How to lose weight fast: Healthy Mummy client transforms her body and saves $2,000 on groceries


1. Don’t overload yourself! Start off with small goals and build your way up! E.g start with drinking a certain amount of water a day, or a 30 minute walk each day, or swapping your main meals for healthy ones from the site.

2. Get the family involved! If you’re trying to change your lifestyle alone it’s going to be almost impossible to stick to it! Go for family walks, pick meals everyone will enjoy and get the kids involved in your workouts!

3. I did the app’s fit beginner program, a park run every week, a daily walk with the family and short strength workouts at home.


1. Plank with ball roll

Starting Position: Start in a plank position with feet spread wide apart and arms directly underneath shoulders. Place a ball under your right hand. Keep your upper body strong and engage your core, while keeping your back straight. 

Execution: Engage your core by pulling your belly button toward your spine and roll the ball over to your left, cupping the ball with your left hand and placing your right hand down onto the mat. Next, roll the ball over to your right hand again, keeping your core and lower back strong and stable as you lower your left arm to the floor and return to the starting position.

2. Bicycle 

Starting Position: Lie on your back with your head and neck relaxed and arms by your side. Bend your knees and lift your legs into the air. Pull knees toward your chest and lengthen your right leg. This is your starting position.

Execution: Breathe in and out throughout the movement. Continue with a ‘riding’ type motion alternating legs

After the 12 weeks Emily saw her energy skyrocket and her health improve inside and out

3. Roll ups 

Starting Position: Lie flat on your back with palms facing downward and fingers facing forward. Place your arms overhead and your lower back firmly planted on the floor. Extend through your knees and engage your core muscles. 

Execution: Inhale and gently lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the floor. Then exhale as you pull your belly button toward the floor, round through your spine and lift your arms overhead and toward your feet, slowly rolling up to a seated position. 

4. Pilates Abdominal Swing 

Starting Position: Lie flat on your back with legs in tabletop position and place your hands underneath your thighs.

Execution: Inhale and bring your knees toward your chest. Exhale, lift your head and upper body as you roll forward slightly and lengthen your legs. Repeat exercise.

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