How to combine pension pots to make investing cheaper and easier

Do you need to combine your pension pots? It can make retirement investing easier (and potentially cheaper)… but beware of losing valuable benefits

  • Many savers have at least two pensions and it is easy to earn much more
  • The higher the number, the more likely you are to lose track of them
  • Merging old pots can bring benefits, but there are also pitfalls to avoid

Savers often accumulate a series of pension pots during their working lives, but many never bother to combine their pensions.

With a combination of different employers, several pension pots can be built up and saved over the years for different personal pensions.

But the more different pensions you have, the more likely you are to lose track of them. And a clearing up exercise can reduce costs and paperwork and open up new options for retirement investing.

But pooling pensions is not always advisable because you risk losing valuable benefits. We look at the pitfalls to avoid and what you need to know about combining pension pots.

Tidying up: all your pensions better in one place?

Why do savers receive so many pensions?

Auto-enrollment is very successful at getting people to sign up for retirement, but a system built on inertia means that many employees are likely to end up with a collection of pots they barely know anything about.

The number of orphan’s pensions has skyrocketed in recent years and the financial industry launched an initiative last year to help people find them – here’s what to do if one of your old pensions is missing.

Retirement consolidation companies have sprung up to help people manage all or most of their retirements in one place, and this can be both cheaper and more convenient.

However, many people still tend to stick to traditional salary-linked pensions, known in the industry as defined benefit plans, because of the benefit of guaranteed income until you die.

There is usually a stronger case for merging new style defined contribution pensions, although there may also be good reasons to keep them where they are: tax benefits and valuable guarantees at the top, and exit fees at the bottom.

What is the difference between defined contribution and defined benefit pensions?

Fixed contribution pensions take contributions from both employer and employee and invest them to provide a pot of money at retirement.

Unless you work in the public sector, they have now largely replaced the more generous gilded ones defined benefit – or final salary – pensions, which provide a guaranteed income after retirement until your death.

Defined premium pensions are stingier and savers bear the investment risk, rather than employers.

What you should pay attention to when merging your pensions

1. Guaranteed annuity rates

If these are high, it may be worth sticking with an old pension and buying an annuity from it. Rates on this have been improving lately, even without a guarantee, as interest rates have risen.

You must get paid financial advice to move a pension worth £30,000 plus a GAR.

2. Guaranteed fund returns

These are rare, but it’s worth checking the fine print to see if they’ll benefit you.

3. Larger lump sums

With some older company pensions you can withdraw a tax-free amount of more than the usual 25 percent.

If you have one of these and want to withdraw a large amount in retirement – for home improvements, paying off the mortgage and so on – you may want to stay put. But if you don’t do that and the conditions of the old pension are not so good, you can consider whether moving is more advantageous.

4. High exit penalties

Most standard work pension funds today are low cost trackers. If you have a precious old pension with limited investment choices, you can weigh the benefits of moving despite penalties.

But exit fees are capped at 1 percent after you reach age 55, so it may be worth waiting.

5. Current employer contributions

You get free employer contributions in your current work arrangement and you don’t want to lose that money that comes into your pot.

What should you consider before dropping a final salary pension?

Before you waive this form of pension, you should consider the following.

1. They are the most generous and safest pensions available

2. Employers are responsible for closing pension shortfalls

3. A lifeboat scheme, the Pension Protection Fund, is there when companies fail

4. You get the full brunt of stock market volatility after you switch

5. Inheritance law rules are favorable, but can change.

6. Protected Retirement Ages

It depends on the plan rules, so check them, but you may not want to miss out on the chance of accessing a pension at age 50, especially if you have several others taking effect later.

7. Final salary pensions

Outside the public sector, generous final salary pensions that pay guaranteed income until you die, plus valuable death benefits to surviving spouses, have all but been wiped out.

Many savers in recent years have also voluntarily moved away from these traditionally safe “gold plated” pensions, tempted by huge transfer value offers, greater potential investment growth and the legacy benefits of defined contribution pensions – you’re not limited to bequeathing only to a spouse.

You are required to get paid financial advice if your transfer value is over £30,000, which is long-term protection against making mistakes that you can’t reverse later.