How Do I Get Rid of a Possum in Melbourne?

Are you tired of the presence of possums on your property? If you are looking for possum removal service, there are a few things you need to understand if you want to get rid of them. Possums are common pests in Melbourne. The residents are keen on knowing possum control Melbourne strategies in order to keep these animals out. Possums can cause damage to your home and business property. They can be a nuisance, even if they don’t pose a severe threat to you or your family in terms of physical harm. It could lower your quality of life. You can use these possum removal tips to keep possums off your house, out of your garden, and away from your trees and shrubs. 

Before you try any methods for possum control , it is essential to know this crucial fact. Possums are protected under Australian legislation as native creatures. Therefore, regardless of how bothersome they are to you, there is a highly effective method that only experts would know for getting rid of them from your house.

What You Should Know About Possum Removal

First things first, only the building management, a pest control expert, you, a member of your family, or a maintenance worker can successfully catch them.

  • They must be caged without causing any harm to them.
  • Once trapped, they must be kept safe in an area away from the sun, wind, rain, domestic animals, and other potential threats.
  • You must release the seized animal within 50 meters of your land after sundown on the same day it is caught.

It is highly recommended that you pest control Geelong to possum control and dead possum removal Melbourne to avoid facing legal repercussions or being charged with a $5000 fine.

It is a common belief among homeowners that roof noises signify a possum invasion. In many instances, the problem could be due to rodents or feral cats. Knowing the precise time of the noise is crucial in determining whether you have a possum problem. Due to their nocturnal nature, possums usually make little noise as they leave.

How to Get Rid of Possums if You Live in Melbourne?

Here are a few tips for possum removal service.

  • Start by obstructing the entrance with something solid that these creatures can’t just take off with their claws.
  • Install motion-activated lights or sprinklers. Possums are so startled by these lights that they want to leave the location immediately. To cover the area with a predator fragrance that will warn the possum that they may be in danger, you might leave some cat or dog hair.
  • Possums detest the smell of garlic. That is correct! Therefore, you might think of smashing garlic cloves and dispersing them all over the region.
  • Possum deterrents may work well as a remedy. You should check to ensure it is genuine and devoid of potentially harmful components to your health.
  • Avoid piling trash cans outside, and cut any overgrown bushes and trees to make your home appear less appealing for possum habitation.
  • A licensed professional such as Possum removal  Melbourne ensures that they must relocate a trapped possum not more than 50 meters away from where it was captured. They are also experts at dead possum removal Melbourne.
  • It would be best if you also used chicken wire to cover your garden’s fruit and vegetable plants. By removing the possums’ food source from your yard, you are letting them know that they are not wanted there.
  • Wherever you think they might be hiding, like in the basement or roof, keep a bright light on.
  • By securely covering your trash cans or keeping them a little further away from your house, as well as by getting rid of any standing water in your lawn, you should also get rid of any water or food sources.
  • Growing plants like chrysanthemums, geraniums, and mint, which possums detest can even stop them from eating your crops and plants.


Possums can seriously damage your home and way of life. They shouldn’t be permitted inside your building even if they pose no threat to your safety or the safety of your family. Your health is at risk as a result of the pee and feces they leave behind after chewing through wiring. Possums that are threatening to enter your home, yard, or place of business can be exterminated using these possum pest control Melbourne methods.

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