How to Complete All Salvation’s Edge Challenges in Destiny 2

Salvation’s Edge Challenges are mandatory if you Lighted up Triumph, which you need to get the new raid title Destiny 2: The Final Form, Iconoclast.

These challenges add an optional wrinkle to each encounter that you can complete for bonus loot. Challenges rotate per encounter each week, and only one is active at a time. This changes when a newer raid arrives and it enters the weekly raid rotation, where all challenges become available.

In this Lot 2 guide, we’ll show you how to complete each of the five raid challenges in Salvation’s Edge.

Remark: Due to the complex nature of these challenges, this guide assumes a general familiarity and understanding of the basic mechanics of Salvation’s Edge and the five encounters. If you’re unsure how an encounter works, check out our complete Salvation’s Edge walkthrough before diving into the challenges.

How to Complete the Substratum Challenge ‘Scenic Route’

Image: Bungie via Polygon

The Scenic Route Challenge applies to the first encounter in Salvation’s Edge, Substratum.

To spawn the Tormentor and progress the encounter, you must first kill an Overload Minotaur. Two Overload Minotaurs spawn each phase, one on each side of each team’s map.

However, the spawns are not consistent between teams. One team will always encounter their Overload Minotaur in the third room they reach, while the other team will always encounter their Overload Minotaur in their fourth room. To complete the challenge, You can only kill the Overload Minotaur that spawns in the fourth roommeaning that the team that encounters their Overload first (in room three) cannot kill their Overload.

You can tell which team has the Overload Minotaur in room four based on which team has Vex Hobgoblins in their first room. If you see those Hobgoblins, that means you need to move forward until you find an Overload Minotaur to kill. If not, be careful not to kill your Overload when you reach it.

The only real strategy change here is mindfulness. Make sure there is a player on each side responsible for counting rooms and checking for Hobgoblins. The biggest mistake condition here is the wrong team accidentally killing their Overload because they weren’t paying attention. You do need to make sure you stay quick in this encounter though, as this challenge will add anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds to your phases.

How to Complete the ‘At Capacity’ Dissipation Challenge

A Guardian banks in the Dissipation mission in Destiny 2's Salvation Edge raid

Image: Bungie via Polygon

The At Capacity challenge is for the second encounter in Salvation’s Edge: Dissipation.

To complete At Capacity, you can only dip your Resonance into the bank if you have x3 ResonanceIf you have less than that, the challenge will fail when you contact the bank.

When collecting Resonance on each side, have the player activating the Conduit only grab the one Resonance they need, and have the bouncing player grab three of each type of Resonance. Then activate the Conduit and have only the bouncing players dunk.

This strategy means you’ll only get nine Resonance per phase, which shaves about 15 seconds off a full refund. That does mean you’ll need to be quick in each phase for this method, but it’s much easier than alternative methods that have Conduit players running in other directions to grab bonus Resonance (which is a waste of time in and of itself). We recommend finding ways to speed up – like memorizing enemy spawns – rather than going out of your way to dunk bonus Resonance.

How to Complete the Balanced Diet Repository Challenge

A Guardian looks at the third encounter in Destiny 2's Salvation Edge raid

Image: Bungie via Polygon

The Balanced Diet challenge is for the third encounter in Salvation’s Edge, Repository.

The requirement for this challenge is that You can never pick up the same type of resonance twice in a row.

To do this, figure out what shape you need for your Conduit and work backwards. So if you’re a triangle, get the square and circle first, then get the triangle you need to dunk. It requires quite a bit more running than the normal method of just getting your shape, but it’s otherwise hard to fail if you focus on it.

The only problem here is that the challenge remains from room to room. So if you need the triangle symbol to dunk like in the example above, you won’t be able to grab triangle even after moving to the next room. If you’re having trouble remembering your last symbol, try writing it down in chat or a notepad nearby.

How to Complete the Verity Challenge ‘Varied Geometry’

A Guardian grabs a Darkness Pyramid in Destiny 2's Salvation Edge raid

Image: Bungie via Polygon

The Varied Geometry Challenge is for the fourth encounter in Salvation’s Edge, Verity.

This is by far the most complex challenge in Salvation’s Edge, and requires you to defeat Verity by using all six 3D shapes to escape before your team repeats shapesThis means that the first and third phases are normal, but in phase 2 you have to make some major adjustments.

To ensure that all of your indoor players escape with a different 3D shape than you used in the first phase, you need everyone to grab identical shapes. So instead of grabbing a circle and a square, the left player grabs two circles, and so on. The best way to do this is to have the inside players make the call they see inside — CST (circle, square, triangle), for example — and then shift it one to the right. So it would be: CST to TCS.

Once you have the call figured out, you can move on. The dissector player needs to match the outer shapes to the new, shifted call. So in the example above, the left would be a double triangle, the middle a double circle, and the right a double square. Simply follow the normal dissection protocol to swap the correct shapes into these locations. When you are done, you should have all three 3D shapes in their correct locations, which are based on the shifted call — triangle (pyramid), circle (sphere), and square (cube) in the example above.

A Guardian takes on a Knight in Destiny 2's Salvation Edge raid

Image: Bungie via Polygon

Indoor players have a slightly more complex task here, but there is an easy way to make it happen. Swap all the shapes until you own both shapes your statue started with (if you are the square player, become lord of the squares, as normal). Then pass the squares to the other players. Once everyone is done here, you must make one final swap to get two of the same shape.

In the example above, if you were to start as the square player, the middle player, you would do the following:

  1. Trade until you are lord of the squares and get rid of all your non-squares.
  2. Divide the squares over the circle and the triangle.
  3. Wait until you get a circle from the circle player and a triangle from the triangle player.
  4. Do not grab the shapes to make a cone as you normally would.
  5. Look at the new call and notice that your new position, after you have moved, is a circle.
  6. Pass your triangle to the left player and wait until you get a second circle from the right player.
  7. Once you have all the circles in your possession and the analysis is complete, walk out of the glass circle/sphere.

If you want a visual explanation that uses a slightly a different strategy than described above, I recommend looking at Datto‘s explainer video, featuring gameplay footage.

Keep in mind that everything in the encounter is normal except for the second phase. Once you get the hang of this new method, all you need to remember is to switch between the two.

How to Complete ‘The Witness’ Challenge Coordinated Efforts

A Guardian spawns The Witness glyphs in Destiny 2's Salvation Edge raid

Image: Bungie via Polygon

The Coordinated Efforts challenge is for the fifth and final encounter in Salvation’s Edge, The Witness.

To complete this challenge, you must break all six of The Witness’s seals (the buttons on his jacket) within a few seconds of each otherThis requires all six players to have Glyphbreaker at the same time.

The best strategy here is to break into two groups of three like normal. But instead of three runners and three enemy slayers, you switch roles once the first three hands are popped. The only thing to keep in mind here is that the first players to get Glyphbreaker need to keep an eye on their Resonance timers, because you will die if they expire. To get around this, let your most experienced Glyphbreakers go first and have them keep their Resonance below x3. When their timer gets close to zero, they just need to get another stack to refresh it.

Once everyone has Glyphbreaker, go to the center, do a countdown, and press all six buttons on The Witness at once—it’s best to assign everyone a button before shooting. Note that you have to break the seals in each stage at once, not just the first one.

Kill The Witness without messing this up to complete the challenge.

As you complete each challenge, you’ll unlock an individual Triumph on the Iconoclast Title Seal. You’ll then need to complete each encounter challenge on the Master Difficulty to earn the Lighted up Triumph.