How display technology will enable the smart offices of the future

Since the pandemic, hybrid work has become an inevitable part of our lives. While it was necessary, business leaders quickly adopted work-from-home technology and now employees' time is most likely split between the office and their home settings. That said, 46% of UK workers believe that office workplaces do not allow them to work productively.

This is a challenge for business leaders, who must ensure that office facilities and environments complement their home office counterparts. But it also offers great opportunities, if done right. It's no secret that technology plays a crucial role here – but without full integration, where an organization's entire technology suite works perfectly together, companies could be missing a trick. This may sound like a distant reality, but smart offices may be closer than you think.

The office as an integrated ecosystem

Increasingly, new office buildings are being designed with hybrid working in mind, using building management and device management solutions to use space as efficiently as possible. Business leaders and employees increasingly want to work together in a way that is both seamless and productive, and adopting an integrated ecosystem will help make this a reality.

Simon Jackson

Vice President for Europe at Samsung Display Solutions.

What is an integrated ecosystem? And what value do they add?

Essentially, this describes the way a variety of office technologies, from smart monitors to meeting room management systems and even dry cleaning services, work seamlessly together and are connected. This allows workplaces to provide a more streamlined and unified experience for employees, and when centrally managed through an external service platform, a host of new benefits become accessible.

For example, meeting room management systems can streamline scheduling, access and space usage, improving efficiency and reducing the frustrations often associated with meeting room logistics. By integrating digital displays, meeting room booking software and real-time calendar sync, employees can easily access information relevant to bookings and receive timely notifications and alerts, increasing the likelihood that meetings start smoothly and on time.

These technology ecosystems – for example, PCs, smartphones and wearable technology that seamlessly connect and communicate with each other – are already commonplace in the consumer space. Now they are becoming more and more available to companies. Existing technologies that enable remote management of devices and digital signage are already on the market. If full integration is to become a reality in the B2B space, it is likely that display technology will be central to the innovation.

The benefits of display technology

There are a number of ways technology is pushing the boundaries that define traditional workplaces, and smart monitors are one of them. Working together with temperature controls and employees effortlessly switching between tasks, accessing information and managing work environments, the true overarching value of a smart office becomes clear.

At Samsung, we work with companies like Microsoft, Logitech and Cisco, who are leading the way in next-generation offices. In these workplaces, professional displays and smart monitors are equipped with energy-efficient applications and remote service is made possible. These displays also offer features such as split-screen functionality, customizable workspaces and compatibility with a range of devices, allowing seamless transitions between work-related tasks and personal activities. This not only increases productivity, but also allows users to optimize their professional setup and then effortlessly switch to personal use once the day is over.

With teams based in different locations across the country or around the world, displays can also support collaboration. 78% of CEOs believe that remote collaboration should be seen as a long-term business strategy. So it's no surprise that companies are embracing smart offices equipped with displays that enable lower energy consumption, optimized productivity, and provide seamless connections to other integrated technologies.

It's only a matter of time before this becomes the daily norm, but what exactly could this look like?

Smart office = smart work

Imagine: It's Monday morning in the not-so-distant future and you've arrived at your smart office…

You start the work week with a visual sign of streamlined efficiency. When you enter the office, sensors adjust the lighting to your preference and the temperature adapts to your comfort zone. You take out your smartphone which automatically connects to your smart monitor, two devices that play a central role in this connected ecosystem. By opening your personal command center, you can manage tasks and environments seamlessly. With just a few taps, you can check your schedule, order morning coffee, and reserve a meeting room, all before settling into your workspace.

As you move around the office, your smartphone connects seamlessly to IoT devices. You arrive at your meeting room and the resident's smart display autonomously recognizes you, checks you in and adjusts the smart desk and temperature to your preference. Your already prepared presentation appears on the screen and the display informs you that your scheduled meeting will start in one minute. With maximum comfort and synchronized devices, you can participate with minimal distractions.

This level of connectivity increases daily productivity and maximizes comfort. With real-time data and communication tools at your fingertips, collaboration has become more efficient and decision-making streamlined. In this connected ecosystem, technology is not a distraction, but a catalyst for optimizing the workday.

Where this leaves us

It's clear that smart offices represent a crucial leap forward in modern workplace environments. Providing new benefits that improve employee efficiency, productivity and overall well-being. The concepts are no longer limited to science fiction; companies around the world are actively transitioning to smart offices to gain a competitive advantage. We're preparing for a future where workspaces are more integrated, efficient and user-centric than ever before.

As these developments continue to evolve, they promise to reshape the way we work, communicate and collaborate, ultimately creating a more dynamic work environment.

We have highlighted the best business laptop.

This article was produced as part of Ny BreakingPro's Expert Insights channel, where we profile the best and brightest minds in today's technology industry. The views expressed here are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Ny BreakingPro or Future plc. If you are interested in contributing, you can read more here:

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