How Website Design Can Make or Break the SEO for Startups

When it comes to a web design’s ability to perform and rank well in a search engine results, the overall website design and search engine optimization (SEO) work together to ensure that a startup’s site ranks well. But effective website design can have a larger impact on how a startups’ SEO works than you may realize. 

The first very common thought that people might have when it comes to search engine optimization is that SEO only amounts to keywords being plugged into the landing pages and various content that you can find on a website. But SEO goes beyond just that! 

It can be found in areas of a website design such as: 

  • Meta descriptions
  • Blog content
  • Video and photo captions

This is all in an effort to ensure that the right visitors are brought into a website. For a startup, that might range from people looking for what services they provide to investors who are interested in a specific industry.

So how can a website design make or break the SEO for startup companies? We take a closer look at how website design impacts SEO for startup below.

Why is Website Design Crucial for Startup SEO?

Before diving into the impact of website design on SEO, let’s first understand why SEO matters on its own. SEO is the gateway to reaching your target audience and potential clients. When combined with a strategic website design, it becomes a powerful tool for startups.

How Website Design Can Make or Break Startup SEO

Website design has a significant impact on SEO rankings. The overall design and seamless integration of SEO throughout your site can influence its visibility in search engine results. Additionally, user response to your website is equally important. If the design is subpar, visitors may leave, undermining your SEO efforts.

Streamline Your Website Design for Maximum Impact

For startups, a streamlined website design is key. Working with an SEO company can help ensure that your site is optimized to meet your startup’s specific needs. By providing visitors with an easy-to-navigate interface, you’ll guide them to the information, products, or services they seek. An accessible design paired with effective SEO signals to search engines that your website offers a positive user experience.

Have a Focus on the Mobile Experience

In the third quarter of 2021, 47.74% of web traffic in the United States alone was originating from mobile devices. A startup’s website design should be accessible on all devices including mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.

With an optimized mobile website design, a startup can be extremely appealing to site visitors who come across their site while on their smart phone or tablet. Presenting visitors with a standout browsing experience makes a difference.

Google also takes a mobile first indexing approach to their algorithm ranking. This means that Google uses the mobile version of any website to index and rank websites. A startup’s website design with a mobile optimized site will rank far better than one without that optimization.

In the third quarter of 2021, 47.74% of web traffic in the United States alone was originating from mobile devices. A startup’s website design should be accessible on all devices including mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.

With an optimized mobile website design, a startup can be extremely appealing to site visitors who come across their site while on their smart phone or tablet. Presenting visitors with a standout browsing experience makes a difference.

Google also takes a mobile first indexing approach to their algorithm ranking. This means that Google uses the mobile version of any website to index and rank websites. A startup’s website design with a mobile optimized site will rank far better than one without that optimization.

Quick Load Times for Improved Performance

A startup website with quick loading times is more likely to rank higher and hold visitors’ attention. A streamlined design, paired with effective SEO practices, helps decrease load times and keeps visitors engaged. After all, no one likes to wait, and slow loading times can drive visitors away.

Make Use of Concise Calls to Action

Lastly, to make sure that a startup’s website design makes the most of the SEO, be sure to incorporate concise and meaningful calls to action. SEO does the work of getting visitors onto the website itself, but keeping them there is another part of the customer experience as well.

A call to action should clearly communicate to the customer something useful or important. This can range from signing up for an email list, finding their way to helpful information, or providing a free download of some kind.