How to dry laundry faster without a tumble dryer: Mums rave about the best cleaning hack ever

Mothers praising ‘brilliant’ but simple washing machine trick to get your clothes dry in half the time: ‘This is the best hack ever’

  • Cleaning fans say to run the laundry on an extra spin cycle
  • The trick makes washing dry much faster
  • They also recommended using a scoop of Lectric Washing Soda

Smart moms have discovered a neat trick to dry clothes super fast and leave your laundry looking sparkling clean.

They claim that running a load of laundry through an extra spin cycle gets rid of excess water and ‘cuts drying time in half’.

Cleaning gurus also said adding a scoop of Lectric Washing Soda to each load will remove stains and leave laundry feeling fresh because it apparently “softens hard water.”

Mothers are raving about the neat tricks online and while some swear by an extra spin cycle, others dismissed the advice as ‘wasting electricity’.

Many said that the extra spin is especially useful in the winter months and in humid weather, when it can take ‘days’ for laundry to dry.

A mom shared the “best trick she learned” that dries laundry in half the time. She said she puts her laundry on an extra spin cycle to get rid of excess water

“I’m not sure who it was that first posted/commented about re-spinning your laundry after a wash, but it’s hands down THE best hack I’ve learned from this page so far!!” said a mother from Melbourne in the Mothers who clean Facebook group.

‘Also add a scoop of Lectric Washing Soda to each load and my clothes have never come out better!!’

Dozens of group members quickly agreed that the two tips were “brilliant,” saying the drying hack was the “best” cleaning advice they’ve ever received.

‘Yessss I do this after every wash makes it so much faster to dry them!’ replied a mother.

‘Agreed! I also run the spin cycle after a wash and cut the drying time in half. One of the best tips I’ve gotten from this page!’ said another.

“I saw that tip pop up and started it a few months ago. It’s amazing, it dries so much faster on the line and in the dryer,” wrote a third.

She also said using a scoop of Lectric Washing Soda in each wash softens hard water and removes stubborn stains.

‘Bloody brilliant, I did this today because tomorrow is predicted to rain. All dry by lunchtime,” added a fourth.

Not everyone was convinced the trick was effective, as one woman said it was a “waste of electricity.”

Another claimed that spinning made clothes more wrinkled, but someone suggested “shaking everything well” before hanging it up.

“I’ve always had to do this. We don’t have a dryer, so laundry has to dry indoors on drying racks in winter,” said one user.

“If I don’t spin them a second time in the winter, they take two days to dry and end up with a horrible damp smell. I hate wasting electricity, but I just don’t have room for a dryer.’

Some wondered what Lectric Washing Soda, which can be found in most supermarkets, does to washing and many replied that it softens the water and removes stains.

Lectric Washing Soda can be used to reduce limescale in hard water and is known for its ability to dissolve grease and heavy stains on cotton and linen.

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