Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – January 29, 2024

Now that Uranus has changed directions, the entire zodiac is marching forward. And since this happened while the planet of innovation was connected to Mercury (which is conjunct Mars) we have extra spring in our steps.

With this heavenly encouragement, we can join forces and take action, inspired by our most innovative ideas.

When creativity and discipline are combined, the possibilities are enormous.


March 21 – April 20

People who are very successful do not make plans and stick to them strictly. They allow themselves the freedom to experiment. They set a goal and focus on it, but they are willing to adapt their plans to the ever-changing circumstances that life throws their way. And of course they try to learn from their mistakes as quickly as possible. Intuitively, they leave room to be guided by their instincts. With all the planets moving forward, if you want to maximize potential, you have to be as flexible and adaptable as you can be today.

Make the most of your opportunities. Your in-depth forecast includes inspiring news on cainer.com

Oscar Cainer (pictured) reminds us that when creativity and discipline are combined, the possibilities are enormous


April 21 – May 21

Who are you? Who am I? Of course we all think we know ourselves. But we base our sense of identity on external factors; like the family we were born into. The culture we grew up in. The education we received. The jobs we’ve had. The roles we have taken on. But do all these factors really provide a true and accurate representation of our personality? The heavenly energy motivates you to achieve a sincere ambition. Take this opportunity to appreciate your inner gifts and talents and you can make a choice that will help you make a dream come true.

Transform your life! To make progress in a positive direction, there is good news when you visit cainer.com


May 22 – June 22

What if you look at your to-do list and cross off all the tasks on it… except one? I know this sounds irresponsible/impossible. But really there should be only one goal. Your challenge is to feel overwhelmingly grateful. If you make that your top priority, the other things will take care of themselves. Problems will find their own solutions. Difficult questions will lead to simple and inspiring answers. If you try to do more in the current cosmic climate, you are trying more than is necessary!

For advice to guide you through the twists and turns ahead, check out your in-depth predictions at cainer.com


June 23 – July 23

Why complicate a simple matter? Why ask questions that don’t need to be asked? Why ask for an explanation when something is clear? There’s no reason to do this… unless of course a situation is more complex than it seems. Sometimes people who challenge assumptions turn out to be the smartest and bravest. Your current questions may make someone feel uncomfortable. But you get to the bottom of a complex matter. Keep going. Ultimately, your efforts will earn you respect and appreciation.

How can you stay focused and happy? Your in-depth forecasts contain the advice you need. cainer.com


July 24 – August 23

The good news is that you don’t have to keep doing things the same old way. While the planets can’t force you to give up a habit or shift your priorities, as they all move forward they offer you an invitation to experiment and explore. If you half suspect there’s a better way to accomplish a task (or fulfill a desire), now’s the time to try an alternative. The heavenly forces are working in your favor. And when you need support to initiate change, you’ll find that some people are surprisingly eager to help. You just have to ask.

For excellent advice to guide you through the twists and turns ahead. cainer.com


August 24 – September 23

Have you noticed how arguments are always caused by other people? Just like miscarriages of justice. It seems we are experts at not recognizing our own unreasonable behavior! That’s not as bad as it sounds. Imagine how ineffective we would all be if we allowed ourselves to experience too much self-doubt. As an astute Virgo, you are more aware of your impact on others than most of us. Still, it’s worth taking a look at the role you play in an important drama. If you are objective, you will find a wiser way to handle that role.

You don’t have to worry. All you need is some guidance. Your in-depth predictions can help at cainer.com


September 24 – October 23

You are not the person you were. It is clear that your memories and past experiences are part of you. And your personality is basically the same. But everything you’ve been through lately has taught you a lot. And it has given you good strength. The legacy of the challenges you’ve faced, plus the momentum you get from the current cosmic climate, combine to create reasons to look to the future with a very different mindset. It’s time to dust off a bright vision or an inspiring hope. And start to believe it is possible. It is.

What does your heart desire and how can you achieve what you really want? View your extended predictions at cainer.com


October 24 – November 22

You can make positive things happen today. Actually, it might be better to say that you can ‘help’ positive things happen. ‘Making’ often implies the need to apply effort or force (which does not always have a positive connotation). ‘Help’, on the other hand, is always positive. In areas of your world where people need help; or when actions require encouragement and support, you are perfectly positioned to play a valuable and highly appreciated role. When you combine your intuition with your positivity, you can be a force for good.

Curious about more? There is always valuable news in your in-depth predictions on cainer.com

Now that Uranus (pictured) has changed direction, the entire zodiac is marching forward.  And since this happened while the planet of innovation was connected to Mercury (which was conjunct Mars), we have extra spring in our steps

Now that Uranus (pictured) has changed direction, the entire zodiac is marching forward. And since this happened while the planet of innovation was connected to Mercury (which was conjunct Mars), we have extra spring in our steps


November 23 – December 21

Decisions are so much harder to make when we worry about the outcome. When we don’t worry about how things will turn out, they are easy. They are also easier when we have confidence in our ability to achieve something. When we know what we are going to do and want to achieve it, we can get so caught up in our determination to make it happen that we forget to think about whether or not there is a better option. Trust yourself as the current cosmic climate underlines your inner certainty about a recent choice. Go for it.

Success is about attitude and timing. Your in-depth forecasts point the way to positive change. Visit cainer.com


December 22 – January 20

With its ups and downs, we talk about life being a roller coaster ride. Yet these fairground experiences are intended to create adrenaline rushes. They turn us upside down and make our hearts beat faster… for fun! So maybe it’s more helpful to think of it as an elevator ride. After all, we usually go up and down gently, without going to extremes. With Mars in your sign, you may feel like you’re on a fairground ride. But the truth is that you are grounded, safe, and on a practical expedition. To enjoy!

You have a lot to look forward to. The inspiration you need can be found in your in-depth predictions on cainer.com


January 21 – February 19

It’s comforting to remember that all problems have a solution. The worst that can happen is that we applied the wrong solution. Or you haven’t found the right one yet. But the thing about a problem is that we want to solve it quickly. Which puts pressure on us. And sometimes we are so desperate that we think we have everything under control that we embrace almost anything that seems to have a chance of fixing it – even if it is inappropriate. You are much closer to finding the answer you are looking for than you think.

Knowledge is power. Find out how to take full advantage of your astrological assets at cainer.com


February 20 – March 20

“Beelzebub has set aside a devil for me.” The words of Freddie Mercury express the feeling we get when life feels so hard that we wonder what we did to deserve so much challenge and difficulty. If you have been thinking that the forces are conspiring against you, and are trying to figure out why you are being punished, here comes some relief. As the planets all move forward, they bring about an energy shift. That feeling of negativity can be shaken off and replaced with gentle optimism. It’s time to create a more positive mantra.

What’s in the air for you? Useful planetary alignments! For good news, check out your extended predictions at cainer.com