How many MORE gaffes can we expect during Biden’s 2024 run?

President Joe Biden’s brand is folksy at best and creepy and ridiculous at worst, as his decades in politics have been marked by a number of notable blunders.

From calling out to a deceased congressman during a speech to suggesting he has cancer, charted some of Biden’s most awkward moments during his past presidential election and his time in the White House as he launches his 2024 reelection bid.

In the past, even some of his staunchest allies have expressed concern about whether his propensity for blunders could affect his political future.

Former President Barack Obama reportedly told a Democrat during Biden’s 2020 run, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to screw things up.” according to politics.

Republicans are demanding President Joe Biden apologize after asking a crowd at a hunger conference to nominate Republican delegate Jackie Walorski — nearly two months after she died in a car crash in Indiana

Neera Tanden, who now works in the Biden White House, sang a similar tune when Biden contemplated a primary bid for Hillary Clinton in 2016.

“The beauty of a Biden run is that it would make Hillary look so much better,” Tanden told John Podesta, another Clinton-turned-Biden advisor, in a hacked email distributed by Wikileaks.


Biden was elected to the U.S. Senate at age 29 and made his first presidential bid at age 44 in 1987.

Had he been elected president, he would have become the second-youngest person to take office after President John F. Kennedy.

But just three months later, his campaign was derailed by a plagiarism scandal when Biden failed to mention British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock during two speeches. Rather, he remembered to use Kinnock’s name.

That blunder cost him his first chance at the White House in 1988.

It wasn’t until two decades later that he would run again.


Biden ran for the White House for the second time in 2008.

He started that race with an eyebrow-raising compliment about the man who would eventually put him on the ticket.

“I mean, you’ve got the first mainstream African-American who’s articulate and smart and clean and a nice guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man,” Biden said as he filed his paperwork to launch his second presidential campaign on Jan. 31, 2007.

The comment was taken as racist. Biden later apologized and said he was taken out of context.

But Biden had already gotten into trouble leading up to his July 2006 announcement, saying, “You can’t go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

And when Biden ran for the White House in the 2020 cycle, he was criticized by Senator Cory Booker, a 2020 hopeful who is black, for talking about how “politeness” prevailed in the Senate despite some members of the Democratic Party. Party segregationists.

Put on the spot, Biden refused to apologize.

“Apologies for what?” said the former vice president. “Cory should apologize. He knows better. There is not a racist bone in my body. I’ve been involved with civil rights my entire career.”


After his bid for the White House crumbled in 2008, Biden was given another chance at a political promotion.

In August 2008, Democratic nominee Obama announced his decision to put Biden, then 65, on the ticket as his vice presidential choice.

few weeks in, The New York Times profiled Biden on the campaign trail, noting that while the then senator was “an experienced, earnest, and smart man,” he still “says something curious.”

The author later described Biden as a “verbal wrecking crew.”

The most chilling part: Asking Senator Chuck Graham of Missouri State to stand.

“Chuck, stand up, let the people see you,” the hopeful vice president said at the time. He soon realized that the now-deceased Graham used a wheelchair. ‘Oh, God loves you. What am I talking about?’ Biden mused.

Biden made an equally awkward mistake back in September when he said “Where’s Jackie?” called out. at the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health.

He was referring to Representative Jackie Walorski, who was killed in a car accident in August.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tried to explain away the blunder, saying that Biden “recognized her incredible work” and that she was “on top of mind,” rather than saying that the president had killed her. forgot or that there was staff error.


Once Obama and Biden got into the White House, fixing health care was a top priority — and the Democrats got it done with the passage of the Affordable Care Act.

The most memorable moment of that signing: the four-letter word that came out of the vice president’s mouth.

“This is a big deal,” Biden told Obama, his phrasing picked up by the hot mike.

Cut to his own presidency and the president has used colorful language.

“What a stupid son of a bitch,” Biden remarked in January 2022, after hearing a question from Fox News’ Peter Doocy.

Joe Biden called a student at his town hall on Sunday a

Joe Biden called a student at his town hall on Sunday a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier.” The comments came after Biden asked the student if she had been to a caucus before


In addition to his occasional struggles with the press, the president has also had some not-so-normal interactions with members of the public.

During his 2020 campaign, Biden called a woman a “lying dog-headed pony soldier” when she told him she had been to a presidential caucus.

In July 2022 at the White House, Biden told the father of a Parkland shooting victim to “sit down” during a celebration marking the passage of bipartisan gun legislation.

“You’ll hear what I have to say,” the president told Manuel Oliver, who harassed the president for not doing more to curb gun violence.

To add insult to injury, Biden said the Parkland Massacre happened in 1918 rather than 100 years later.


During his tenure, Biden has made bold announcements about Russia and China — prompting White House staff to backtrack on them.

Speaking in Warsaw, Poland in March 2022, Biden said he was for regime change in Russia.

“This man can’t stay in power for God’s sake,” he said of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Almost immediately, a White House official told reporters that Biden was not serious.

“He wasn’t talking about Putin’s power in Russia or regime change,” an anonymous aide said.

Two months later, the White House was forced to play take-backs again after Biden told journalists “yeah…that’s a commitment we made,” when asked if the US would militarily defend Taiwan if China invaded.

Biden appeared at a press conference in Tokyo, Japan, when he explained that “the idea that [Taiwan] can be taken by force… just isn’t appropriate. It will disrupt the whole region and be another action similar to what happened in Ukraine.”

The next day, Biden insisted that he would not change US policy on Taiwan.


In July, in a climate change speech, Biden casually told a crowd that he had cancer.

“You had to put your windshield wipers on to literally get the oil slick off the windshield,” he said of his childhood, growing up around refineries. “That’s why I, and so damn many other people I grew up with, have cancer.”

The White House was boasting by saying that Biden was referring to “non-melanoma skin cancers” he had years ago — but it was unclear why the president used the present tense.

Earlier this year, the White House said Biden had a skin lesion removed from his chest called a basal cell carcinoma, a common form of skin cancer.

The White House physician said no further treatment was necessary.

The president also spoke in strange detail several times about surviving skull aneurysms in 1988.

“They had to cut off the top of my head a few times to see if I had a brain,” the president joked at an event last month.

Speaking about his hospitalization a month earlier, he claimed he had a nurse who would breathe on him while he was recovering.

“I had a nurse named Pearl Nelson. She came in and did things I don’t think you learn in nursing school,” he said. “She whispered in my ear, I couldn’t understand it, but she whispered and leaned forward. And actually breathe on me to make sure there was a connection, a human connection.”

While departing Joint Base Andrews for Atlanta, the president fell onto the steps of Air Force One in March 2021.  He's already tripped up the stairs twice this year

While departing Joint Base Andrews for Atlanta, the president fell onto the steps of Air Force One in March 2021. He’s already tripped up the stairs twice this year

Secret Service agents help Biden to his feet after his foot became trapped and he fell sideways off his bicycle at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

Secret Service agents help Biden to his feet after his foot became trapped and he fell sideways off his bicycle at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware


Several months into his administration, Biden lost his footing.

As he departed from Joint Base Andrews for Atlanta, the president fell onto the steps of Air Force One.

This year he fell on the stairs again, twice in a few weeks.

The first was when he boarded the plane after his whirlwind, secret trip to Ukraine — which included a 10-hour train journey in and out of Kiev — and a speech in Warsaw. He soon stumbled again when he left Selma, Alabama, in March.

And in June, Biden memorably got his foot caught in his toe clip and fell sideways off his bike while greeting spectators in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.