How Many Clients Can You See Each Day as a Window Cleaner in Chicago?

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Getting involved in window cleaning in Chicago is like a dance – the more clients you can dazzle each day, the fancier the moves you’ve got to pull off. It’s all about experience, tackling those big and intricate jobs, and mastering the art of shining windows in every location.

Factors that Affect Number of Clients


If you’re just starting out in the window cleaning game, you might only have a handful of clients per day. But fear not, because mastering this gig takes time. So keep scrubbing those panes and soon you’ll be a pane-omenal pro. You gotta get cozy with all the fancy techniques and tools. With experience, you’ll be zooming through tasks, taking on more clients like a boss.

Size and Complexity of Job

The number of clients you can see per day depends on the size and complexity of the job. Bigger and trickier tasks are like marathons, taking more time to finish. So, if you’re cleaning the windows in a massive office building with hundreds of windows, get ready to sprint like a champion! But hey, if it’s just a small storefront, it’s more like a breeze.


The location you work in plays a big part in the number of clients you can see per day. In bustling cities like Chicago, the demand for window cleaners is sky-high, with countless buildings and businesses in need. Amidst the sea of competition, securing clients is like finding a streak-free shine amidst smudges. It takes skill, determination, and a splash of window-wizardry!

Tips for Increasing Your Client Base


Looking to expand your client base? It’s time to channel your inner advertising genius! From crafting jaw-dropping flyers to conquering the social media kingdom, and even constructing a mind-blowing website to showcase your awesomeness. The possibilities are as limitless as your imagination. By promoting yourself and your services, you’ll attract an army of potential clients and conquer the market like a boss. Let your advertising superpowers shine.

Provide Quality Service

Word of mouth is like a secret weapon in the service industry. Deliver exceptional service, and your clients will become your biggest fans, spreading the word faster than a viral video. Get ready for referrals to flood in and watch your client base soar to the stars!

Expand Your Services

Why stop at just your regular services? Add some sparkle to your business with gutter cleaning and pressure washing. It’s not just about attracting new clients, but also unlocking upselling opportunities with your existing ones. With expanded services, you’ll be swimming in revenue and riding a wave of clients every single day.

In a nutshell, the number of clients a window cleaner in Chicago can tackle per day is as elusive as a unicorn. However, factors like experience, time management skills that would make a ninja green with envy, and marketing genius can help you level up your client base and conquer this profession like a boss. Keep those squeegees sparkling and success will be in your reflection. So go ahead, unleash these tips into the wild, and watch the floodgates of clients swing wide open.