How simple kitchen object caused lengthy closure and $20,000 clean-up at Massachusetts swimming pool

A Massachusetts pool was forced to close in the middle of summer after a glass salsa jar broke, sending small shards of glass into the water.

Larger pieces of glass could easily be fished out, but the smallest pieces of glass were impossible to find and posed a risk to swimmers.

That meant the entire pool had to be drained and refilled, which cost $20,000.

On July 14, a pool visitor dropped the glass jar on the edge of the pool, sending shards of glass into the pool.

The Needham Parks and Recreation Department explained in a Facebook post how the Rosemary Pool had to be closed, and shared photos of the lengthy cleanup process.

A Massachusetts pool has been forced to close at the height of summer after a glass salsa jar broke, sending small shards of glass into the water. The water had to be drained

The pool's entire 220,000 gallon water supply had to be discharged into the city sewer system

The pool’s entire 220,000 gallon water supply had to be discharged into the city sewer system

The pool’s entire water supply (220,000 litres) had to be discharged into the city sewer and replaced with water from the local water supply.

“The problem is, if it breaks, it’s shards of glass, and those shards of glass are what we’re concerned about,” said Stacey Mulroy, director of Park & ​​Recreation. The Needham Observer.

“They can get into someone’s eyes or mouth or into someone’s lungs if they swallow glass shards. That’s a more concerning situation, and that’s why we have this very specific procedure.”

Pool managers reminded bathers that glassware is prohibited in the pool and stressed that the entire incident was “avoidable and unfortunate.”

Workers were on site for several days to clean, drain and refill the pool

Workers were on site for several days to clean, drain and refill the pool

A pool visitor dropped the glass jar that had fallen onto the deck in the corner of the competition pool on July 14, causing glass to spill into the pool

A pool visitor dropped the glass jar that had fallen onto the deck in the corner of the competition pool on July 14, causing glass to spill into the pool

The entire pool had to be drained and refilled, which cost $20,000

The entire pool had to be drained and refilled, which cost $20,000

The person responsible for the broken pot is not responsible for the cost of cleaning it up.

The person responsible for the broken pot is not responsible for the cost of cleaning it up.

“We understand that this closure may be frustrating for many, as it is for us,” Needham Park & ​​Recreation said in a statement.

‘We work as quickly as we can, but always keep safety in mind.’

Massachusetts State Senator Becca Rausch wrote on Facebook that because of the broken glass, the pool had to be drained, cleaned, refilled, the chemicals rebalanced and retested for bacteria.

“The entire community is suffering from the loss of our pool and also our wallets, all because one person decided to bring a jar of salsa to the pool,” Rausch said.

“Please do not bring a glass to the pool. It is not difficult to follow these and the other rules. They are there for our collective enjoyment and personal health and safety.”

While the competition pool was closed, the family pool could remain open all day

While the competition pool was closed, the family pool could remain open all day

Parks & Recreation Director Stacey Mulroy says there will be no consequences for the person who broke the glass jar

Parks & Recreation Director Stacey Mulroy says there will be no consequences for the person who broke the glass jar

The Parks and Recreation Department released a statement explaining what happened

The Parks and Recreation Department released a statement explaining what happened

The person who dropped the glass jar will not be bothered by it.

“This was largely an accident. This individual had no intention of doing this,” Mulroy said.

“It was a preventable accident, certainly. But we are not seeking retaliation for something that is not vandalism. Please remind people that we do not allow glass at the pool,” she said.