pot.”

Howie explained that he used the word “tipsy” on TV as a catch-all term for being under the influence, as he was initially reluctant to reveal that Terry had used marijuana.

He told the story of his wife’s terrifying fall for the first time on Monday, saying he fell asleep without realizing they had partied ‘too much’ for Terry.

“In the middle of the night she got up and – I don’t know where she went – ​​but she walked into the wall,” he said on Live! With Kelly and Mark. “And she fell and hit the paneling. She hit it on her way down.

“She slipped, fell down, hit her eye, then fell to the ground and broke her cheek,” the St. Elsewhere alumnus explained.

“I heard ‘bang’ and ‘ahh’ and I woke up and said, ‘Where are you?’ And she said, “I don’t know.” That’s what she said.’

The show posted photos of Terry after the accident, with injuries including a black eye and a grisly cut on the forehead surrounded by a bruise.

“First of all, she wasn't drunk,” said Howie, who has been married to Terry since 1980;  the pair are pictured together at Diana Ross's 75th birthday party in 2019

“First of all, she wasn’t drunk,” said Howie, who has been married to Terry since 1980; the pair are pictured together at Diana Ross’s 75th birthday party in 2019

Howie first told the story on Live!  With Kelly And Mark, where photos were shown of Terry's face after her terrifying fall in Las Vegas

Howie first told the story on Live! With Kelly And Mark, where photos were shown of Terry’s face after her terrifying fall in Las Vegas

He told the story of his wife's terrifying fall for the first time on Monday, saying he fell asleep without realizing they had been 'partying too much' for Terry;  pictured 2008

He told the story of his wife’s terrifying fall for the first time on Monday, saying he fell asleep without realizing they had been ‘partying too much’ for Terry; pictured 2008

After the studio audience reacted in amazement to the photo, Howie shared further details about how the fall night unfolded.

‘I turn on the light, I look, I look around the bed. She’s lying in the corner, face down, and I didn’t know she was going to cut her head off. But the blood is pooling,” he said.

‘I freaked out. I picked her up and put her on the bed. There is blood[where],’ he continued. “I went to grab all the towels, and all the towels are covered in blood. And she says, ‘Give me ice cream. Get me ice cream.'”

Since there was no ice in the room, Howie tried to substitute a chilled can of soda from the minibar, but Terry was in so much pain that she threw the can away.

Then he tried to make a makeshift ice pack by wrapping two cold soda cans in a towel, but she threw that away too in pain.

“When she did that, I saw her head, and you could even see her skull. It opened,” he revealed, as the crowd gasped. “I was interrupted.”

He called the front desk and asked them to call 911, but they refused until the hotel staff could come up and assess the situation for themselves.

Howie joked that, with the blood and soda cans strewn everywhere, an audience member might imagine he had beaten up Terry himself.

He found himself begging hotel staff to call emergency services as they inspected the room and took photos of the evidence.

When she finally arrived at the hospital, Terry was still under the influence and began to panic and scream for a doctor – because she had pulled her sheets over her face and couldn’t see that the doctor was already in the room .