Horrifying moment when the water turns red after megalodon toothhunter was attacked by an alligator while diving into Florida’s murky river during a mauling that nearly burst his head open – while sharing a trick he used to survive

Horrifying moment when the water turns red after megalodon toothhunter was attacked by an alligator while diving into Florida’s murky river during a mauling that nearly burst his head open – while sharing a trick he used to survive

  • The large female gator bit him twice on the head before Jeffrey Heim realized what was happening
  • The mauling nearly caused Heim’s head to burst open after he slid through the sand at the bottom of Orlando’s Myakka River and felt something hit him.

Stark GoPro footage shows the moment a murky Florida swamp turned red after a sharktooth hunter was attacked by an alligator while diving there.

The mauling nearly burst Jeffrey Heim’s head after he slid through the sand at the bottom of Orlando’s Myakka River hoping to find a megalodon tooth, and felt something hit him.

The large female gator bit him twice on the head before he realized what was happening. The GoPro strapped to his head simultaneously recorded the ordeal.

During the attack, which took place two years ago, the camera received a big jolt and bubbles in the water before sinking to the ground.

The gator itself didn’t appear on camera, but the water turned a sickening crimson after Heim was bitten, with blood gushing from its skull.

He believed that if the waterproof GoPro had not been strapped to his head, his injuries could have been much worse.

Jeffrey Heim showed the severe cuts to his head, as well as his bruised and swollen eyes

He documented his ordeal on TikTok and showed fans clips of him tied up in a hospital bed before undergoing surgery

He documented his ordeal on TikTok and showed fans clips of him tied up in a hospital bed before undergoing surgery

During the attack, which took place two years ago, the camera received a major shock and bubbles in the water before sinking to the ground

During the attack, which took place two years ago, the camera received a major shock and bubbles in the water before sinking to the ground

The animal bit his scalp and his hand – but he managed to stay calm and avoid another blow. He reached the riverbank and called for help.

Heim was taken to the hospital, where they put 34 staples in his head.

He documented his ordeal on TikTok and showed fans clips of him tied up in a hospital bed before undergoing surgery.

Heim showed the severe cuts to his head, as well as his bruised and swollen eyes.

He told the Florida episode of Fourth Estate, “I knew the dangers, but I don’t think I took them seriously enough at the time.

“It was very powerful. It seemed much bigger than it actually was.

The mauling almost caused Jeffrey Heim's head to burst open after he slid through the sand at the bottom of Orlando's Myakka River and felt something hit him.

The mauling almost caused Jeffrey Heim’s head to burst open after he slid through the sand at the bottom of Orlando’s Myakka River and felt something hit him.

The large female gator bit him twice on the head before he realized what was happening.  The GoPro strapped to his head simultaneously recorded the ordeal

The large female gator bit him twice on the head before he realized what was happening. The GoPro strapped to his head simultaneously recorded the ordeal

Heim now owns a company called SHRKco that collects and sells ancient shark teeth.  He donates his profits to ocean research organizations

Heim now owns a company called SHRKco that collects and sells ancient shark teeth. He donates his profits to ocean research organizations

Heim also shared the survival tool he says prevented the attack from turning deadly.

‘I saw her. She bit me twice before I knew what was happening.

“You never want to hit or splash or act like prey, so I kept my cool.

“I still don’t think I felt the full force of that bite. And if I had, my head would have exploded,” he said.

Despite his injuries, the attack hasn’t stopped him from only increasing his passion for collecting megalodon teeth.

He added, “Eventually, when I’m old, I want to have a museum of my best finds… and then pass on that story when I’m gone too.”

Heim now owns a company called SHRKco that collects and sells ancient shark teeth. He donates his profits to ocean research organizations.