Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – December 15, 2023

It's the office Christmas festive season, which exposes the disadvantages of remote working.

Is it possible to let off steam via Zoom? Do people use their own printers and email copies of their backs to their coworkers?!

This weekend it's going to be easy to get a little 'over-exuberant'. Fortunately, forgiveness will be easy to obtain.


March 21 – April 20

Our dreams are priceless. Even when life is difficult, we can build castles in the air. But are those same castles the cause of our hardships? Does the fact that our reality falls short make us miserable, compared to the fairy tales of our imagination? No matter where you live, if your home isn't filled with joy, it won't feel like a dream come true. Even a modest abode turns into a penthouse when it is filled with love. This weekend's Sun/Neptune link will stimulate your creativity. Make sure your dreams are dreams you want to achieve.

For excellent advice to guide you through the twists and turns ahead. cainer.com

Oscar Cainer tells those born under Sagittarius that the Sun's link with Neptune offers an opportunity to gain a new perspective on an issue that has been taken for granted


April 21 – May 21

What should you really do? And what really doesn't need to be done? The problem is that you have to deal with the expectations of others. And no one seems to agree on where the spotlight should be focused. Although we sometimes find ourselves in situations where it is clear what action is needed, most of the time we try to focus our energy on one side while someone else thinks something else should take priority. If you gently hold on to what you think is right, you will achieve what you need/want to do this weekend.

You don't have to worry. All you need is some guidance. Your in-depth predictions can help at cainer.com


May 22 – June 22

What does it take to be successful? Qualities certainly include a willingness to say and do things that will not be popular. But that doesn't mean that people at the top of their professions are indifferent or unpleasant. To achieve your goal this weekend, you don't have to be unsympathetic to anyone's needs. No. To achieve your goal you must be practical. If you create an action plan and stick to it, you will not only succeed, but you will also find yourself supported by people who can help you achieve your goal.

What does your heart desire and how can you achieve what you really want? View your extended predictions at cainer.com


June 23 – July 23

People who behave wrongly must see the error of their ways before changing their behavior. Processes like restorative justice are designed to make this work possible. By involving both the perpetrator and the person who has been wronged, compensation is possible. As the Sun and Neptune align this weekend, you can take steps to right a wrong in your world. It starts with finding the generosity to forgive someone for a past mistake. A change in your attitude will set you and them free. 'Tis the season of forgiveness, after all!

Curious about more? There is always valuable news in your in-depth predictions on cainer.com


July 24 – August 23

Social media, TV shows and magazines love makeovers. “Look! This person changed their makeup, hair and clothes and ta-dah!” But those transformations never focus on inner changes. Our character flaws may be invisible, but they are harder to hide. Although we can find ways to hide our frustration and fear from strangers, people who know us see right through our facades. But if you want to project the best version of yourself this weekend, try faking it 'til you make it. There's a good chance it will work!

Success is about attitude and timing. Your in-depth forecasts point the way to positive change. Visit cainer.com


August 24 – September 23

That 'Hello, how are you? I'm fine, thank you. What about you conversations may not seem valuable, but they are important. They are the building blocks of a sincere dialogue. We are much better at chatting than at expressing emotions. Sometimes, even when we manage to share a concern, we deny the problem. Or switch to something else. Facing real problems is scary. Still, this weekend you owe it to yourself (and someone else) to talk about what really matters. “How are you?” is a good place to start.

You have a lot to look forward to. The inspiration you need can be found in your in-depth predictions on cainer.com


September 24 – October 23

I wonder if Archimedes really had his 'eureka' moment when he took a bath? Since it involved the increasing amount of water, it is unlikely that his epiphany would have happened in the shower! This weekend, as the Sun connects with Neptune, look out for a revealing moment, regardless of your bathing habits. How important will this insight be? Well, it won't just benefit your physical well-being; it will also help you on an emotional level. You may not make it into the history books, but the effects are worth writing about.

Knowledge is power. Find out how to take full advantage of your astrological assets at cainer.com


October 24 – November 22

This time of year is full of traditions. One of the reasons we keep doing what we've always done is because we know how to do it. It has become a festive custom. Not only does it remind us of times gone by, but we don't have to think about what we're doing. Yet sometimes life brings a surprise that forces us to make a conscious choice. This weekend everyone will be happy if you just stick to the usual plan. But if you stop and question your actions, you can be inspired to initiate change that works for a long time.

What's in the air for you? Useful planetary alignments! For good news, check out your extended predictions at cainer.com

This weekend it's going to be easy to get a little 'over-exuberant'. Fortunately, forgiveness will be easy to obtain


November 23 – December 21

You are doing something valuable. So be proud of what you do. And set an agenda that respects the value of your job. There's no need to put it in your schedule. Or feeling guilty because you think you should focus on something else. Make room for what's important. Because it is. The Sun's link with Neptune offers an opportunity to gain a new perspective on an issue you take for granted. That's expensive. And you're not doing anyone any favors by pretending that everything is the same as it always was.

Make the most of your opportunities. Your in-depth forecast includes inspiring news on cainer.com


December 22 – January 20

They say if you only do what's easy, chances are you're not doing enough. But you know this. You have no choice but to fully devote yourself to what needs to be done. You understand that it takes a certain amount of struggle and striving to make progress. Still, there's no point in deliberately making life difficult for yourself in the hope that it will somehow be good for you. The skies suggest it's worth exploring at least one possibility, which may seem easier than usual this weekend. You deserve a break.

Transform your life! To make progress in a positive direction, there is good news when you visit cainer.com


January 21 – February 19

The reason relationships can be challenging is because we can be challenging! We are all capable of being contradictory, bad-tempered and confusing. That also counts for me. And (dare I say it) you! All we can do is adjust our expectations… and be willing to work (a little) on changing ourselves. Or at least get to know ourselves a little better. That gives us the greatest opportunity to improve everything. The Sun/Neptune pairing brings you insight that can help you change the way you interact with someone. That's a reason to be happy!

For advice to guide you through the twists and turns ahead, check out your in-depth predictions at cainer.com


February 20 – March 20

This weekend, the Sun's connection with your ruler, Neptune, puts you in a powerful position. How powerful? Well, you'll be happy to know that you're not the ultimate controller of everything. The world will not keep turning because you command it to turn. Also, people will not agree to your will. But you have a surprising amount of influence. What are you going to do with it? That's up to you! But if you want my advice, I recommend using it to complete a task you're struggling with. And then focus on finding ways to relax. Perfect.

How can you stay focused and happy? Your in-depth forecasts contain the advice you need. cainer.com

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