How to solve the Sacred Archives puzzle in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

You find one puzzle in the Sacred Archives in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. You’ll find four doors in the room – one in each quadrant – behind which you’ll find a series of increasingly challenging time- and mind-bending puzzles.

Us Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown guide walks you through all four solutions to the problem Sacred Archives puzzle so you can claim power in the final room.

Location of the Sacred Archives in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

Image: Ubisoft Montpellier/Ubisoft via Polygon

After you do the Shadow of Simurgh time force, a new path will open up for you to explore through the Sacred Archives. Eventually this path will lead you to the puzzle.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Sargon in the puzzle room in the Sacred Archives

Image: Ubisoft Montpellier/Ubisoft via Polygon

The room with the puzzles has five doors. The central blue door is blocked by glowing blue blocks. The other four orange doors are around it. When you first enter, only the bottom left door is active.

Sacred Archives door puzzle lower left solved

The first door you can enter is at the bottom left. It’s the simplest and friendly introduction to the concept of these puzzles.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown puzzle bottom left first Shadow

Image: Ubisoft Montpellier/Ubisoft via Polygon

Stand on the trigger in front of the relief of three people to start your cycle of three shadow clones. They’re all timed, so you have to be deliberate with your movements – and you can always return to the switch and press the left thumbstick to reset the puzzle if you mess up.

Jump onto one of the walls and then use Rush of the Simurgh to run to the opposite wall. You grab the switch and hold it down. Just wait for the timer without moving.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown puzzle bottom left second Shadow

Image: Ubisoft Montpellier/Ubisoft via Polygon

Mirror your actions on the next shadow clone. Start on the opposite wall and run to the other side to activate the other switch. Stay there until the timer runs out. With both switches down the gate opens.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown puzzle third Shadow bottom left

Image: Ubisoft Montpellier/Ubisoft via Polygon

At the last shadow clone, wait for your past self to activate the switches and then run to the left to get the first tablet.

Once you get it, two more doors will be activated: top left and bottom right.

Sacred Archives door puzzle lower right solved

The puzzle at the bottom right is a lot more demanding than the first.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown puzzle bottom right first Shadow

Image: Ubisoft Montpellier/Ubisoft via Polygon

For the first shadow, go to the right. Go past the floor switch and jump to the switch on the wall to the right. Hold it down for a few seconds and then Jump back to the left and stand on the floor switch. You want to land on the floor switch with about four seconds left.

Holding the wall switch will give you a wall that you can jump off with your next two shadow clones, and the floor switch will move the platforms above so you can climb out. Wait for the timer while using the floor switch.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown puzzle bottom right second Shadow

Image: Ubisoft Montpellier/Ubisoft via Polygon

On your second shadow clone, wait until the first clone pulls down the wall switch, then jump off the wall, onto the lower platform and then onto the wall switch on the left. If you hold that down, another wall will slide out for you to jump off. Wait for the timer.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown puzzle third Shadow bottom right

Image: Ubisoft Montpellier/Ubisoft via Polygon

At the last shadow clone, you’ll need to time your jumps to meet the walls controlling the previous two shadow clones.

Jump off the wall to the right and then wait on the horizontal platform. When the second shadow clone pulls the switch down, jump from the newly revealed vertical wall. If you timed it right, your first shadow clone should jump onto the floor switch at that moment. That will give you a new horizontal platform to land on, near the ceiling. Use it to reach the second tablet.

Sacred Archives puzzle solution top left door

For the upper left door, you need to use your Shadow of the Simurgh ability while you are a Shadow from the puzzle. It’s a bit baffling.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown puzzle top left first Shadow

Image: Ubisoft Montpellier/Ubisoft via Polygon

Activate the puzzle and then run through the rooms – climb up and to the right, change directions to go further up and to the left, and then drop into the U-shaped section on the left wall. You have to get about halfway up the wall before time runs out. Just before the clock hits zero, activate the Shadow of the Simurgh ability with the left shoulder button (L1/LB).

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown puzzle top left second Shadow

Image: Ubisoft Montpellier/Ubisoft via Polygon

Once the second shadow clone starts, use the Shadow of the Simurgh ability again. This will bring you to the end of the first run. Complete the climb and then cross to the right. There is a floor switch near the ceiling, on the right side of the room. Wait for the timer on the switch to go off.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown puzzle third Shadow top left

Image: Ubisoft Montpellier/Ubisoft via Polygon

For the final run, climb to the main room and wait on the wooden platform. When your second shadow clone lands on the switch, jump up to grab the tablet on the right.

Sacred Archives door puzzle top right

The final puzzle requires careful timing And using the Simurgh’s Shadow ability. It will take you a few tries to get both the positioning and timing right.

Before you start, head right and drop to the floor below so you can see where the puzzle actually takes place. There’s a switch in the middle of the floor that both activates a wide horizontal platform and opens a gate. The problem is that the port blocks your path to the tablet. You will need to place a Shadow of the Simurgh to the right of the gate and (usually) above the horizontal platform.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown puzzle top right first Shadow

Image: Ubisoft Montpellier/Ubisoft via Polygon

At the first shadow clone, run to the right and then slide down the left wall of the parachute. At the very bottom of the wall, jump off and then run to the right. Just past where you saw the gate open, drop your Shadow of the Simurgh. As soon as you land, stand on the switch and wait for the timer to go off. Try to note the time remaining when you press the switch.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown puzzle top right second Shadow

Image: Ubisoft Montpellier/Ubisoft via Polygon

For the second shadow clone, wait at the top to give the first shadow clone time to get to the switch. When you have about 8 seconds left, drop down and run over to land on the platform. Climb through the gate and press the switch at the top.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown puzzle third Shadow top right

Image: Ubisoft Montpellier/Ubisoft via Polygon

During the final run you have to wait again, but this time you go back to your previous Shadow of the Simurgh so you can wait anywhere. Once you see or hear the platform trigger, press L1/LB to return to the Shadow of the Simurgh you dropped during the first run. Wait there until your second shadow hits the switch at the top, then use the new vertical wall to climb up. The tablet is located in the upper right corner of the room.

Sacred Archives puzzle reward

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Sargon uses clairvoyance in the Sacred Archives

Image: Ubisoft Montpellier/Ubisoft via Polygon

Solving the fourth puzzle opens the path to the fifth door in the center of the room – this one is blue. Go inside and follow the path to the right to find another spring. This will give you the Clairvoyance skill. This allows you to switch between two different dimensions, helping you get past those glowing blue obstacles (and the Jailer).

For more Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown guides, check out our list of amulet locations and fast travel locations.