House GOP takeover margin drops to just 8 seats in new battleground poll


House Republican takeover margin drops to just 8 seats in new battleground poll – with Biden’s approval ticking up to 45% as independents split over Mar-a-Lago raid

  • Amid a series of major Democratic wins with the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS Act and student loan forgiveness, Biden’s approval rating has ticked up
  • A slim majority of voters overall approve of both the Inflation Reduction Act and student loan forgiveness: 55 percent-45 percent and 54 percent to 46 percent
  • Most of Biden’s increased approval comes from Democrats, eight percent more of whom now say they strongly approve of him than in July
  • A large majority still rate the economy today poorly – 65% said the economy is very bad/ fairly bad while 31% say the economy is fairly good/very good







Forty-five percent of Americans approve of President Biden’s job in office while Republicans are projected to win back the House with 226 seats, a slight dip from last month, according to a new CBS-YouGov poll. 

Amid a series of major Democratic wins with the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS Act and student loan forgiveness, Biden’s approval rating has ticked up from one month ago, now standing at 45-55 percent vs. last month’s 42-58 percent. 

A slim majority of voters overall approve of both the Inflation Reduction Act and student loan forgiveness: 55 percent-45 percent for the former, 54 percent to 46 percent for the latter.  

His overall job approval among registered voters is now the highest it’s been since February, according to the poll.

Forty-five percent of Americans approve of President Biden’s job in office while Republicans are projected to win back the House with 226 seats, a slight dip from last month, according to a new CBS-YouGov poll

As gas prices creep down from record highs across the country, Biden scored approval in not only that but inflation and the economy. Where 35 percent approved his handling of the economy, now 40 percent do. Handling of gas prices is now up from 34 percent to 40 percent and handling of inflation is up from 35 percent to 40 percent. 

Unsurprisingly, most of Biden’s increased approval comes from Democrats, eight percent more of whom now say they strongly approve of him than in July. 

Fifty-two percent of Democrats now say things are going at least somewhat well for the nation, compared to 39 percent in July. 

Biden’s highest approval ratings were for his handling of Russia and Ukraine, 46 percent approve, and climate change, 45 percent.  

A large majority still rate the economy today poorly – 65 percent said the economy is very bad or fairly bad while 31 percent say the economy is fairly good or very good.  

Still, inflation remains a top concern for voters, and Republicans are still widely believed to have the edge in handling the matter. 

Fifty-nine percent of respondents believe Republicans will prioritize inflation, while 49 percent believe Democrats will.  

Democrats will now have to turn that increased outlook into voter turnout in the midterm elections. The poll projects that Republicans will take four less seats than they were expected to in July, when they were projected to win 230. The GOP only needs 218 seats to wrest power from Democrats in the House. 

Meanwhile, Americans are split down a partisan line on whether they believe the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home was to protect national security, while Independents side slightly more with Democrats on the matter.

Eighty-five percent of Democrats believe the FBI raided the former president’s home in the interest in national security, while 59 percent of Independents feel the same. Only 20 percent of Republicans believe the FBI was motivated by national security issues.