Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – January 1, 2024

Happy new year! Whether you've 'over-celebrated', or had an early night, as exuberant Jupiter moves forward, the cosmic boost of energy is a motivating force we can all benefit from.

Yet Venus and pragmatic SaturnHis relationship reminds us that we must work to get what we truly desire.

Perhaps today that means that 'taking it easy' is both the wisest and most enjoyable approach!


March 21 – April 20

The new year starts with a baffling situation (which you can easily solve). So, instead of being baffled, try to turn it upside down. Or inside out. Today's powerful cosmic climate gives you the energy to think the unthinkable. If there is a framework, you can think outside of it. Innovative ideas are there for the taking. You have everything you need to solve a riddle and turn a challenge into an exciting opportunity. Start 2024 creatively and imaginatively as you want it to continue. Finished? Stable? To go!

Do you want to know why 2024 is so inspiring and positive? Visit cainer.com/dmfree

The relationship between Venus and pragmatic Saturn reminds us that we must work to get what we truly desire, says Oscar Cainer (pictured)


April 21 – May 21

While the new year is a time to look forward with anticipation, looking back brings valuable lessons. And in these early days of 2024, your reflections will provide insight into how to achieve future success. Since your ruler, Venus, is connected to the great cosmic teacher, Saturn, this offers an opportunity to gain deeper insight into a recent decision. You've thought about the pros and cons and doubted yourself. But if you calmly look at the events that preceded it, your understanding will allow you to move forward with optimism.

Visit cainer.com/dm for valuable news about your 2024 prospects


May 22 – June 22

Happy new year! As expansive Jupiter continues to evolve, I hope you're ready for the cosmic boost of energy that will allow you to start 2024 with more enthusiasm than you've felt in a while. Now that your horizons look more inspired (and less cluttered by the problems and expectations of others), you can start to see ways to move from unsatisfactory situations to better ones. As you go along, you will discover a natural momentum. The cosmos takes you to a destination you will love.

Visit cainer.com/dailymail for great news about the opportunities awaiting you in 2024


June 23 – July 23

Your desire to help other people is admirable. But do you really have to go that far? While you're willing to push yourself to the limit, you don't have to climb any metaphorical skyscrapers! Lately you've been focusing your energy on saving the day. But while your sense of moral duty is highly commendable, even you sometimes need Lycra-free moments where you take off your superhero cape and relax. The beginning of 2024 offers the opportunity to meet your own needs. You absolutely deserve this.

Do not miss it! Visit cainer.com/dmfree to understand your 2024 outlook


July 24 – August 23

If only we could trust everyone, especially people in positions of influence, to make good decisions at the start of 2024. Dream On! People are not infallible. Even you and I can make mistakes. But luckily I double-checked your astrological view. And I can tell you that your new year looks promising. Jupiter offers opportunities to shed old habitual patterns and embrace a new sense of purpose. As you courageously open the doors to new experiences, make no mistake: the road ahead looks great.

Let 2024 bring the changes you desire. Visit cainer.com/dm


August 24 – September 23

Some people like to draw and paint. Others enjoy playing instruments or making music. Some people enjoy writing, singing or sculpting. And others like to dream. We all find ways to express our creativity. As generous Jupiter moves into the new year, it reminds you of the more spontaneous, creative side of your personality. Good. It deserves to be celebrated more. 2024 brings opportunities to experiment and find new ways to have fun. With all the work you've done lately, you deserve it.

2024 brings optimism and hope. Don't miss your 2024 predictions! Visit cainer.com/dailymail


September 24 – October 23

With exquisite timing, the arrival of 2024 offers you the chance to try something old in a new way. As Venus, your ruler, connects with Saturn, it inspires you with the energy you need to make a long-awaited change. It's about making a decision. Eek! I know this is probably not what you want to hear! But even a small change will have a significant effect. Change your cereal. Switch to another chair to watch TV. Just a small change is enough. Other changes will occur. And they will lead you on a path to great satisfaction.

Make your dreams come true in 2024. Visit cainer.com/dmfree


October 24 – November 22

They tell us that we must be courageous if we want our lives to be successful. But being brave only gets us so far. There are other qualities that are just as important. Compassion and patience are precious commodities. These qualities lead to a sense of fulfillment that not all the success in the world brings. But when we are under pressure, it is not always easy to access it. 2024 starts with an energy boost of enthusiasm. If you can stay calm and focused, you can use it to embark on a path of dynamic change.

Visit cainer.com/dm for brilliant news about your prospects in 2024

As exuberant Jupiter (pictured) continues to evolve, the cosmic boost of energy is a motivating force we can all tap into


November 23 – December 21

For some people, the idea of ​​a guardian angel makes them uneasy: the thought of a heavenly helper sounds creepy. And some people simply do not believe in the existence of ethereal beings. But the cosmos has many ways to bestow its gifts. Whatever you think about how luck comes your way, my job is to point out when you are most likely to benefit from it. So… if you're hoping for some emotional excitement, or a touch of romance, the start of 2024 clearly indicates that you won't have much longer to wait!

There is hope on your horizon in 2024! Visit cainer.com/dailymail


December 22 – January 20

Like a bar of soap, life is sometimes difficult to get a handle on. In a similar way, you intuitively know that an idea you had a while ago that you were unable to realize and implement deserves your attention. It floats around in the back of your mind, floats in your consciousness and then disappears again. With Venus connecting with your ruler, Saturn, this is the perfect opportunity to take this idea in hand and take steps to make it a tangible part of your life. You have the creativity to make it happen.

Let your 2024 predictions guide you to success. Visit cainer.com/dmfree


January 21 – February 19

When life is hard, we need to know who our friends are. But if everything goes smoothly, does it matter that much? As we delve into the new year, your understanding of the importance of the people who helped you through difficult times continues to deepen. You know who is really valuable. They are the ones you can trust with your deepest thoughts and concerns. Have confidence in knowing that you are surrounded and supported by helpful, insightful beings. And trust that the future bodes well. Because it is.

2024 will be much better than you think! For more information, visit cainer.com/dm


February 20 – March 20

We think we know our friends from our enemies. But a lot depends on our mood. Or the position we find ourselves in. Or the circumstances we face. The start of 2024 presents an opportunity to reassess and reevaluate. It's time for an honest assessment of who you are and what you want. Your prospects this year are much more promising than you think. With your traditional ruler, Jupiter, moving forward, if you change the way you view yourself and your life, you will soon begin to manifest the changes you want to see.

Gain power over your future! 2024 brings transformation. Visit cainer.com/dailymail

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