How to Use Google Camera on Huawei Android Phones | Stable GCam Port

It’s very easy to enhance the quality of your Huawei camera and capture high-quality, detailed pictures and videos with the Google Camera app, although it is not available for official Android phones. Huawei Android phones are known for their impressive camera capabilities, and with the right software, you can make your photography experience even better.

This article will guide you through the process of using Google Camera on your Huawei Android device, unlocking a new level of photography capability.

What is Google Camera

Google Camera, also known as GCam, is the default camera app developed by Google for its Pixel line of smartphones. It’s renowned for its advanced imaging algorithms and features that enhance photo quality, especially in challenging lighting conditions.

Some third party developers have modified the original Google Camera and made it usable for Android users. Google Camera app has been in the top trend in recent times which is still continuing. You can download and install GCam APK on any Huawei Android phone and take advantage of all the features to capture great photos.

Why Use Google Camera on Huawei Phones?

While Huawei phones have good camera hardware, the software processing could be further optimized to deliver good results. Google Camera brings advanced computational photography technologies like HDR+ and Night Sight, which can significantly improve the quality of your photos.

GCam vs Stock Android Camera! | VERSUS

Checking Compatibility

Before you begin, ensure that your Huawei Android phone is compatible with Google Camera. While it may work on various models, optimal performance is typically seen on phones that support Camera2 API.

Downloading and Installing Google Camera

To get started, download the Google Camera APK file from a reputable source. Once downloaded, proceed with the installation. Don’t forget to grant the necessary permissions for the app to function seamlessly.

Configuring Settings for Optimal Results

HDR+ Mode

HDR+ mode combines multiple shots taken at different exposures to create a single, well-balanced image. This is particularly effective in high-contrast scenes.

Night Sight

Night Sight is a game-changer for low-light photography. It allows you to capture stunning details and colors even in extremely dim conditions.

Portrait Mode

Portrait mode creates a beautiful depth-of-field effect, keeping the subject in sharp focus while blurring the background.


Capture sweeping landscapes with the Panorama mode. Slowly pan your phone across the scene, and let the app stitch the images together seamlessly.

Video Settings

Adjust video resolution, frame rate, and stabilization settings to get the best results for your video recordings.


Create captivating time-lapse videos by setting the interval and duration for a unique visual experience.

Lens Blur

Add a professional touch to your photos by simulating a shallow depth-of-field effect, drawing attention to the subject.


Have fun with augmented reality (AR) stickers and effects to add an extra element of creativity to your photos.

Tips for Capturing Stunning Photos

Photography is not just about the equipment; it’s about the eye behind the lens. Here are some tips to elevate your photography game:

  • Consider the Lighting: Natural light is your best friend. Pay attention to the direction and intensity of light for optimal results.
  • Master Composition Techniques: Experiment with framing, leading lines, and symmetry to create visually appealing shots.
  • Use the Rule of Thirds: Imagine your frame is divided into nine equal segments. Position key elements along these lines or at their intersections.
  • Focus and Exposure: Tap on the screen to set the focus point and adjust exposure. This ensures your subject is sharp and well-exposed.
  • Utilize HDR+ and Night Sight: These features can be a game-changer in challenging lighting conditions.

Editing Photos in Google Photos App

After capturing your masterpiece, use the Google Photos app to fine-tune your images. Crop, adjust exposure, apply filters, and more to achieve the desired look.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

App Crashes

If Google Camera crashes frequently, try reinstalling the app or clearing its cache. Ensure you have the latest version compatible with your device.

Compatibility Problems

If you encounter compatibility issues, consider checking for updates or seeking advice from online forums and communities.

Quality and Resolution Concerns

Adjust the settings within Google Camera to ensure you’re capturing images at the highest quality supported by your device.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How Can I Enable Camera2 API on my Huawei Phone?
    • Enabling Camera2 API requires unlocking the bootloader and potentially voiding your warranty. It’s recommended to research thoroughly and proceed with caution.
  • Can I Use Google Camera on Non-Pixel Devices?
    • Yes, Google Camera ports are available for various non-Pixel Android devices. However, results may vary depending on the device’s compatibility.
  • What Are the Benefits of Using Google Camera?
    • Google Camera enhances photo quality through advanced algorithms, especially in challenging lighting conditions. Features like HDR+ and Night Sight are particularly noteworthy.
  • How Do I Update Google Camera?
    • Keep an eye on reputable sources and forums for updated versions of Google Camera compatible with your device. Always download from trusted sources to ensure security.
  • Are There Any Alternative Camera Apps for Huawei Phones?
    • Yes, there are several alternative camera apps available on the Google Play Store that offer unique features and shooting modes. Experiment to find the one that best suits your preferences.


With Google Camera, you have the power to take your photography skills to the next level. By leveraging its advanced features and optimizing settings, you can capture breathtaking moments with your Huawei Android phone. 

Experiment, learn, and most importantly, have fun with this powerful tool.

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