How to get the real ending to Dragon’s Dogma 2

The true ending by Dragon dogma 2 is the only way to enter the endgame, which offers the best upgrades, the coolest equipment and the toughest challenges. But the real ending isn’t it only ending for Dragon dogma 2.

In this Dragon dogma 2 guide, we will guide you through it how to get the real ending. We also show you – in case you’re the type who wants to know all the outcomes – how to get to the good and bad endings.

(Spoiler warning: This post contains major spoilers for the end of Dragon dogma 2.)

How to get the bad ending in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Image: Capcom via Polygon

The bad ending in Dragon dogma 2 is almost comically easy to obtain.

Once you’ve defeated the Great Titan in the quest ‘The Guardian Gigantus’, follow the marker all the way to the original prison camp you started the game in, on the southern volcanic island of Agamen. But before you do anything else, make a save inn at the nearby inn.

Once you’re done, climb the tower and watch the cutscenes. The quest changes to ‘Legacy’ and you’ll face off against the massive dragon that turned you into the Arisen in the first place. You follow exactly this path to get to the other two endings. But just because of the bad ending run away from the dragon.

Confirm with the boss that you are running and you will lose control of your character. You will then see the Royal Chamber of Vernworth, where you ascend the throne in a room that is almost empty. You’ll get some credits before the game sends you back to the main menu, where you can reload your last saved inn and try again.

How to get a happy ending in Dragon’s Dogma 2

The Arisen rides on the back of a great dragon in Dragon's Dogma 2

Image: Capcom via Polygon

Around the good end by Dragon dogma 2Follow the steps until you reach the quest “Legacy”.

Instead of running from the dragon, attack it with any weapon. He throws you on his back and flies you to the boss arena. Stay put and prepare for a fight.

When you land, simply deal with the big dragon as you would any other drake. Stab or shoot his head until his heart finally opens. If you see the heart open, strike it until its weak spot closes again. Repeat this process until he dies.

The Arisen walks into the throne room in Dragon's Dogma 2

Image: Capcom via Polygon

After the death of the dragon, you will see a new cutscene in which you, the Arisen, enter the royal court of Vernworth, surrounded by subjects. Here you can sits on the throne and waits so the credits roll by. When the screen fades, you will receive the ‘Peace’ trophy or achievement. This will take you back to the main menu, where you will now see that you have a new option to start with new game plus.

Now you can either start that new game plus and overwrite your save, or you can reload your inn save one last time to get the real ending and see the endgame (which will eventually force you to start a new game plus anyway) .

If you kill the dragon, go to the courtroom and decide you want to see the real ending instead. Talk to the Pathfinder (the ghost man) twice and he sends you back in time to when you were on the dragon’s back. You will find him sitting at the table in the throne room.

How to get the true ending in Dragon’s Dogma 2

The Arisen crawls over the exposed heart of the great dragon in Dragon's Dogma 2

Image: Capcom via Polygon

Before you head out to the true endingyou need to be absolutely sure of three things:

  • You have completed every mission you want and collected all the items you want
  • You have placed several portcrystals on the map
  • You are at least level 40

Once you’ve checked all these boxes, go ahead and make your way to the dragon and the ‘Legacy’ mission. When the dragon asks you what you want to do, attack him. Once you’re on his back, start moving forward along his spine and crawl toward his heart.

As you get closer, you will begin to feel your controller vibrate, and you will notice a large glow coming from both the dragon’s heart and your own. Open your inventory and look for the Powerful Godsbane Sword. Select ‘use’ and then press the attack button to ‘use on itself’. You stab yourself in the heart with the knife, killing both you and the great dragon.

You wake up in a version of the Dragon dogma 2 world map without water: the unmurdered world. Congratulations. You’ve finally reached the end game and the Dragon dogma 2 title card! Now it’s time to save everyone.

For more Dragon dogma 2 explanation, check out our guides on how to get more Wakestones, the best portcrystal locations or a list of all riftstone locations and effects. You can also view our interactive version Dragon dogma 2 card.