How to get out of jail in Dragon’s Dogma 2

You’ll probably end up in jail (or jailto use the correct spelling) at some point Dragon dogma 2. Maybe you snuck through a restricted area. Perhaps you were a human trying to unlock the Warfarer calling.

If you’re in yes-ahem, jail, you temporarily lose most of your inventory and become stuck in a locked cell. The game shows you that there are multiple ways to escape, but doesn’t tell you exactly how to do it.

Don’t blame us, but we’ve been to jail enough times to know exactly how to get out of jail Dragon dogma 2. Read on for an overview of all the methods, plus an explanation of how to get your stuff back when you’re finally out of the woods.

Bribe the guards

The game hints at this method the first time you are arrested. You can talk to the guards patrolling outside your cell as they pass by, and they will be happy to free you – in exchange for money.

They ask for a hefty chunk of change, usually 10,000G (according to our testing in Vernworth). At times when we had less, they went ahead and took the whole thing before letting us leave.

This is a reliable way to escape, but there are other methods of getting out of jail that are less damaging to your wallet.

Use a makeshift prison key

Image: Capcom via Polygon

Makeshift jail keys are single-use items that can get you out of jail. There are a few ways to find or acquire one.

  • If you are already in jail, look around the cell for a breakable jar. There isn’t always one around, but if there is, there might be a key hidden inside.
  • To cover yourself for possible prison time, you can also purchase makeshift prison keys from certain vendors. For example, Dudley at the entrance to Melve will sell you one for 3,000G.
  • Finally, you get a prison key (a permanent key that won’t break) at the start of the main mission “The Caged Magistrate”. If you plan on committing crimes, it may be worth starting that quest.

Even though you lose almost your entire inventory while in prison, the keys remain with you so you can use them to make a quick escape.

Although there are guards patrolling the prison, they don’t seem to be particularly bothered by refugees. Once you escape your cell, you should be able to run past it without any problem, as long as you don’t linger too long.

If they attack you, just keep running because you have no equipment to fight them. They will leave you alone if you create enough distance.

Breaking out – literally

Image: Capcom via Polygon

Some cells have breakable walls that you can punch through.

These lead to the sewers, where there is a fairly easy path to freedom to follow. You might even find some valuables here, so it’s definitely more cost-effective than bribing the guards. Who ever said crime doesn’t pay?

How to recover gear after breaking out of prison in Dragon’s Dogma 2

While you escape, you don’t have to look for a chest with your inventory. Once you reach safety, one of your pawns will return all your resources and equipment to you. However, you will have to re-equip everything manually.

For more Dragon dogma 2 Explanation: Here’s how to change your appearance, how to increase your inventory, how to load Wakestones, and how to find 30 Seeker’s Tokens.

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