How does YOUR town stack up? Study reveals the UK’s mobile phone scam HOTSPOTS


Known for its cheese, silks and prosperous footballers, Cheshire now has another claim to fame as it has been named the UK’s mobile phone fraud hot spot.

A new report from has revealed how fraud cases differ in Britain.

Cheshire leads the list with 24.9 reports of mobile fraud per 100,000 people between 2019 and 2022.

This is closely followed by Greater London, Cambridgeshire and Surrey, while North Yorkshire came in fifth. mobile expert, Rehan Ali said, “Anyone can fall victim to fraudsters. Even if you know what to look for, you can still get caught by sophisticated scams.”

A new report from has revealed how fraud cases differ in Britain. Cheshire leads the list, with 24.9 reports of mobile fraud per 100,000 people between 2019 and 2022

It’s famous for its cheese, silks and prosperous footballers, and now Cheshire has another claim to fame as it’s been named the UK’s mobile phone fraud hot spot

In the study, Uswitch Action Fraud analyzed data on the number of mobile phone fraud cases over the past four years.

While Cheshire topped the list, it was closely followed by London (24.6 reports per 100,000 people), Cambridgeshire (24.2 reports per 100,000 people), Surrey (23.3 reports per 100,000 people) and North Yorkshire ( 23 reports per 100,000 people).

Uswitch also looked at the age groups most likely to be targeted by scammers.

You would think that it is the older age groups that are the most victims of mobile phone fraud, but the results showed that it was precisely the 50-59 year olds.

“Although this demographic accounts for 14% of the total UK population, it made up 20% of all mobile fraud reports between 2019 and 2022,” said Uswitch.

People aged 40-49 were the second most affected (18 percent of reports), followed by those aged 60-69 (17 percent of reports).

Overall, there was a 53 percent drop in reports of mobile phone fraud.

However, Uswitch warns that new, more sophisticated scams are emerging all the time.

You would think that it is the older age groups that are the most victims of mobile phone fraud, but the results showed that it is precisely the 50-59 year olds

Overall, there was a 53 percent drop in reports of mobile phone fraud. However, Uswitch warns that new more sophisticated scams are emerging all the time (stock image)

“Crooks use a number of tricks to target your mobile, such as missed call scams, SMS scams, phone insurance scams and SIM swap fraud,” said Mr. Ali.

SIM swap fraud means that hackers gain control of your mobile number to receive all texts and calls intended for you, including one-time security codes.

“Although the study shows that mobile fraud cases fell by half last year, new scams are emerging all the time.”

If you have been a victim of a scam, Mr. Ali recommends reporting it to the authorities immediately.

“If you have transferred money to a scammer in the last 24 hours, or the scammer is in your area, call the police on 101,” he said.

All scams must be reported to Action Fraud. This can be done online or by calling 0300 124 2040.

You should also report a scam to Citizens Advice, who will pass details of the scam to Trading Standards, who will then decide whether to investigate the matter further.

“Reporting mobile phone scams is essential. You can help prevent other people from falling victim to fraud.

And remember, scams can happen to anyone. So please don’t be ashamed if you fall victim to it.”

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