How to sleep better with hay fever symptoms: 5 expert tips

Spring is finally asserting itself – in the UK, particularly – and while for many of us the warmer weather and appearance of spring blooms and blossom is a welcome development, for some it means the arrival of seasonal allergies and hay fever symptoms, and that in turn can mean interrupted sleep.

Right now the UK pollen count is rated as very high, and if you’re prone to hay fever you doubtless don’t need us to tell you about it. Hay fever symptoms include sneezing, a runny or blocked nose, itchy, red or watery eyes and similar irritation in the throat, mouth, nose and ears. And while merely getting through the day with a full-blown bout of hay fever symptoms, getting through the night can be even harder, and even having the best mattress won’t make a lot of difference when allergies are making sleep impossible.