How to beat Chronos in Hades 2

Chronos is the hardest boss there is Hades 2‘s early access period. To kill him you’ll need a great build, knowledge of his moves and quick reflexes. I can’t help you with the latter, but I can certainly give you some advice about the rest.

In this Hades 2 guide, I will show you the best builds for Chronos. I will also give you some tips how to beat Chronos.

Best builds to beat Chronos Hades 2

Defeating Chronos is no easy task Hades 2. Regardless of your body type, you’ll need skills to take him down. However, you can use a few tools to make your battle against the Titan of Time much easier. Let’s talk about them.

Best weapon for Chronos

Let’s start with your weapon of choice. Technically, you can beat Chronos with any weapon in the game, but it’s best to prioritize range and speed. The Witch’s staff – the weapon you start the game with – offers a great mix of both, so I recommend you pick it up for your first real attempt at Chronos.

Best Arcana Cards for Chronos

Image: Supergiant games via Polygon

Many Arcana cards can help you against Chronos. However, in my first win, there are two I couldn’t have gone without:

  • I, the sorceress: Slows down time by two seconds while channeling Omega moves
  • XII, Eternity: Start each run with one Death Defiance

Chronos is very fast, the fastest boss in it Hades 2‘s Underworld route by a mile. It’s great to use Omega attacks against him because they are very powerful and they attack your Hex whatever that can Also cause him a lot of damage. The Sorceress helps you land Omega moves without getting crushed while you channel.

Eternity speaks for itself, as two lives are better than one. Chronos is the only boss during the Early Access period that has two stages, and being able to reach that second stage with a second life in your back pocket is extremely useful. (Plus, you can upgrade Eternity to provide even more Death Defiances per run.)

If you end up using some of the Boons I suggest below, Arcana cards that increase your Cast-likeness The Furies And The moon are also very good.

Best memories for Chronos

Image: Supergiant games via Polygon

Although there are Keepsakes that will help you range Chronos, one of them in particular will help you in the actual boss fight: Knuckle bonesthe souvenir you receive from Odysseus.

This Keepsake ensures that you take 15% less damage from Guardians (regional bosses) and ensures that the next Guardian you fight immediately takes 5% damage to their health bar, which is incredible. If you use Knuckle Bones a lot, you can also upgrade that burst damage.

Don’t pick up the Knuckle Bones memento until you enter the preparation zone for the final part of the game. As long as you have cast the ‘Kindred Keepsakes’ incantation, you can switch to the Knuckle Bones after defeating Cerberus so you can use it against Chronos.

Best blessings to Chronos

Image: Supergiant games via Polygon

Now that your weapon, Keepsake, and Arcana Cards are all set up, it’s time to decide which build you want to use against Chronos. This is definitely the most flexible section of this guide, but there is one type of build that I find easiest to use against Chronos: cast builds.

Favors that improve your Cast can give you a big advantage against Chronos. While he is fast and tends to step out of your charged throws if you time it poorly, he also stands still for long periods of time before some of his moves. (Your casting is great against the additional enemies that Chronos also likes to summon into his arena.)

The idea with casts is to run up to Chronos, put one on the ground, and then retreat so you can harass him with a long-range attack. If you have some of the more powerful cast-based perks, this should do most of the work for you. Make sure you have a way to restore magic mid-battle, as Chronos has a lot of health.

Here are some benefits I like to improve my casts with:

  • Storm ring, Zeus: Omega casts call down lightning bolts at an enemy within
  • Lightning Lance, Zeus: You can fire your cast from a distance and it deals damage when it hits a target
  • Arctic Ring, Demeter: Your cast continually deals damage to an area and freezes targets
  • Storm force, Demeter: Your cast creates a damaging ice tornado around it
  • Sun ring, Apollo: Whenever your Omega cast expires, you deal bonus damage to the area
  • Clear win, Apollo: While standing in your cast, quickly restore magic
  • Supernova, Apollo: Your cast is expanding rapidly
  • Rapture, Aphrodite: You cast drags enemies in and causes the weak status effect
  • Anvil ring, Hephaestus: Your cast does three damage, but in a smaller area
  • Smoldering Ring, Hestia: Your cast is constantly burning enemies
  • Glowing coal, Hestia: Launch your ranged cast like a fireball and deal damage
  • Easy shot, Artemis: An arrow flies to any target damaged by your Omega cast

Best Hex for Chronos

Image: Supergiant games via Polygon

Finally, let’s talk about what Hex you want to bring against Chronos. Ideally, you want something that does a lot of damage or makes you hard to hit, but also doesn’t slow you down. That really limits your options, so I usually choose one of these four:

  • Wolf howl: Get up and punch the ground, dealing some minor damage
  • Total solar eclipse: Blast the target area for a large amount of damage after a few seconds
  • Dark side: Become an impenetrable, living nightmare for a short time
  • Phase shift: Let everything move slowly for a few seconds

How to beat Chronos Hades 2

Once you reach the Titan of Time that sits in the depths of Hades, he will reflect on you for a while and then the battle begins.

As mentioned earlier, Chronos has two phases, so we’ll start with the first.

Chronos boss battle, phase one

Image: Supergiant games via Polygon

The moment the fight against Chronos begins, defeat his rat allies. Kill them clear the battlefield and then put some distance between yourself and the boss.

Chronos relies on a few head movements, but the most devastating is when he throws his cane like one circular saw blade. The hitbox on this attack is huge and will almost certainly hit you if you are on its side. The sweet spot here is behind him, but it’s a bit finicky, so I’d just try to stay away when he does this.

Image: Supergiant games via Polygon

His other major move involves him running or sweeping in one direction. These attacks are easy to avoid as you can simply move to the side or stand behind him. When he performs these moves, use them as an opportunity to deal massive damage to him. Remember, however, that the areas he moves and swipes through will explode after a short time, so don’t get caught in the delayed explosion.

Chronos will occasionally shield himself and throw himself into the middle of the room. Just avoid him or kill his enemies until he becomes vulnerable again. Sometimes, when he goes to the throne area, he starts turning his cane towards you in an attempt to suck you in. Run after him and just hit him when he does this.

Image: Supergiant games via Polygon

Eventually, Chronos will summon some flags that give him a shield. Destroy them before turning your attention back to the boss. Whenever Chronos creates a space that slows you down, make sure you stay out of it or he will catch you and deal significant damage before you can get free.

Keep beating up your grandpa until his health bar reaches zero. This is where he will admit that he has had enough of you and move on to phase two.

Chronos boss battle, phase two

Image: Supergiant games via Polygon

In the second phase, Chronos teleports you to a giant clock face. This part of the fight is much more chaotic than the first, but the boss doesn’t seem to have as much health as in phase one, so it evens out.

The first move Chronos usually makes here is to perform an area effect attack that deals damage everywhere in the arena except one of the numbers. Drop an Omega cast on him and quickly move to the number that is glowing. If you reach this safe zone before his explosion goes off, you’ll be fine.

Image: Supergiant games via Polygon

For most of this battle, Chronos will stand in the center of the clock, firing orbs or making lines appear in the arena. The idea here is to just stay away from anything that glows. Fortunately, the game usually tells you where to stand by drawing lines on the ground that mark the safe and dangerous areas. Pay attention to these markings on the arena and on Melinoë’s feet throughout the battle, as they tell you more than just the boss. Be careful and change your mindset back to phase one when he starts using his swipe and buzzsaw motions again.

Eventually, Chronos will summon a bunch of little hourglass minions. These guys are annoying no matter what you do. If you ignore them, they’ll throw explosions at you. But when you kill them, they leave effect fields that slow you down. Do your best to keep damaging Chronos while hitting the little guys with collateral damage whenever possible.

After half of Chronos’ health, this fight becomes extremely hectic. Do what you can to keep dealing damage to the boss while keeping an eye on your feet. Eventually his health will drop to zero and he will fall to his knees. You have it – at least on this flight.

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