How Long Can You Survive With Liver Cancer?


The liver is the largest internal organ located under the ribs just beneath the right lung. This organ is made up of cells known as hepatocytes, and it consists of two lobes. The bile duct is lined by a few cells, and it carries bile from the liver to the gallbladder or intestine. The development of cancer cells in the liver is termed primary liver cancer but many times, cancer arises from different parts of the body including the stomach, breast, etc., and spread to the liver. As the cancer spreads from its primary site, it is known as secondary liver cancer or metastases.

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With advanced technology and treatment, more people are living longer, and living well with lung cancer. People can survive approximately one to ten years with this disease depending upon their condition of the individual, and the stage of Liver Cancer. The most successful treatment option after medications include the removal of the tumor and some of the healthy tissues nearby. It is one of the most potent disease-directed therapies, particularly for patients with healthy livers and tumors that can be removed from the liver without risk. A patient experiences enhanced chances of survival and a better quality of life.

Liver Cancer Treatment Success Rate In India

During the early stage of liver cancer, the cells are localized, and not spread anywhere inside the body. It is necessary to remove the cancerous liver cells timely to avoid any complications. Stage 1 liver cancer has a high survival rate while stage 4 liver cancer has a low survival rate. The success rate varies by modality. Cancer treatment provides an approximate success rate of about 90% or more in transplantation and an 80% chance for cancer-free survival for up to 4-5 years.

Factors Affecting The Success Rate Of Liver Cancer Treatment In India

There are several factors that may affect the success rate of liver cancer treatment such as the stages of cancer, how well the treatment plan works, and the patient’s overall health given below:

  • Stage of cancer: The more extensively cancer has spread from the initial site, the more difficult it becomes to treat. Stage 1 cancer, its early detection, and prognosis are simpler than the detection, and treatment of metastatic cancer including later cancer stages found in different parts of the body.  
  • Patient’s age and health: The overall health of the patient is analyzed before the initiation of the treatment procedure. Age also has an impact, as certain tumors are more susceptible to appearing in elderly patients.
  • How well the treatment plan works: The plan for surgery must go well to lead a patient towards reaching their therapeutic goals, progress towards recovery, and attain a  better quality of life. The success rate depends upon the proper execution of a treatment plan decided according to the stage of cancer, the condition of the patient, and various other important aspects. 

How Do I Select a Hospital in India for Liver Cancer Treatment?

Choosing the Best Cancer Hospitals In India is very important. The selected hospital must offer a multidisciplinary approach that must be equipped with the latest technology, and modern equipment used for cancer treatment. This approach will give patients access to well-trained, highly skilled, and dedicated units of cancer treatment including medical oncologists, specialist surgeons, and radiation oncologists.

Why Do Individuals Opt For Liver Cancer Treatment In India?

An individual must choose a country that offers great facilities, board-certified doctors, and a high success rate of treatment at affordable prices. India provides modern healthcare solutions with advanced high-tech tools and equipment. These top-notch facilities have attracted many foreign people to get their liver cancer treatment done in India. The cost of treatment is almost half in comparison to other developed countries like the US, Singapore, the UK, and Germany. Liver Cancer Treatment Cost In India is affordable and budget-friendly. The precise cost of a liver cancer transplant depends upon the choice of hospital, condition, and location of the patient.

How Can Medsurge India Help? 

Medsurge India provides holistic medical healthcare assistance, and travel services to health-seeking individuals and their families. It is a reputable support system for patients that are looking for doctors, hospitals, and specialized treatments. We offer treatment facilities such as budget-friendly Cost of Cancer Treatment in India and also assist patients with obtaining travel authorizations, medical visas, and other accommodations.