House votes for PASS Rep. Anna Paulina Luna’s resolution to censor Adam Schiff

House votes for PASS Rep. Anna Paulina Luna’s resolution to censor Adam Schiff

  • A motion introduced by Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., to censor the California Democrat failed last week as Republicans were suspicious of the $16 million fine
  • “You honor me with your enmity. You flatter me with this falsehood,” Schiff told his Republican colleagues

The House voted 213 to 209 on Wednesday to censure Representative Adam Schiff for misleading the public about evidence of conspiracy between Trump and Russia.

Six Republicans voted “present” and three Democrats did not vote. Democrats broke into a loud chant of “shame, shame, shame” after the vote was over.

At one point, Rep. Eric Swalwell, a fellow California speaker, called Speaker Kevin McCarthy a “coward” and accused him of being “resentful.”

The motion introduced by Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., filed to censure the California Democrat failed last week as Republicans were suspicious of the $16 million fine she allegedly slapped Schiff with.

A revised resolution without the fine — just a formal expression of disapproval — garnered more Republican votes.

Last week, 20 Republicans along with all Democrats voted to pass the measure — enough to send Luna back to the drawing board.

Luna included a clause stating that if the ethics committee found that Schiff “lied, made misrepresentations, or misused sensitive information,” he would have to be fined $16 million. Luna said the figure represented half of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s $32 million investigation cost.

The House voted to replace Rep. Adam Schiff for misleading the public about evidence of conspiracy between Trump and Russia on Wednesday

A motion filed by Representative Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., to censure the California Democrat failed last week because Republicans were suspicious of the $16 million fine she allegedly slapped Schiff with.  A renewed no-penalty resolution garnered more Republican votes

A motion filed by Representative Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., to censure the California Democrat failed last week because Republicans were suspicious of the $16 million fine she allegedly slapped Schiff with. A renewed no-penalty resolution garnered more Republican votes

Some of the original Republican opponents argued that the resolution’s provision is unconstitutional.

The resolution accuses Schiff of both misleading the public while conducting a congressional investigation into collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign and for actions he took leading up to the first impeachment.

Earlier, Luna had “noticed” the resolution in the House of Representatives and the Democrats wanted to introduce it – a vote that failed.

Before the final vote, Schiff gave a grandiose speech on the House floor.

“You honor me with your enmity. You flatter me with this falsehood,” he told his Republican colleagues.

“You who are the authors of a big lie about the last election must condemn the truth-tellers, and I stand proud for your words that tell me that I have been effective in defending our democracy and I am grateful.”

Schiff is currently locked in a tight three-way primary for the 2024 California Senate seat — he’s already raised money for Luna’s resolution.

“This false and defamatory resolution has a significant cost to the country and to Congress at a time when millions of people in our home state of California cannot find or afford housing. Speaker McCarthy chooses to occupy the resources of Congress on this cavernous stop for the MAGA mob for two straight weeks. The offer gives nothing to those who are homeless or addicted to opioids, or to millions of college students who are in debt.”