Horrifying moment Oklahoma mother was caught ‘trying to barbecue daughter’s beloved cat on grill while anguished pet mewed in agony’

An Oklahoma mother reportedly tried to burn her daughter’s cat alive on a grill before the animal was rescued after her daughter heard a hoarse meow.

Veronica Carrillo was arrested on animal cruelty charges and remains in custody on a $100,000 bond.

On June 26, Carillo’s 16-year-old daughter called 911 to report that her mother had tried to burn her cat on a barbecue, according to a Moore Police Department news release.

Her daughter, who is a minor and whose name has not been released, told officers she was looking for the cat when she suddenly heard her pet crying, court documents state.

When she ran to the backyard, she saw a “black garbage bag wrapped around a pet bed on the grill, with visible flames underneath,” the documents stated.

Veronica Carrillo was arrested on animal cruelty charges and remains in jail on a $100,000 bond

The barbecue where the innocent cat was burned

Carillo escaped through a window of the house and was found on a neighbor’s porch, hiding under a rug, when officers arrived. KFOR News reported.

Bodycam footage captured the horrific details. Carillo told officers, “I was cooking and the cat got burned.”

“It had to happen, you know, I’m sorry,” she said sadly.

The innocent cat survived the terrifying ordeal thanks to the quick actions of her owner, who saved her from death.

The tortoiseshell cat was rescued by her beloved owner

The travel basket and garbage bag in which the animal was placed

Police said the tortoiseshell cat was traumatized but alive, with her paws and whiskers burned.

The Also, the plastic bag had melted to the travel basket in some places.

A spokesman for the department said: ‘Thankfully the animal was walking around and did not appear to suffer any serious injuries. The animal is expected to make a full recovery.’ The Kansas City Star reported.

In the video, the officer can be heard asking Carillo, “What was supposed to be done?”

She replies: ‘I had to cook anyway.’

Although the officer then asks, “What were you cooking?” Carillo does not answer.

According to the news agency, her family has issued a restraining order against her.

Despite being thrown into a garbage bag and placed over a barbecue flame, the cat survived

Meanwhile, the neighbors were shocked when they heard the news.

“It breaks my heart to hear this,” Lynn Davis told the news outlet.

She called Carrillo’s alleged act “inhumane” and said she was “completely disgusted” by it.

“We need to send a message to anyone who abuses animals, and this is horrible. She needs time in jail, possibly even a prison sentence,” she said.

Carrillo is due back in court later this month, KFOR reports.

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