Horrifying moment model is engulfed in flames and left with third-degree burns during alternative medicine treatment to help her digestion in Thailand

This is the horrific moment a patient burst into flames during alternative medicine treatment in Thailand, leaving her with third-degree burns.

The model, identified only by her nickname Game, went to a clinic to try out the Thai heat treatment called Phao Ya, which involves burning herbs on her stomach to aid digestion.

In the images of the incident, she initially looked very relaxed. She talked to the assistants and smiled as she lay in bed with a towel and a mixture of herbs on her stomach.

However, when the doctor used a tealight to light the mixture, the flames spread almost immediately to her clothing and the plastic sheet beneath her.

The video shows Game writhing and screaming in pain as she felt the fire burning on her skin, with the fire seemingly erupting from under the blanket covering her and spreading all the way around her back in an instant.

A doctor in Thailand is seen lighting herbs on a woman's stomach moments before she burst into flames, causing third-degree burns

Flames are seen spreading under the blanket covering the woman during treatment

The video shows the woman writhing and screaming in pain as she felt the fire burning her skin, with the fire seemingly erupting from under the blanket covering her.

She rolled from the bed to the floor as a panicked nurse held her hands, and another tried to put out the fire with a blanket and then a pillow.

Shockingly, the doctor had retreated safely to the corner while a colleague and the woman's friend fought to put out the fire.

The receptionist sprayed water on Game from the sink, while the assistant used pillows to smother the flames until they could control the fire at the clinic in Bangkok, Thailand.

In a complaint to Thailand's Ministry of Health on December 4, the woman said: 'I was in a lot of pain. I'm afraid this will affect my work. I have to go back to work in a week, but I still need to be treated in hospital.'

Game added that she suffered third-degree burns, which left blisters on most of her back and under her breasts – which she had to treat for two months because they were very painful.

Anonymously through her lawyer, she said: 'I had to lie in bed for two months. I was still lucky that there was no infection. We used insurance, but my hospital bills were expensive. The clinic did not help us. Now it affects my work.

Game says she suffered third-degree burns, which left blisters on most of her back (pictured) and under her breasts – which she had to treat for two months because they were very painful

The woman says she was unable to work due to her injuries (photo)

'My treatment is still ongoing and my injuries have not yet fully healed. In the meantime, the case has not progressed any further with them.'

Game and her boyfriend sought the help of a Thai celebrity lawyer Guntouch Pongpaiboonwet, also known as Gun Jompalang, who joined them in filing a case against the clinic, which they said refused to take responsibility for what happened.

Pongpaiboonwet said: “The clinic and the doctor refused to take responsibility and shifted the blame between the parties involved.

'My client has had to bear the hospital bills herself and her wounds have not even healed yet. I am assisting them to ensure that those responsible pay appropriate compensation.”

Health Ministry official Doctor Rungruang Kitpathi said it was the first time they had received a complaint about Thai heat treatment.

Game (left wearing mask) and her friend sought the help of a Thai celebrity lawyer Guntouch Pongpaiboonwet (seen right), also known as Gun Jompalang, who joined them in filing a case against the clinic, who they claimed refused to to take responsibility for what happened

He said the ministry would investigate and is now gathering information about the doctor who performed the botched procedure.

Phao Ya is a traditional Thai medicine that uses heat therapy and herbal medicines to address a variety of physical ailments.

One of the techniques used in Phao Ya is moxibustion, which involves burning dried mugwort herb on specific acupuncture points in the abdomen.

It is believed to help digestion and menstrual pain.

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