How CISOs should advocate for cyber budgets

Observability driven automation is essential for compliance

Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) play a critical role in protecting an organization's digital assets and IT infrastructure against an increasingly complex cyber threat landscape. Not only are they responsible for developing an organization's cybersecurity programs, but they must also consistently present new ideas to the board, which more often than not lacks the technical acumen of a CISO or other high-level IT roles. CISOs cannot let the budget cycle slip and miss a crucial opportunity to acquire the necessary tools needed to strengthen the security of their organization.

Data from YL Ventures shows that more than half of CISO budgets are declining or unchanged, making it even more important for CISOs to justify their cyber budgets to the board. This requires them to effectively communicate the budgetary impact of potential breaches and demonstrate the significance of cybersecurity interventions, risks and the potential return on protective investments compared to the hefty losses associated with a breach.