How to catch an air and water sprite in one match in Fortnite

One of the quests in Fortnite requires you to do that find both an air and water sprite in the same match. These elusive little guys can be annoying to find, and if you’re not looking for them you might not come across them, making it a quest that you have to actively seek out (rather than one that is simply completed while you plays naturally). ).

Below we explain where you can find air and water sprites Fortnite quickly.

How to quickly find air sprites and water sprites in Fortnite

The easiest way to get both an air and a water sprite in one match is to go to sprite shrines, which are scattered all over the map. You can interact with the shrines and mark nearby sprites on your map. The water sprites are marked with a blue water-like icon and the air sprites are marked with an orange air-like icon.

We recommend going to an interesting place nearby, looking up and interacting with the shrine. If you’re lucky, both sprite types will be nearby. If not, grab whoever appears and then get in a car and go to another shrine. Repeat the process if necessary.

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