How do marketplaces work in Manor Lords?
Marketplaces in Landlords All the items your village needs to survive (such as firewood, food and clothing) are distributed here. They are not a way to make money. Your first exposure to these substances will likely be when you receive a warning stating that there is a “family asks for more market area for their stall.”
Our Manor Lords marketplace guide explains how marketplaces work to distribute food, fuel and clothing.
How marketplaces work in Manor Lords
To upgrade your burglar plots in Landlordsthese plots need access to a marketplace that is supplied with fuel, food and clothing. Building a marketplace is freeand any family who wishes can set up a stall at that market free of charge.
Stalls in a marketplace sell a mix of goods in one of those same three categories fuel, food and clothing. It’s unclear what drives a family to set up a stall in the market, but generally it just happens when you build up a surplus of a certain type of good.
Marketplaces are based on priority, not proximity
Marketplaces offer the Burgage Plots around what is for sale within. But just the presence of a marketplace and stalls is not enough. Each family – and remember that there can be multiple families on each burglary plot – requires one fuel and one food per month (in winter, from December to February, they need two fuel per month).
What is available at a marketplace is collected by families from the surrounding Burgage Plots and not distributed among them. This means that the distribution is not even across all plots. It’s more of a first-come, first-served situation (and those closer just happen to get there first).
To keep everyone happy and meet their needs – both to avoid losing your approval and to upgrade burglary plots – you need to have enough food and enough types of food so that everyone can get it from the market before the plots closest are. come to the market and come back for the next month’s supplies. For example, in the image above you can see that almost everyone picked up vegetables this month (except for the furthest plots), but only the few plots directly adjacent to a marketplace received berries.
The requirements to upgrade a plot are not one-time checks. Those plots require these goods every month thereafter. For example, an upgrade from Level 1 to Level 2 means that the food requirement for that burglary plot increases by one food per family per month.
Why don’t my goods go to the market?
As with everything in it Landlords, keeping everyone fed requires a lot of moving pieces. Just growing or making food doesn’t always mean it ends up in the market and then into your foreclosure plots (and then into the bellies of your families).
First check your granary And warehouse. Everyone will automatically drop their goods in there (each stores different types of food), but that doesn’t mean it will reach a market stall. Maybe you should assign one family (or more, as your town grows) to the Granary and Warehouse. These families both collect items to store, but also set up stalls to sell those items.
Additionally, check your trading post (if you have one). When you establish a trade route, you establish one desired surplus. This way you can be sure that you are not exporting goods that you want to keep. This desired surplus applies to the Granary and the Warehouse, so if you set the trading post surplus too high you will inadvertently prevent those goods from reaching the market.
When you hover over a marketplace, you will see how many stall locations within it are unclaimed. If you’re running low on a market, or even if your city spreads too far, you can always add another market plot. Landlords treats all the marketplaces in a region as one, but the stalls are built wherever there are people with things to sell and others who need those things. Spreading out your marketplaces makes it easier for families to get what they need.