How to Use Static IP Address On Laptop

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If you want an unchanging IP address for your online tasks, then Static IP is what you need.

Static IP is reliable, helps in better bandwidth, and works best for hosting servers. Employees with remote work find static IPs of great use to them.

You can use Static IP address for most devices, including Android phones, tablets, or iPhones. 

Let’s discuss how to use a static IP address on a laptop easily.

How Does Static IP Address Work?

Static IP addresses are like permanent name tags for servers. They’re handy when you want a server to always have the same address for easy access. 

When you ask your internet provider to set up your router with a static IP, they give it a unique address in your local network and the wider internet.

This particular address is just for your use and won’t be duplicated by any other gadgets in your local network. But simultaneously, it stays open for connections from anywhere on the internet. 

Your internet provider also sets up DNS servers and default gateway routers. They help your device communicate with networks smoothly.

Difference Between Static IP Address and Dynamic IP Address

FeatureDynamic IP AddressStatic IP Address
NatureChanges over timePermanent and unchanging
AssignmentAssigned by ISP dynamicallyTypically configured manually or via DHCP
AdministrationEnables easy assignment by network administratorsRequires manual configuration or DHCP setup
UsageSuitable for general internet users, where IP address can change periodicallyIdeal for network devices requiring consistent access, such as routers, computers, and game consoles
ConfigurationAutomatic assignment by ISP or DHCP serverManual configuration or DHCP assignment
StabilityCan lead to occasional IP address changesProvides a stable, unchanging identifier
ExamplesResidential internet connections, mobile devicesServers, routers, and computers in a business environment

5 Ways To Setup Static IP Address on Laptop

1. Manual Method

  • On your Taskbar, right-click to open the network icon. 
  • Select the Open Network & Internet settings option.
  • Click on Change adapter options under the Change your network settings area.
  • Right-click on your network connection first and select Properties.
  • Find the TCP/IPv4 and click on it.
  • Then, simply tap on the Use the following IP address option.
  • Type your static IP address.
  • Put the subnet mask and default gateway.
  • Tap an OK button and save the configuration.

2. Use the Command Prompt

  • Press the Windows key and type cmd.
  • Right-click on Command Prompt first, then choose to Run as administrator.
  • It will open the Command Prompt window, write this command, and press ENTER: ipconfig /all
  • Write down the IPv4 address, subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS server addresses.
  • Type this command and hit ENTER: netsh interface ip set address name=”Ethernet0″ static 10.1.2

Change Ethernet0 with your network adapter’s name and 10.1.2 to the correct IP address.

  • To assign a DNS server address, run this command: netsh interface ip set dns name=”Ethernet0″ static

Replace Ethernet0 with your adapter’s name and with your network’s DNS server address.

  • To assign an alternate DNS server address, run this command: netsh interface ip add dns name=”Ethernet0″ index=2

Change Ethernet0, your network’s name, and to the alternate DNS server address.

3. Use the Windows 10 Settings

  • Press the Windows key + I combination.
  • Select the Network & Internet tile.
  • Click on Change connection properties.
  • Scroll down to IP settings and hit Edit.
  • Choose Manual from the dropdown menu.
  • Toggle on the IPv4 switch.
  • Enter your IP address, Subnet prefix length, Default Gateway address, and DNS addresses.
  • Tap the Save button.

4. Connecting to a Static IP Address Through a Router

  • Connect to the router by entering its IP address into a web browser.
  • Log in using administrator credentials.
  • Locate the LAN or DHCP settings section in the router’s interface.
  • Within the LAN settings, assign a specific static IP address to the device by entering it manually.
  • Ensure the chosen IP address is within the router’s defined range and does not conflict with other devices.
  • Set the subnet mask for the static IP address to enable proper communication within the network. Also, set the default gateway.
  • Save the changes made to the router settings.
  • The device is now configured to use the specified static IP address.

5. Using DHCP Servers for Static IP Address

  • Access the DHCP server settings, typically available through the router’s interface or a dedicated server.
  • Locate the option for IP address reservation or static IP assignment in the DHCP server settings.
  • Associate the device’s MAC address with the desired static IP address.
  • This ensures the assigned static IP is exclusively linked to the specific device.
  • Set the subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS server addresses for the static IP within the DHCP server configuration.
  • Save the DHCP server configuration to apply the changes.
  • The device will now receive the defined static IP address when connected to the network.

How is a Static IP Address from a VPN an Easy Solution?

Using a static IP address provided by a VPN provider is one of the easiest and most reliable options. 

A VPN provider will charge you for the static IP address but will provide you with a hassle-free solution, which could be an issue with manual ways.

Also, a static IP ensures safety when acquired from a VPN provider as it is encrypted with advanced communication protocols. 

This ensures that third parties, regulators, or cyber intruders do not track you.

A VPN-managed static IP address is also reliable for online payments, remote administration, and gaming. 

VPNs assign you a static IP address from a trusted pool of addresses, making it secure with IP leak and DNS leak prevention features.

Be Sure About Safety When Using a Static IP on Laptop

We have discussed five manual ways of setting up a static IP address and how to opt for a VPN-protected IP address.

To optimize your networking, you must choose a static IP address.

Also, understand that even static IP addresses have cyber threats, so it is important to be vigilant.