How to Get Rid of Possums Humanely

Possums are nocturnal, meaning they are most active when we are asleep. These annoyances can sometimes invade your property in search of food, water and shelter.  Thus, possum removal Melbourne is essential since these creatures may destroy insulation, damage electrical equipment, and pollute the environment with their fecal matter if they dwell on your roof. Possums may also create a lot of noise, especially when they’re around their buddies and families! However, the problem with these nuisances is that they are protected marsupials in Australia and one must possess a genuine license to catch them and remove them. Trying to get rid of these creatures by yourself might cause legal trouble. Therefore, you should engage in professional possum removal Melbourne services and let certified experts deal with the situation in the most humane manner.

Tips to Keep Possums Away From Your Property

While you cannot remove possums on your own, there are some preventative measures that you can implement in your lifestyle to keep these nuisances at bay. These tips are as follows:

1. Remove Food Sources:

Possums will be driven to your property if they can conveniently get access to food sources in it.  These food sources might be pet food kept outside, exposed garbage cans, or perhaps even fruit from your trees that has fallen onto the ground. Keep your pet food well-stored inside the home or in a solid, airtight container, keep your garbage in a trash bin with a tight-fitting lid, and pick up fruit from the ground as soon as it falls.

2. Use Possum Repellent Scents:

If you’re wondering how you can keep possums away from your property, you must be aware that there are certain scents that possums find repulsive.   Ammonia and mothballs are two examples. Place some ammonia or mothballs into a coffee jar and put it in your yard to safely repel possums. 

3. Remove the Shelter:

Possums will dwell in your premises if they find food, but they’ll only stay if they can seek safety and shelter. Opossums might seek refuge in stacks of firewood or bushes, as well as your patio or storage shed. To address the possum issue, store the wood indoors, wipe up brush piles immediately, and seal the access to the storage shed and beneath your porch. Mend all the holes and voids on your roof.

Why Hire Professionals to Remove Possums From Your Property? 

Is your sleep being disrupted by the frequent loud, unpleasant noise of possums in your residence? Do you have a possum in your private or commercial space and don’t know what to do? As per Australian law, you cannot capture or kill a possum unless you obtain a permit. As a result, hiring a licensed Dead Animal Removal company is your only viable option.

Possum removal experts in Melbourne understand the importance of possums to our ecosystem. That is why our highly trained professionals utilise only industry-best techniques to safely remove possums from your property, ensuring that neither you nor the possums are injured. Professionals use safe, eco-friendly and humane methods to easily catch the possum and will also provide you with some great preventative measures to keep possums from invading your property in the first place.

How Do Possums affect your health?

Possums, like all other rodents, can harm your health. They pose a significant risk to people’s health. These nasty pests carry a slew of bacteria that can spread and cause a variety of severe diseases in people. So, if you are dealing with possum infestation, now is the time to hire qualified possum removal Melbourne professionals and rid your place of these annoyances at once. 

Listed below are some ways how possums affect your health:

  • Possums are a carrier of several dangerous bacteria, viruses, and other infections due to their exposure to a filthy environment. Another reason they transmit these viruses is that possums are natural scavengers who feed on dead animal corpses.


  • They can especially infiltrate your pantry and kitchen and contaminate your food. Furthermore, possums readily spread germs and infections wherever they go in your house or workplace. Not only this, but they also spoil and pollute your property with their excreta.
  • Possums can carry a variety of dangerous diseases and infections. In reality, these diseases are hazardous and can be lethal if you do not seek quick medical attention. Possums can transmit diseases such as leptospirosis, flesh-eating ulcers, TB, and coccidiosis.
  • Possums, despite their looks, can pose a significant health concern. Possums not only disrupt your sleep but also inflict structural and financial damage to your property. 

So, if you’re tired of these nasty creatures wreaking havoc on your property, you must take quick action and employ immediate possum catcher Melbourne professionals. Highly qualified specialists can assess your property and humanely remove the possums from your place in no time. Skilled professionals have years of expertise and access to cutting-edge technology that allows them to efficiently deal with possums in minimal downtime. 

Stop the Infestation Today!

If you notice signs of possums dwelling on your premises and causing difficulties, you should contact a pest control Melbourne service today. Because professionals have decades of expertise in dealing with possums, they can quickly locate their place of hiding, carefully remove them, sanitise your property and relocate the possums to a safe habitat where they can flourish.

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