Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – August 31, 2023

The Super Blue Moon is an opportunity to redefine goals and flesh out ways to turn dreams into reality.

Add to that the influence of Uranus, the avatar of change, and it’s tempting to see this as an invitation to cold-bloodedly jettison anything that doesn’t suit our purposes.

But if we stay in touch with our emotions, this is an opportunity to let go of what’s not working and take some positive steps.

read more horoscopes from MailOnline.


March 21 – April 20

The fact that anyone can ever be judged to be “normal” proves our talent for hiding our true nature. We’re so good at hiding quirks that we’re often unaware we’re doing it. We hide our quirks and only reveal our true selves to people we know well. And others do the same to us. No matter what anyone would have you believe, no one is perfectly sane and sensible. Individuality begets inspiration and if you find the confidence to stay true to yourself under the Super Blue Moon, you will be thrilled with what unfolds.

The Super Blue Moon brings positive change! There’s great news in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5601.

Oscar says staying in touch with our emotions is an opportunity to let go of what isn’t working and take some positive steps


April 21 – May 21

It might be an idea to download one of those translation apps. Even if you only speak to people who speak your language these days (and even if you know them well), you may need extra help to understand what is being said. The Super Blue Moon brings insight, but comes in the form of subtle partial currents that can easily be overlooked. You expect criticism. But while messages can be interpreted in different ways, they will essentially be encouraging. Look for the most optimistic meaning. And trust it.

The Super Blue Moon can transform your world. For a valuable key for the future, call 0906 751 5602.


May 22 – June 22

You are stronger than you think, but also more vulnerable than you think. To make progress today, focus on a situation you’d rather ignore—and focus less on the fear you’re (unnecessarily) paying attention to. It’s like sensing the existence of a problem that needs to be addressed. You are right in thinking such a thing exists, but wrong in thinking you know what it means. The Super Blue Moon helps you see that you don’t have to worry about what you’re worried about. To breathe!

This is a powerful time. The Super Blue Moon brings transformation. Find out more. Call 0906 751 5603.


June 23 – July 23

You have everything you need. You just don’t realize (yet) how good it is. It’s possible you’re so caught up in a series of tricky challenges that all you can see is what you don’t need, what you don’t want – and why there seems to be way too much of it all. So if you can see so much, why can’t you also see the one thing you need to see? The Super Blue Moon helps you find the key to progress. With the right approach, you can turn everything to your advantage. The good news is that it’s easier than you think.

Your ruler, the moon, is super, blue and powerful! Your future has enormous potential. Call 0906 751 5604.


July 24 – August 23

We discover what we like (and what we don’t) through trial and error. We learn what brings pleasure and what gets under our skin. And we try to avoid potentially triggering situations. But unless we hide (which is unhealthy), we can’t avoid everything we don’t like. It wouldn’t be good for us. Sticking your head in the sand is no way to grow. It also doesn’t help with troubleshooting. The Super Blue Moon brings the courage to face a challenge. The result will be wonderfully different than you expect.

Wonderful opportunities arise when the Super Blue Moon energizes your life. For good news, please call 0906 751 5605.


August 24 – September 23

Even though what you want might not happen right away, one day it will. You know this intuitively. That should be enough to put your mind at ease. Still, you can’t put aside your insecurity. That’s why you worry. You’re afraid you’re wasting your time. But the truth is that you are wasting your time worrying about whether you are wasting your time! To meet your hopes and expectations, all you need is effort and a little bit of luck. You’ve already got the “effort” part in order. Today the Super Blue Moon brings good luck.

There is a rare Super Blue Moon. To make the desired change, call your latest forecast on 0906 751 5606.


September 24 – October 23

Cosmic ordering is a technique people use to ask the heavenly forces for a favor. Apparently, the way we express and communicate our requests matters. And once we understand how the process works, we can tailor our approach and ensure success. Once, many moons ago, you asked the cosmos a question. You have waited so long for an answer that you have buried it in the depths of your mind. The Super Blue Moon brings an illuminating flash of inspiration. The answer is on its way. Finished?

How will the Super Blue Moon transform your life? There is inspiring news if you call 0906 751 5607.


October 24 – November 22

We know that astrological predictions provide insight into the future. Yet sometimes we don’t want to know what awaits us. What if your prejudices about someone are such that you don’t want to meet them? Or are you sure that if something unfolds a certain way, you won’t enjoy it? But maybe that meeting or experience is exactly what you need. It could open the door to an exciting new path. Under the Super Blue Moon, embrace all that is happening today. It has the potential to be (positively) life changing.

The Super Blue Moon brings powerful positive change! For good news about your future, call 0906 751 5608.

The Super Blue Moon (pictured) is an opportunity to redefine goals and flesh out ways to turn dreams into reality

The Super Blue Moon (pictured) is an opportunity to redefine goals and flesh out ways to turn dreams into reality


November 23 – December 21

We think we know how to ensure that important information reaches the far reaches of the planet. We just need to put it online. But the most successful way to spread news is more subtle. If you want news to spread, share it with someone and tell them it’s a secret. It won’t be long before everyone knows! This may be an exaggeration, but it is useful to you today. You’ve searched everywhere for one piece of information and the Super Blue Moon helps you find it. It’s closer to home than you think.

The Super Blue Moon suggests that good times are ahead. You can get more information by calling 0906 751 5609.


December 22 – January 20

A RANGE of powerful emotions throws you off course. Are you triggered by events and circumstances that don’t deserve the dramatic response they get? Are you getting disproportionate responses? It is possible. But who says anyone (even you) always has perfect responses? The most important thing under the Super Blue Moon is that you don’t doubt yourself and derail an essential process. If you let the negative waves come and go, you can ride the positive waves. They will take you to success.

Discover why the Super Blue Moon is so magical for you. Call your latest forecast: 0906 751 5610.


January 21 – February 19

You have integrity. You do everything you can to keep your word. You mean what you say and say what you mean. Even if an obligation becomes time-consuming or exhausting, find a way to do something about it. So it’s no surprise that you feel uncomfortable when you’re caught between two conflicting responsibilities. But if you listen to your intuition, your current predicament can be resolved. Be honest, be honest and be open. The Super Blue Moon helps you take the necessary action.

The Super Blue Moon holds the key to the future you dream of. Call your latest forecast: 0906 751 5611.


February 20 – March 20

With the Super Blue Moon in your zodiac sign, you can, in theory, do anything you want! Well… when I say that, there are clear boundaries. You will not meet your favorite celebrity. Or magically remove all the calories from a pizza. And it is unlikely that you will suddenly become best friends with the person who annoys you. But if your expectations are reasonable, they are achievable. If you assume that if something is really worth having, you can get it, then you will be happy with your day.

Maximize the Super Blue Moon energy! Your latest forecast is packed with insights. Call 0906 751 5612.

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