How to complete the Twilight Triumph in Destiny 2 Festival of the Lost 2023

You don’t even have to finish it Twilight Triumph as in Lost Remember – the latest reward and the biggest surprise in Fate 22023 Festival of the Lost has a Halloween event.

You can find Twilight Triumph in the General section of the Seasons of the Witch menu. The problem is that the goal is to triumph.”???“”??????” and “???????. If you want to add all black Remember to your fake weapons, you will need to solve this mystery first.

In this Fate 2 guide, we will show you how to unlock the “Twilight” triumph and complete its mystery objectives.

Complete Fallen Saber disguise Clovis Bray mask (???)

A map showing the slide of the Saber Strike in fate 2

Image: Bungie via Polygon

To complete “???“The goal is to unlock it for you Clovis Bray a mask that simply demands that I teach you how to advance the Eve Festivals of lost earnings. Follow the footsteps and decorate your Clovis persona Masquerader’s Helm.

With Clovis in person, open the Cosmodrome map, select Saber fell free from the map and complete

100 kills on Neomuna wearing the mask of Nimbus (?????)

An image showing the Guardian wearing the Nimbus mask in Scarecrow 2

Image: Bungie via Polygon

Start in “??????“Step up, you need to use it Cloud mask. To accept, the focus is one of the new Survival Engramsthan from the Haunted Lost Sectors. Once you have one, talk to Eve and open her focusing board. Select an option below Focused decoding section to complete the Challenge Event Card and claim the person.

Install the Nembus mask to your Masquerader stick and go kill 100 enemies in Neomuna.

Defeat 25 enemies in the Legendary Haunted Lost Sectors wearing the Gunner’s Mask (???????)

This last goal is a big pain in the ass, and it will take you longer than all the other goals, many times over. Consider hiring some senior friends to speed up the process. If you need more help, follow up Scarrow9see above.

Start in “???????“The first step is to get a new one Tortor mask You must do this to win C without charge and claim the Haunted Lost Sectors They roll their heads to challenge. With a max of 15 per run (which requires some coordination, so you’re likely to get around 12 in a circle with randoms). at least seven runsit should take you an hour or two. Unfortunately, this is a challenge currently bugged and only progress when you defeat the Headless Ones in the Legend Haunted Lost Sectors, which are more difficult and take more time.

Once you’ve swept through all of Uada’s Lost Sectors and killed the appropriate number of buffs, you’ll be able to claim the Gunner’s Mask. Install it on the Masquerader’s peg and crack the Legend of Haunted Lost Sectors. Wearing the persona of the Gunner, you must use it End over 25 enemies in Haunted Lost Sectors.

Once you’ve completed all three of these objectives, you’ll earn the Lost Remember. For that football, put in some fake weapon Enclave and then that weapon must be leveled. Finally you will be able to decorate exclusively all-black shader and Immaculate horror weapon title

Now it is uncertain how to remember more lost.