How Many Solar Panels Do You Need to Go Off Grid For Commercial Spaces?

If you are a business owner who wants to reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint, you might be wondering how many solar panels you need to go off grid for your commercial space. Going off grid means disconnecting from the main electricity network and relying on your own renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and batteries. This can give you more control over your energy usage, lower your operating costs, and improve your environmental impact.

But how do you calculate how many solar panels you need to power your commercial space? And what are the benefits and challenges of going off grid? In this article, we will answer these questions and provide some tips on how to make the most of your solar panel installation.

How to Calculate Solar Panel Needs for Your Commercial Space

To figure out how many solar panels you need to run your commercial space off grid, you need to consider three main factors:

Your energy consumption

This is the amount of electricity you use in a year, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). You can find this information on your energy bills or by using an online energy calculator. The average annual electricity consumption for a small business in Ireland is about 15,000 kWh.

Your peak sun hours

This is the number of hours per day that your solar panels receive enough sunlight to produce their maximum power output. This depends on your location, the season, and the orientation and tilt of your panels. You can use a solar irradiance map or a solar panel calculator to estimate the peak sun hours for your area. The average peak sun hours for Ireland range from 1.5 in winter to 4.5 in summer.

Your system efficiency

This is the percentage of solar energy that your system converts into usable electricity. It accounts for various losses that occur due to factors such as temperature, shading, wiring, inverter, and battery. The higher the efficiency, the fewer solar panels you need. The average system efficiency for an off-grid solar system is about 50%.

Using these factors, you can use the following formula to estimate how many solar panels you need:

Number of solar panels = (Energy consumption / Peak sun hours / System efficiency) / Solar panel wattage

For example, let’s say you have a commercial space that consumes 15,000 kWh per year, and you want to install 300-watt solar panels with a system efficiency of 50%. Assuming an average of 3 peak sun hours per day, you would need:

Number of solar panels = (15,000 / 3 / 0.5) / 300 = 333

This means you would need about 333 solar panels to power your commercial space off grid.

Of course, this is a rough estimate that does not take into account other factors such as your load profile, battery capacity, backup generator, and grid connection options. To get a more accurate calculation, you should consult with a professional solar panel installation company like Going Solar. They can help you design and install a customised off-grid solar system that meets your specific needs and budget.

Benefits and Challenges of Going Off Grid for Commercial Spaces

Going off grid with solar panels can offer many benefits for commercial spaces, such as:

  • Saving money on energy bills and avoiding price fluctuations from utility companies.
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing your corporate social responsibility.
  • Increasing your energy independence and security from power outages and blackouts.
  • Taking advantage of government incentives and tax credits for renewable energy systems.
  • Improving your brand image and reputation among customers and stakeholders.

However, going off grid also comes with some challenges that you should be aware of, such as:

  • Higher upfront costs and maintenance requirements for installing and operating an off-grid solar system.
  • More complex planning and design process to ensure optimal performance and reliability of your system.
  • Potential legal and regulatory issues with disconnecting from the grid or selling excess power back to the utility company.
  • Possible environmental impacts from disposing of batteries and other components at the end of their lifespan.

Therefore, before deciding to go off grid with solar panels, you should weigh the pros and cons carefully and seek expert advice from a reputable solar panel installation company like Going Solar. They can help you assess your feasibility, eligibility, and return on investment for going off grid with solar panels.

Tips for Making the Most of Your Solar Panel Installation

Whether you choose to go off grid or stay connected to the grid with solar panels, here are some tips to help you maximise the benefits of your solar panel installation:

  • Conduct an energy audit to identify and eliminate any sources of energy waste in your commercial space.
  • Choose high-quality solar panels that have a long warranty, high efficiency, and low degradation rate.
  • Install a smart meter or monitor to track your energy production and consumption in real time.
  • Optimise the orientation and tilt of your solar panels to capture the most sunlight throughout the year.
  • Clean and maintain your solar panels regularly to prevent dust, dirt, and debris from reducing their output.
  • Consider adding a battery storage system or a backup generator to store excess power and provide backup power in case of emergencies.
  • Explore the possibility of combining solar panels with other renewable energy sources, such as wind or hydro, to increase your energy diversity and resilience.


Going off grid with solar panels can be a great way to save money, reduce emissions, and increase your energy independence for your commercial space. However, it also requires careful planning, design, and installation to ensure optimal performance and reliability. That’s why you should work with a professional solar panel installation company like Going Solar. They have the experience, expertise, and equipment to help you go off grid with solar panels smoothly and successfully.

If you are interested in going off grid with solar panels for your commercial space, contact Going Solar today for a free consultation and quote. They will help you find the best solution for your needs and budget.


What is the average number of solar panels needed for a commercial space?

The number can vary greatly depending on the energy consumption of the commercial space. A detailed energy audit can provide a more accurate estimate.

Can a commercial space completely go off-grid with solar panels?

Yes, it’s possible for a commercial space to go completely off-grid with solar panels, but it requires a well-designed system and potentially a form of energy storage like batteries.

What factors influence the number of solar panels needed for a commercial space?

Factors include the geographical location, the amount of sunlight received, the size and orientation of the roof, and the energy consumption of the commercial space.

How much does it cost to install solar panels in a commercial space?

The cost can vary depending on the size of the system, the type of solar panels used, and installation costs. It’s best to get a quote from a reputable solar panel installation company like Going Solar.

What are the benefits of going off-grid with solar panels in a commercial space?

Benefits include reduced energy costs, increased energy independence, and potential environmental benefits due to reduced reliance on fossil fuels.

How long does it take for solar panels to pay for themselves in a commercial setting?

The payback period can vary but is typically between 5-10 years depending on local electricity rates and the cost of the system.

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