How companies can adapt to the changing digital needs of consumers

When search engines first became mainstream, they quickly established themselves as the main gateway to the Internet. They simplified the vast Internet, allowing users to find information with just a few keystrokes. For many, the search bar became the starting point for any online activity.

However, indications from market leaders such as Google and Microsoft show that the traditional search model is evolving. Now the focus is shifting to generative search, where platforms not only locate information and present links, but also generate conversational responses based on user intent. This change is more than a new feature; it’s a different approach to the way we access information online.

For companies, this impending shift is significant. It challenges established strategies in digital marketing, e-commerce, content creation and more. As we move from a “search” model to a “request” model, it is critical that companies understand the implications and prepare for disruption.

Duncan Roberts

Senior manager and futurist at Cognizant Research.

From search query to request

The traditional search model could soon evolve into a more direct, request-driven approach. Platforms such as ChatGPT are at the forefront of this evolution, where users do not just ask questions, but actively request information or specific actions.

Take it upon yourself to purchase tickets for events. In the traditional model, a user types “buy theater tickets” into a search engine, navigates through several websites, compares prices, and ultimately makes a purchase. It’s a fragmented experience. Now imagine a more integrated, request-driven experience.

A user starts a conversation with a digital platform. They discuss preferences such as seat location, show times and budget. However, this is not just a text-based interaction, it is multimodal. The user can express their preferences, upload images of favorite seating areas or even share data about previous ticket purchases for better recommendations.

This multimodality is supplemented with a high degree of personalization. The platform remembers previous interactions, preferences and even feedback. Over time, the system learns and tailors its responses even better to the user’s tastes. What makes this even more powerful is the platform’s ability to pull data from multiple sources.

Instead of the user navigating through different sites looking for reviews, prices or seat availability, the platform collects this information. It can pull reviews from one source, pricing data from another and seat availability from a third, presenting a comprehensive answer to the user’s request.

The result is a seamless, efficient experience. Users no longer have to search multiple sources of information. They can have a direct, personalized conversation with a platform that understands their preferences and can collect various data to fulfill their requests. These types of platforms have been around for a while, but often at a higher overall price and with significant consumer resistance. However, demand for these services will grow – now we have a new tool to make this possible.

Advertising strategy turned upside down

As these instant, request-driven platforms become increasingly integrated into our digital routines, we must begin to question the fundamental role of websites in a company’s digital presence. Websites, which have traditionally been the digital workplace of any company, could soon be supplemented or even bypassed by conversations with digital assistants.

This shift has profound consequences. The positive is that companies can engage users in more direct and customized ways. But there’s a catch. This also means transferring a degree of control to dominant platform holders, potentially creating over-reliance on these platforms and creating challenges in maintaining direct customer relationships.

Accuracy and timeliness of data also becomes paramount. If a platform collects real-time information to fulfill user requests, outdated or incorrect data can distract potential customers. For example, a person looking for insurance that covers a specific medical procedure may overlook a provider that has just expanded its coverage, due to slow data updates and poor integration with new platforms.

These mistakes would drive potential customers to competitors. Even more so today, where the impact of legacy data on platforms is somewhat mitigated by organic search results landing directly on the company’s website.

The advertising sector will also not remain untouched. The age-old methods of placing ads on web pages or between search results will have to evolve. In a conversational environment, the focus could shift to naturally integrating offers into digital discussions so that they respond to user requests without being intrusive.

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), the game is changing. Traditional tactics around keywords and backlinks will need to be reevaluated. Now it’s crucial to ensure that in a sea of ​​requests, your business stands out as the most relevant and attractive. The challenge lies in understanding and adapting to the complexity of how these platforms prioritize and respond to requests.

It is worth noting that many of these emerging challenges and opportunities do not necessarily require the direct integration of generative AI into a company’s operations. However, consumers can increasingly rely on generative AI for their interactions and decision-making. Even if a company does not adopt generative AI internally, it will still need to adapt its strategies and approaches to remain relevant and effective in a market where consumers are guided by these advanced platforms.

The future lies in the hands of the consumer

The transition to generative AI is not necessarily a choice dictated by companies, but rather a response to the changing demands of consumers. As users transition from traditional searches to more direct requests powered by advanced AI platforms, the marketplace and the digital workplace itself are transforming. Consumer expectations, behavior and decision-making processes are being reshaped by these developments.

Companies will have to adapt, whether they choose to integrate generative AI internally or not. Staying abreast of these shifts and proactively adapting strategies will be essential for businesses to thrive and even survive.

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This article was produced as part of Ny BreakingPro’s Expert Insights channel, where we profile the best and brightest minds in today’s technology industry. The views expressed here are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Ny BreakingPro or Future plc. If you are interested in contributing, you can read more here:

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