How to Clean Oriental Rugs: The Dos and Don’ts

Oriental rugs can add a touch of elegance to any room.

But, they can also gather dust and dirt over time. Cleaning these rugs properly is important to maintain their beauty. It isn’t tough if you know the right way.

If you don’t know how to clean oriental rugs, you’re in the right place. Read on for the dos and don’ts when cleaning these types of rugs.

Do Vacuum Regularly

Regular vacuuming is a simple but effective way to keep your Oriental rug clean. It helps remove dust and dirt that can dull the vibrant colors of your rug. Make sure to vacuum both sides of the rug once a week.

Use a vacuum cleaner with a gentle brush, and avoid using the beater bar. This can damage the fibers of the rug.

It’s a good idea to vacuum in the direction of the rug’s pile. You can check this by running your 

hand over the rug – if it feels smooth, that’s the direction of the pile.

Don’t Use Harsh Chemicals

Avoid using harsh chemicals on your Oriental rug. These can cause the colors to fade and damage the delicate fibers. Instead, opt for all-natural, gentle cleaners.

If you’re unsure about a product, test it on a small, hidden part of the rug first. Avoid using any kind of bleach or ammonia-based cleaner. These are too harsh and can seriously damage your rug.

Remember, a good rule of thumb is: when in doubt, leave it out. If you’re not sure about a rug cleaning product, it’s better to err on the side of caution and not use it.

Do Blot Spills Immediately

When a spill happens on your Oriental rug, act fast! Don’t let the stain seep into the fibers. Use a clean, dry cloth to blot the spill. Don’t rub, as rubbing can drive the spill deeper into the rug and cause it to spread.

Be gentle, but firm, and blot from the outside of the spill towards the center. This helps to keep the spill from spreading. Once you’ve blotted up as much of the spill as you can, use a little bit of mild soap and warm water to gently clean the area.

Rinse with clean water, and then blot dry. Make sure the rug dries completely to avoid mildew. 

Quick action can save your rug from permanent stains!

Don’t Scrub the Rug Vigorously

Scrubbing with a lot of energy might seem like a good way to clean a stubborn spot, but that’s not the case with Oriental rugs. Vigorous scrubbing can harm the delicate fibers of the rug, making them look worn and frayed. It can even drive the stain deeper into the rug, making it harder to remove.

Always remember to use gentle cleaning techniques when cleaning your rug. Instead of scrubbing, use the blotting method we talked about earlier. And remember, if a stain is too stubborn to remove, it’s always best to reach out to a professional rug cleaner to avoid causing any damage.

Do Use a Professional Cleaning Service

If your Oriental rug needs a thorough cleaning, hiring professional rug cleaners is the way to go. They have the tools and know-how to give your rug a deep clean without causing any harm. This is especially important for older or more delicate rugs.

Professional cleaners know just the right methods to use. They can remove tough stains without damaging the fibers. They also make sure your rug dries out properly to avoid mold.

Don’t hesitate to call in the pros when your rug needs some extra care. This can help your rug look its best and last for many years. You can check out this carpet cleaning company in Chicago to know more about what service providers like them can do for you. 

Don’t: Ignore Repair Needs

Ignoring repairs can be a big ‘no-no’ for your Oriental rug. Small problems can turn into big ones if you don’t fix them right away. This includes things like small tears, fraying edges, or loose threads.

If you notice any of these, it’s time to take action. Don’t just push it aside, saying, “I’ll do it later.” Later might be too late! You don’t want your beautiful rug to get ruined.

Get it fixed by a professional right away. They know how to repair your rug without causing more damage. Remember, taking care of small problems early on can save your rug and your wallet in the long run.

Do Rotate the Rug Periodically

Rotating your Oriental rug every few months is a great way to ensure it wears evenly. Think of it like flipping a mattress – it helps all areas get the same amount of foot traffic, sunlight, and use. 

This way, no spot gets too much wear and tear.

So, how do you do it? It’s easy! Just turn the rug 180 degrees. By rotating your rug, you can keep it looking fresh and new for a long time.

Keep in mind that a well-cared-for Oriental rug can last for decades. So don’t skip this easy step! It will make your rug last longer and keep it looking its best.

Don’t Neglect Underpad Cleaning

Just like your rug, the underpad needs some love too! When you neglect to clean the underpaid, dirt and dust build up. Over time, this can even damage your beautiful Oriental rug.

Here’s what to do: take the rug off the pad. Then, give the pad a good vacuum. Make sure you catch all the dust bunnies!

Use a mild soap and warm water to remove any stains. Let it dry completely before you put the rug back on.

A clean underpad can help your Oriental rug last longer. Don’t skip this step! It’s easy to do and makes a big difference.

Learning How to Clean Oriental Rugs Just Right

Knowing how to clean oriental rugs the right way will help maintain their beauty and longevity. With these dos and don’ts in mind, you can ensure that your rugs will be clean and well-maintained for years to come.

So start implementing these practices and give your rugs the attention they deserve! Your rugs will thank you for it!

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