Revealed: How to check your OWN mouth for signs of cancer

Regular dental checkups are essential for spotting early signs of oral cancer.

But experts fear difficulties in getting an appointment could be behind a nearly 50 per cent rise in deaths from the disease as telltale symptoms are missed.

To take matters into your own hands, dentists recommend performing a self-exam at home, especially if you’re overdue for a routine checkup.

Dr. Michael Ho, a facial, neck and oral cancer consultant at the University of Leeds, shares his step-by-step guide to the signs to look out for.

One of the best ways to detect oral cancer early is to perform self-exams at home. Checking your mouth for sores and wobbly teeth can help detect cancer early

Ulcers lasting longer than fourteen days

Ulcers (broken areas in the lining of the mouth) that do not heal within three weeks may be a sign of oral cancer.

Ulcers are common and may not be a problem if they heal quickly.

However, ulcers that last for more than three weeks, become increasingly large or remain at the back of the throat should be checked by a GP or dentist, according to the NHS.

“The most common sign of oral cancer is a persistent ulcer that lasts more than three weeks,” says Dr. Ho.

That’s because most “inflammatory and traumatic ulcers” heal within fourteen days, while cancerous ulcers last longer, he explains.

Revealed: the five main types of oral cancer

Data shows that oral cancer, also known as oral cancer, is the sixth most diagnosed cancer in the world.

More than 8,000 people in Britain are diagnosed with the disease each year, while the number in the US is almost 55,000.

Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common form of oral cancer, accounting for almost 90 percent of cases.

Squamous cells are found in the tissue that forms the surface of the skin, such as in the mouth and on the arms and legs.

According to the NHSOther common types of oral cancer include:

  • AdenocarcinomaThese are cancers that develop in the salivary glands
  • Sarcomawhich is caused by abnormalities in bones, cartilage, muscles or other tissue
  • Oral malignant melanoma, where cancer starts in the cells that produce skin pigment or color (melanocytes). These appear as very dark, mottled swellings that often bleed
  • lymphomathat grows from cells usually found in the lymph nodes, but can also grow in the mouth

For example, oral cancer that occurs in the oropharynx – an area that includes the tonsils, base of the tongue and soft palate – is on the rise and may be caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), says Dr. Ho.

Eight in ten people will become infected with this virus at some point in their lives and the vast majority will not suffer any long-term effects.

However, in some people, the virus causes changes in the mouth and throat that can cause cancer in the future.

‘It is hoped that this will change in the coming decades, with the HPV immunization of boys and girls,’ he told MailOnline.

The shot is routinely offered to 12 and 13-year-olds.

Swelling or lumps

Unexplained swellings and lumps around the mouth or jaw can be a sign of cancer.

The lump may appear on the tongue, mouth, lips or gums and may be painful.

Less commonly, cancerous lumps can appear on the salivary glands, tonsils and the pharynx – the part of the throat that connects the mouth to the trachea.

These lumps can also manifest as a bulge in the mouth or on the lip, the Macmillan charity warns.

Dr. Ho urges anyone who notices these symptoms to visit their dentist or GP, who can refer them for urgent assessments for suspected cancer.

Those referred in this way can be seen within 14 days of referral to rule out or confirm a cancer diagnosis.

Red or white spots

Cancerous changes in the mouth can appear as red or white spots.

Although the spots – which can be tender or painful – are not cancerous, they could potentially lead to the disease if left untreated, according to Cancer Research UK.

The white spots, known as leukoplakia, and the red spots, called erythroplakia, should be evaluated by a doctor or dentist.

However, it has emerged that visiting the dentist regularly is becoming increasingly difficult, which experts say could lead to more deaths from oral cancer.

Since the start of the pandemic, there have been an estimated 40 million postponed or canceled dental appointments.

Dr. Ho said: ‘As primary care dentists are best placed to assess the mouth, there is genuine concern that problems with access to NHS or affordable dental care can and will lead to delayed diagnosis of oral cancer, leading to poorer treatment outcomes and may have consequences for oral cancer. survive this disease.’

However, red and white spots can also be caused by a fungal infection called thrush. In this case, the white spots usually disappear, leaving a painful red spot underneath, says Cancer Research UK.

If antifungal treatment causes the patches to disappear, there is no connection with cancer.

A total of 18.1 million adults visited their dentist in the two years to June 2023, up from 16.4 million in the 24 months to June 2022. But this is still well below 21 million in the two years to June 2020.

A total of 18.1 million adults visited their dentist in the two years to June 2023, up from 16.4 million in the 24 months to June 2022. But this is still well below 21 million in the two years to June 2020.

Loose teeth

Wobbly teeth can be a sign of cancer and should not be ignored.

Tumors can cause the teeth to loosen and… According to the NHS, the tooth socket has difficulty healing properly after extractions.

Dr. Ho explains, “When (cancer) invades the jawbone, it can result in wobbly teeth.

‘In these situations, an assessment by a dentist to assess the problem area and an X-ray of the jaw can help provide more information.’

However, wobbly teeth can be caused by gum disease, which Dr. Ho says is common in the general population.

Even if it isn’t oral cancer, doctors recommend people with loose teeth to talk to a doctor or dentist.

Chronic sore throat

A sore throat or hoarseness that lasts more than six weeks may be a sign of cancer.

According to Cancer Research UK, a person’s voice may become hoarse or quieter – similar to what it sounds like when they have a cold – if they have mouth cancer.

This may be a sign of hypopharyngeal cancer, which affects the back of the throat and possibly the vocal cords.

Swelling in the mouth due to a tumor can also cause a lisp, make it difficult to say certain words, or cause slurring.

If the cancer is on the tongue, it can also limit movement and affect speech. This can also cause you to slur some words or have difficulty pronouncing some sounds.


Numbness around the mouth or tongue can be a warning sign of oral cancer.

It can be felt in spots or throughout the mouth and lips and may feel numb or tingling, says Mouth Cancer Foundation.

This tingling and numbness may occur because the cancer cells cause damage to the nerve blood vessels in the mouth, experts say.