How our feet could look in 100 years

Here’s something that will keep you on your toes.

A self-proclaimed expert in all things future has predicted how our feet will develop over the next 100 years.

People can expect softer soles due to our desire for comfortable footwear, toes that are twice as long and sweaty feet to cope with the rise in global temperatures.

The findings come from Sports Direct and Manchester-based ‘futurist’ Tom Cheesewright, who is not an expert in physiology or evolution.

The pair looked at how feet could theoretically change in the future and used AI to visualize what they might look like.

AI-generated images created by futurist expert Tom Cheesewright provide insight into what we can expect our feet to look like in the next century

He predicts that our toes will grow long and our feet will get sweaty

These changes are caused by diet and environmental impacts such as climate change, air travel and a shift in lifestyle demands

Soft soles

Those who lived in many ancient civilizations needed sturdy soles to walk around barefoot all day.

But our growing preference for comfort – including soft socks and well-fitting shoes – could weaken the skin on our feet as a result.

Mr Cheesewright, who works with companies to explore how things may change in the future, explained: ‘We don’t spend a lot of time barefoot now, and when we do it’s usually indoors in very safe environments.

‘Nowadays we wear very soft socks and more and more comfortable and better fitting shoes.

“So the thick protective skin on our soles can thin, making our feet even more sensitive.”

Mr. Cheesewright expects people to spend more time jet-setting, or even space, in the future.

It comes after Elon Musk recently made plans to transport humans to Mars within the next five to 10 years and eventually establish a civilization on the planet.

Mr Cheesewright, who is also a broadcaster, speaker and writer, said: ‘We may be spending more time in the air or even space, which means we’ll have less pressure on our feet.

‘Moving in zero gravity requires more dexterity. Something that our new highly sensitive feet can help with.’

However, it will probably take much longer for changes in human physiology to take place. Humans’ physical traits have now evolved over 6 million years.

Longer toes

While our toes aren’t expected to grow to the same size as fingers, it looks like they’ll double in length, according to the AI-generated images.

Thanks to millions of years of progress, people spend less time climbing trees and more time running around parks to keep fit.

Research suggests the big toe — which is essential for balance and aids running — was the last part of the foot to evolve, as early humans spent more time on two feet.

The inflexibility provides efficient push-off force when walking and running.

Mr Cheesewright said: ‘It gives humans a performance advantage over our primate ancestors, allowing us to run faster.

“But it comes at a price: We can’t grab things so easily with our feet. It doesn’t seem likely that we’ll be living in trees again any time soon, so it’s unlikely that this adjustment will be reversed.

“It’s easy to imagine a future where running becomes even more culturally important, with social drivers around maintaining good health, looking good and staying fit in later life as more of us live longer, resulting in adaptations.” that give us longer toes for better performance.’

While he admits that 30 or so long, thin toes might look creepy, he says it will provide future generations with a performance boost for running and physical activity.

Experts have already predicted that our toes will undergo major changes in the future.

Dr. François Allart, a podiatrist in Quebec, has said that people can lose their little toes if their lifestyle remains sedentary. He explained that’s because it’s the “least important” toe, as it doesn’t have much impact on balance, walking, or running.

And Dr Matthew Skinner, a palaeoanthropologist at the University of Kent, said people could see their webbed toes if climate change forced them to live in the ‘water world’.

Super sweaty

The thought of incredibly sweaty feet can irritate most of us.

But this repulsive quality could be an important adaptation for our survival in the future.

If global temperatures continue to rise, our feet may need to develop more sweat glands to keep us cool, Mr. Cheesewright claimed.

When the body gets too hot, the brain tells glands throughout the body to produce sweat. As the water in the sweat evaporates, the surface of the skin cools.

Sweat glands can be found all over the skin, but are most concentrated in the soles of the feet, palms, armpits, and groin.

Mr Cheesewright said: ‘As temperatures rise, people will need different adaptations to help them regulate their temperature.

“Increasing the number and efficiency of our sweat glands would be a solution, leading to very sweaty feet.”

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