How to tell if you already have the new iPhone 15 USB-C cable at home

In the tech giant’s latest move, Apple is introducing USB-C charging for the new iPhone 15.

Previously, the company stuck with its own ‘Lightening’ port chargers, with buyers insisting on using a different charger than any other smartphone.

The change comes after the EU passed a law requiring all consumer tech companies to use USB-C chargers by December next year.

But don’t panic yet: if you buy the iPhone 15, you’ll receive a USB-C cable with the product in the box.

For those who only use Apple products and don’t plan to upgrade, this means replacing cables – luckily the USB-C is very popular and you may already have one at home.

Pictured: A USB-C charger, which will replace Apple’s own ‘Lightening’ port chargers

What is a USB-C cable?

A USB-C cable is a popular type of connector used on many different electronic devices.

It stands for Universal Serial Bus Type-C and is largely used for charging and also for transferring data.

As the name suggests, it is becoming the standard connector for moving data and power on a wide range of devices.

The cable is already widely used for Android phones, but also for many other Apple products, including the latest iPad and MacBook models.

Now it will be found on the new iPhone 15s that were unveiled on September 12.

Apple has previously resisted calls to switch to USB-C, suggesting that forcing users away from the Lightning cable would instead create an “unprecedented amount” of electronic waste.

However, tech fans are very happy with the news, with one person tweeting: ‘And someone joked: ‘Android users will finally be freed from the embarrassment of asking for a charger and getting blank looks from everyone in the room because they are iPhone users. ‘.

Since it’s compatible with so many devices, this should mean users will have fewer cables causing clutter.

A USB-C charger (RIGHT) and an Apple 'Lightening' charger (LEFT)

A USB-C charger (RIGHT) and an Apple ‘Lightening’ charger (LEFT)

If you purchase the iPhone 15 (shown), you will receive a USB-C cable with the product in the box

If you purchase the iPhone 15 (shown), you will receive a USB-C cable with the product in the box

The tip is curved oval instead of rectangular like some other cables

The tip is curved oval instead of rectangular like some other cables

How do you know if you have one at home?

Due to their popularity, you probably already have a USB-C cable at home.

Whether it’s lying in an old box somewhere or used every day for some other gadget, it’s common enough that you should have one.

The USB-C is a lot smaller than USB-A, the most well-known type.

A big clue that you may have a USB-C is that both ends are the same, so whichever side you plug in is completely reversible and works the same way.

It has bi-directional power capabilities allowing power or data to flow in both directions.

The connector is a lot larger and wider than Apple’s ‘Lightening’ cable that users will be used to.

The tip is curved oval instead of rectangular like some other cables.

If you’re not sure, Google the product that came with it and it should tell you if it’s USB-C or not.

What devices use a USB-C cable?

Many devices come with USB-C ports, ranging from digital cameras, external hard drives, speakers and even some TVs – as well as most smartphones, laptops and tablets.

There are already USB-C ports on every MacBook Apple sells, as well as other devices like the iPad Pro and iPad Air.

So if you already have some Apple products, you probably have a USB-C connection somewhere.

Almost all Android phones use the cables and have done so for years, including Google and Samsung devices.

Most major laptops and computers also have USB-C ports, such as those from Dell, ASUS, HP, Lenovo and Microsoft.

Alternatively, if you have a digital camera, you might be in luck too, as most brands, including Sony and Nikon, make their devices with USB-C ports.