How the Pentagon wants to cancel Thanksgiving and teach military kids that America is ‘stolen land’

Activists have uncovered disturbing teaching materials for the Pentagon’s 160 military schools that many military personnel find unpatriotic and even frightening.

The training manuals for the 8,000 teachers state that Thanksgiving celebrations have no historical basis and that America was founded on land “stolen” from the native inhabitants.

While not controversial to some, Adam Andrzejewski, who discovered the documents through public records requests, calls it a “perverse” way to educate military children.

His revelations come as Senate Republicans and Democrats clash over LGBTQ+ troops and other controversies surrounding the $886 billion defense bill.

Andrzejewski, head of the conservative watchdog, described a “secret effort within the Pentagon’s public elementary and secondary schools to introduce radical ideologies into the classroom.”

Military teachers are reminded that Thanksgiving celebrations, such as those held in a regular school, have no historical basis

Researchers at say military schools are engaged in a 'secret effort' to indoctrinate young people

Researchers at say military schools are engaged in a ‘secret effort’ to indoctrinate young people

“It is shocking that children are encouraged to put their complex identities above their shared American ideals, especially when it happens to military families,” he told

“It is a perverse way to approach children of military personnel who have deployed around the world to defend American ideals and principles.”

Aguilars' book states that

Aguilars’ book states that “the cruelty of colonialism has been erased.”

The military’s education department, DODEA, which operates schools in seven states, 11 foreign countries, Guam and Puerto Rico, declined to comment on the report.

With an annual budget of $2.26 billion, it educates approximately 64,000 students and pays 14,000 employees. has asked the Pentagon for copies of educational and training materials related to the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) program.

Department of Defense educators responded with a number of texts, including Coaching for Equity by California-based consultant Elena Aguilar.

Aguilar’s 416-page book tells teachers that America was founded on “stolen land” through the “genocide” of indigenous people.

Regarding the annual Thanksgiving celebration, she writes that there is “little evidence that this historic festival actually occurred” in the Plymouth region in the early 17th century.

But there is “plenty of evidence of the mass killings that white settlers committed against the indigenous population,” she adds.

“History has been sanitized and the cruelty of colonialism has been erased,” her teacher says.

“This perpetuates the power of white supremacy.”

Some teachers at military schools have spoken out about the

Some teachers at military schools have spoken out about the “Marxist leanings” of the Pentagon’s education chiefs

Kelisa Wing posted anti-white messages on social media while leading a Pentagon DEI unit

Kelisa Wing posted anti-white messages on social media while leading a Pentagon DEI unit

This commonly used education diagram shows the world divided into the

This commonly used education diagram shows the world divided into the “marginalized” and the “powerful,” with thin, well-educated, English-speaking, heterosexual white people at the top. asked DODEA whether the text was used by all teachers and whether it was consistent with official Pentagon thinking, but received no response.

Spokesman Will Griffin instead pointed to the “caring, supportive environment” at military schools, their “culture of high achievement” and their “dedicated teachers and resilient, hardworking” students.

Andrzejewski’s 16-page report describes other controversial teaching manuals that form the basis for lessons in classrooms on military bases.

Examples include Ibram Kendi’s How to Be an Antiracist, Comprehensive Health Skills for Middle School, and lesson plans from the left-leaning Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

Adam Andrzejewski says military children are being 'indoctrinated'

Adam Andrzejewski says military children are being ‘indoctrinated’

The health book advances the idea that biological sex and gender are separate — a view popular among transgender activists but disputed by conservatives and experts in the field.

According to the report, SPLC classes encourage students to become community activists and pressure corporations and politicians to achieve “social justice” for minorities.

The teaching materials also include the infamous ‘Wheel of Power/Privilege’.

The widely shared diagram shows the world divided into the “marginalized” and the “powerful,” with slim, highly educated, English-speaking, heterosexual white people at the top.

Students also learn about “racial bias,” “systemic racism,” “privilege,” and other ideas that align with the Black Lives Matter movement.

In themselves, these materials may not be a problem.

But Andrzejewski says they have flooded military schools and that it amounts to “indoctrination” of the children of those serving in uniform.

This isn’t the first time Pentagon teachers have come under fire.

The DEI unit was disbanded last year under pressure from Republican lawmakers after its then-director, Kelisa Wing, was accused of posting anti-white messages on social media.

The Pentagon's education department operates 160 schools in seven states, two territories and 11 foreign countries

The Pentagon’s education department operates 160 schools in seven states, two territories and 11 foreign countries

According to Andrzejewski, teachers are still teaching the same controversial topics, but they are keeping them under the radar.

Many parents support initiatives to tackle deep-rooted racism.

Others say that America has worked hard to achieve equality and that bigots are simply out to make white people feel guilty as a form of “reverse racism.”

According to a Fox News article, which did not name the teachers, teachers at military schools have spoken out against the “Marxist course” being taken by education directors.

They complained about ‘wokeism’ in teaching materials, which amounted to, among other things, ‘Chinese indoctrination.’

Senators are currently debating culture war issues as part of the annual passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

The latest version of the bill would ban the U.S. military from covering transgender surgeries. It would also ban the U.S. health care system from providing cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers and other sex-reassignment procedures to military children.