How a historic break with age-old tradition will turn Charles’s day into the People’s Coronation

Millions of people will be called upon to swear ‘true allegiance’ to King Charles at the coronation, it can be revealed.

For the first time in history, every citizen of the UK and all other nations whose monarch is head of state will be asked to ‘pay homage with heart and voice to their undisputed king’. The groundbreaking move will make the ceremony more of a ‘People’s Coronation’, as previously only members of the aristocracy were called upon to make such a pledge.

The ‘Homage of the People’ is just one of the important updates to the ancient ritual, in which other religious faiths, as well as the Church of England, will play a key role. For the first time female members of the clergy will also be involved.

The late Queen’s influence will be evident throughout the two-hour ceremony, and there will be a tribute to the King’s late father, Prince Philip.

And when Queen Camilla is crowned after her husband, it will be the first time a consort has been fully anointed in public.

Millions of people will be called upon to swear ‘true allegiance’ to King Charles at coronation, it may be revealed

The break with age-old tradition will be most apparent with the Homage of the People, when the Archbishop of Canterbury will visit the people in Westminster Abbey and watch them on television to swear their allegiance.

It replaces the ‘homage of the peers’ where members of the aristocracy lined up to honor the new monarch. Now only Prince William, Charles’s heir, will.

Royal biographer Sally Bedell Smith said: ‘It’s hugely exciting. It’s probably the most radical departure from tradition we’ve heard of yet, and it’s about as inclusive as you can get, prompting the whole world to cheer him on as king.

“It’s a great, democratic and inclusive gesture and very 21st century. We knew all along that this would be a different and modern twist on the coronation, but this step is really quite radical.’

Constitutional expert Sir Vernon Bogdanor added: ‘It is a very sensible change. Even in 1953 I think it was obsolete to have the equals there to represent the people as a whole. It’s definitely outdated now. It would look ridiculous.

“The coronation confirms that he is the rightful king and it is good that some of the people do. The coronation must find a balance between tradition and adapting to current circumstances.’

For the first time in history, every citizen of the UK and all other nations whose monarch is head of state will be asked to ‘pay homage with heart and voice to their undisputed king’

There will be outfit changes for both the King and Queen Consort with two sets of robes each

During the tribute, 150 million people in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth will be called upon to say: ‘I swear that I will give sincere allegiance to Your Majesty and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.’ After a fanfare, the audience adds, ‘God save King Charles. Long live King Charles. May the king live forever.’

A Lambeth Palace spokesman said: “Never in our history has the public been given such an opportunity to join national figures in declaring their allegiance to a new sovereign.”

In other developments:

  • In a break from tradition, the king will be met by one of the youngest members of the congregation – chorister Samuel Strachan, 14;
  • The queen consort will be anointed for the first time with holy oil without canopy or screen;
  • In an unprecedented development, the monarch will be heard praying aloud in a specially commissioned ‘King’s Prayer’;
  • There will be outfit changes for both the King and Queen Consort with two sets of robes each;
  • The liturgy will include tributes to the late Queen and Prince Philip and will feature a Greek choir;
  • A multi-faith service includes prayers in the traditional languages ​​of the British Isles: Welsh, Scottish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic;
  • Leaders of other faiths will play a vital role in saluting the newly crowned king and queen after the Anglican service;
  • After decades of speculation, the king will be described as both ‘defender of the faith’ and ‘defender of all’, the CoE has confirmed.

Tory MP and former Justice Minister Sir Robert Buckland, MP for South Swindon, said: ‘This is a wonderful gesture.

“It gives everyone, whether present or not at the coronation, the chance to be a part of this historic, symbolic occasion where we can all show our loyalty and support to the king.”

The plan was also warmly welcomed by Labor and the Liberal Democrats.

Shabana Mahmood MP, Labour’s national campaign coordinator, said: ‘Replacing peer tributes in this way is a great way to bring the ceremony and the monarchy closer to the people.

“The involvement of people of all faiths, who reflect and recognize the diversity of our country, is also an important and welcome change.”

Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Sir Ed Davey, said: ‘For most people in Britain this is our first chance to experience a coronation – so it really is a historic occasion.

“I hope everyone will celebrate our new king and queen.”

The Anglican Church has agreed that religious leaders may greet the king after the Christian service.

Charles will be met by the Most Venerable Bogoda Seelawimala (Buddhist), Lord Singh of Wimbledon (Sikh), Radha Mohan Das (Hindu), Aliya Azam (Islam) and Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis (Judaism). Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, said: “I am delighted that the service will recognize and celebrate tradition… At the same time, the service will include new elements that reflect the diversity of our contemporary society.”

Former cabinet minister Jacob Rees-Mogg welcomed the “wonderful” idea of ​​Homage of the People, saying: “It will be a brilliant expression of our allegiance – any loyal subject will want to do this.”

Historian Lady Antonia Fraser added, “I like the idea of ​​a promise coming to the public.”

However, writer Hugo Vickers said, ‘I doubt it’s right to ask all of us to do this. Personally I am happy with it. But I’d rather have my loyalty taken for granted than have to express it.”

The final order of service will be announced this week and will likely include a role for Prince George, second in line to the throne.

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