Vile act sparks medical staff’s desperate plea to phantom urinator – after mystery attacker targeted hospital’s vending machine at emergency department
A phantom urinator has relieved himself over a medical device dispenser in a Sydney hospital’s emergency department, prompting a plea from staff for him to stop.
A post on the Instagram account ‘Humans of Eastwood Daily’ revealed photos of notices on an emergency room machine at the unidentified hospital.
The now-deleted post was captioned: “We all have to accept that some things in this world don’t have answers.”
ED machines are specialized vending machines that dispense medications and medical supplies directly to patients.
The machine in the Instagram post appears to be dispensing syringes.
There were two signs attached to the machine over an apparent serial urinator.
The first sign read: ‘This is NOT a public toilet!!! STOP using it as one!!’ This was accompanied by an angry, frowning emoji.
A sign below read: ‘To all our clients (and the urinator), although we had hoped it would stop, unfortunately we still arrive at work to find that someone has peed on the ED machine!!’
In the emergency room, two signs were posted about what appeared to be a serial urinator. One addressed the urinator directly
Followers of the Instagram page expressed their anger and suggested possible motives for the serial killer
‘Not only is this reprehensible to our staff, it is also unfair to our customers who use this service!!’ So the time has come when we have to say enough!
“If this happens again, we will be forced to look at installing a camera in this room.”
‘STOP using this space as a public toilet!’
The warning message was decorated with numerous angry, frowning emojis.
The Instagram page ‘Humans of Eastwood Daily’ is a local news account with more than 47,000 followers, which normally shares humorous incidents in the area.
It was created by Justin Li, a councilor in the town of Ryde in Sydney’s northwest.
That of the council website states that Mr Li was elected to represent the West Ward of the City of Ryde following a by-election in October 2022.
“Justin served on Ryde Council for nine years between 2008 and 2017, including two years as Deputy Mayor of Ryde, the first person of Asian descent to hold that position,” the website said.
The message about the serialurinator was posted on the Instagram page ‘Humans of Eastwood Daily’, created by Justin Li, a councilor with the City of Ryde in Sydney’s northwest.
Comments on Clr Li’s Instagram post expressed outrage that someone would urinate on an emergency department vending machine.
“Why would you pee on an ED machine?” wrote one.
“Some people are so disgusting,” another wrote.
Several followers of Clr. Li suggested why the ‘urinator’ would commit such a disgusting act.
After explaining what an ED machine is, one follower wrote, “People might pee in it because it brings addicts to the area and they don’t agree with the machine.”
“It must be a baby boomer who thinks their real estate prices will drop when the machine comes around,” another follower wrote.
Daily Mail Australia contacted Clr Li for comment.