How to get inspiration points in Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3as expected from a game set in the Dungeons & Dragons universe, the TTPRG experience with the Inspiration And Background targets systems that reward you for role play.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, attributes such as Strength or Intelligence are important, but they are not the only aspects of your character that matter on your journey. A character’s background is also an important feature that helps you pinpoint their motivations in the world. To reward you for knowing what they want in the complex and dense world of Baldur’s Gate, the game has the Inspiration Points system.

But earning Inspiration Points isn’t as easy as it seems. In this Baldur’s Gate 3 guide, we not only cover what points of inspiration are, but also summarize background goals that must be completed in order to achieve these valuable points.

What are inspiration points in Baldur’s Gate 3

In Baldur’s Gate 3your characters can earn inspiration points that can be spent on retake a skill test. In other words, you can use them to redo a failed roll.

Image: Larian Studios via Polygon

Just like in the TTRPG, you get a test when you try to perform an action. The success of your action depends on achieving an equal or higher number than the difficulty class for that particular situation, with a roll of dice plus modifiers.

If you get a lower grade or a grade, you are considered to have failed the test. If you have at least one inspiration point, you can spend it to try the throw again. While spending Inspiration Points doesn’t guarantee a better outcome, it’s still a useful tool that can save your characters in some situations.

Earning Inspiration Points in Baldur’s Gate 3

Now inspiration points are rare; you earn them only by performing actions that follow the principles of your character’s background, by completing them hidden achievements called background goals.

When you create a new character, you have to choose a background. These backgrounds can be thought of as archetypes that explain things like where your character is from or how they approach the world around them.

By choosing the action that best fits a character’s motivation, as determined by their background, you have the chance to complete one of their background objectives, rewarding you with experience points and an inspiration point. When it comes to your companions, since they also have backgrounds, they can also complete background objectives. You don’t need to actively control them to achieve the goals, but you do need to have them in your group.

It is important to keep in mind that you can do it alone carry a total of four points of inspiration. If you complete a background objective but already have four points, you only get the experience points. You can only complete each background objective once.

Baldur’s Gate 3 background targets

A menu shows the 12 backgrounds you can choose for a new character in Baldur's Gate 3.

Image: Larian Studios via Polygon

There are a total of 11 wallpapers for you to choose from Baldur’s Gate 3. This is by no means an exhaustive list (you want a trawl of a Baldur’s Gate 3 wiki resource for that), but rather a general summary of the wallpaper objectives you need to complete to earn inspiration points for each wallpaper:

altar boy

A altar boy character is interested in learning rites and ways of communicating with the gods in the temples where they spend some time. Performing actions to serve the gods or discover things related to them is a good way to complete the background objectives of acolyte.


A character with the Charlatan Background knows the art of manipulation and uses it as a weapon. When it comes to completing the Charlatan’s background objectives, you should focus on situations where persuasion is a key element, such as in scenarios where you can convince NPC to follow your command or twist the truth to trick them.


The Criminal has a past as an outlaw – the path they chose to follow to survive. A criminal’s background goals have to do with acting in a way that benefits from breaking the law.


A entertainer has the tools and knows the tricks to captivate and move an audience according to their intent. Because of this background’s intrinsic connection to art, one way to achieve the entertainer’s background goals is to act to preserve art and bring joy to the lives of the downtrodden.

Folk hero

The Folk hero is the ideal background if you want your character to be a traditional hero, one who fights tyrants to help the innocent. Therefore, Folk Hero’s background goals are related to rescuing people who are in danger.

Guild Craftsman

Aimed at sharpening a particular subject, characters with the Guild Craftsman Background are part of a trade guild and have built strong bonds with those who recognize the value of their art. When exploring the world of Baldur’s Gate 3choosing to repair objects or discover rare crafts is what will lead you to complete the background objectives of the Guild Artisan.


The noble has been part of the social elite and knows the taste of having power over the less fortunate. By following what your character has learned as Noble, they will complete their background goal by increasing their social status and gaining power and loyalty.


The Foreigner has grown up among the forests and learns from nature how to survive, instead of relying on the safety of civilization. Choose dialogue options or perform actions that enhance your character’s skills in surviving the hidden dangers in the wild if you want to complete their background objectives.


With the Wise Background, your character becomes a scholar, curious about the world and to learn about it. The background goals of the sage relate to discovering and reading rare books, acquiring the knowledge and knowledge contained in them.


The Soldiers prowess in combat comes from their training while serving a mercenary company or officer corps. To complete a soldier’s background objectives, look for opportunities to prove both their battlefield tactics and bravery.


The hedgehog has lived a life with very little, but has developed a few tricks to make the most of the situations. An Urchin character takes pride in what they’ve learned in their lifetime, so using their smart skills is the best way to achieve their background goals.

For more information about the classes in Baldur’s Gate 3, check out our overviews of the Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard classes. If you’re unsure about which one to choose, check out our guide on which lesson to start with.