Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – January 11, 2024

Today, the New Moon harmonizes with one of the celestial troublemakers, Uranus. Still, the problems are in the eye of the beholder.

People who cause problems rarely consider themselves problematic. And sometimes the purposeful rocking of the boat forces us to find ways to sail toward a clear horizon.

It's time to stand up for what we believe. Doing the right thing is more important than maintaining a respectable reputation.


March 21 – April 20

We were recently talking about the fact that what goes up must come down. But what happens to things that go down? Like the hope we had to give up? Do they just lie there while we try to forget about them and focus on other things? The New Moon linked to Uranus offers the opportunity to think creatively about a source of regret. You've had to let go of an idea that once inspired you. Yet nature abhors a vacuum. Be wary of a new doorway. It ends on a road that leads to an inspiring destination.

Find out why this week's New Moon is so magical for you. Visit cainer.com/dailymail

Oscar Cainer (pictured) encourages us all to stand up for what we believe. Doing the right thing is more important than maintaining a respectable reputation


April 21 – May 21

It's not easy to be authoritative without seeming bossy. So if you need to be firm and clear today, can you muster the confidence you need to be clear (without being forceful)? You certainly have the ability to respond this way. There is no doubt that you have the sensitivity to take control of a situation and gently but firmly explain what needs to be said and do what needs to be done. Because the New Moon puts your talents in the spotlight, you can stimulate cooperation that leads to success.

The New Moon brings the key to the future you dream of. Visit cainer.com/dmfree to get the information you need


May 22 – June 22

We fall into habits and patterns that we repeat every day. It is how we organize our lives. And if something happens all the time, we assume it will continue to happen. If it's something we don't like/like, we try to change it. And if that doesn't work, we do our best to be positive about it. But when something is positive, once we are familiar with it, we find it easy to overlook its effect on our lives. If we are not careful, we take good things for granted. Today the New Moon brings a reminder of the positive impact someone has on your world.

Maximize New Moon Energy! Visit cainer.com/dm for your latest predictions


June 23 – July 23

Imagine being taken back to a place you haven't been in a few years. Although the road looks very familiar, you are not sure which way to go. Since you don't know where you're going and there are no signs to give you any indication of your potential destination, what will you do? Will you continue walking and trust that you are on the right track? Do you let your instincts guide you, knowing they won't let you down? Do that today! Under the New Moon your intuition is a superpower.

The New Moon brings positive change! Find out more! Visit cainer.com/dmfree


July 24 – August 23

Just because you have everything to gain doesn't mean you have nothing to lose. There is always something important that you need to hold on to. Like a long-cherished dream that seems impossible, but is too precious to let go. Under the New Moon, which is associated with innovative Uranus, you may feel more sensitive than usual. But if you channel your emotions positively, there are gains to be made. And when you take an emotional risk, you open yourself up to a possibility that could make that dream part of your reality.

The New Moon can transform your world. Visit cainer.com/dailymail for valuable keys of the week


August 24 – September 23

“That's how the cookie crumbles.” If we have invested in a project and it is not going well, we are supposed to shrug our shoulders and be philosophical. But why do we use an expression about cookies?! Perhaps it's a subtle way to remind us to treat ourselves to something sweet when we're faced with disappointment. By the way, that's not what awaits you today. Quite the opposite. Even if you didn't achieve the expected results, you're in for a treat. And it brings unexpected sweetness into your world.

Be ready for a special time! The New Moon brings exciting opportunities. Visit cainer.com/dm


September 24 – October 23

'If I were you…'. It's one of those expressions that's guaranteed to get you excited. People like to tell each other what to do. But the truth is, none of us can put ourselves in someone else's shoes. We may think we know best, but it's impossible to truly understand what someone is going through. Be careful about following advice that is well-intentioned but not well thought out. No one knows your strengths better than you. The New Moon encourages you to trust your judgment. Don't let an inspired idea talk you out of it.

The New Moon emphasizes dynamic changes. Your future has enormous potential. Visit cainer.com/dmfree


October 24 – November 22

Here's a top tip. If you want to know for sure how to win an argument, all you have to do is follow this advice. Don't start! That is it! Once we raise our voices, we lose more than we will ever gain. I mention this because you are passionate about something and are worried that you won't get the support you want. But if you believe in your views with all your heart, you don't have to prove your point. The truth speaks for itself. Make your position clear and calm today. You will be surprised by the quality of the response.

Wonderful opportunities arise when the New Moon energizes your life. Visit cainer.com/dmfree

Today, the New Moon harmonizes with one of the celestial troublemakers, Uranus (pictured). Still, the problems are in the eye of the beholder. People who cause problems rarely consider themselves problematic. And sometimes the purposeful rocking of the boat forces us to find ways to sail toward a clear horizon


November 23 – December 21

If you are brave, there is no stopping you. You take on difficult situations and give everything you have to achieve success. The odds are irrelevant. Something has to be done (or nothing is). Something matters (or nothing does). Right now, as you get further into 2024, you are motivated to take assertive action. But if you want to achieve everything that is possible, you need both policy and desire. The New Moon gives you the insight and awareness you need to succeed.

This week brings a powerful New Moon. Go to cainer.com/dm to make the desired change


December 22 – January 20

The more someone earns, the more likely he is to create an aura of complexity around his work. That's when confusing jargon starts to creep in… it helps maintain the illusion of exclusivity. Perhaps instead of measuring success by the amount of information people have, we should focus on how they apply their knowledge to help people in their daily lives! Just because you've been told to get help to solve a complicated problem doesn't mean you don't have the skills to solve it. You can be very helpful today.

How will the New Moon change your life? There's some inspiring news if you visit cainer.com/dailymail


January 21 – February 19

There are times when we must turn over every stone and explore every avenue. In these moments, we should do everything we can to try new options and explore all possible possibilities. But even in such times we have to set priorities. Some things are more likely to succeed than others. And that's what we need to focus on first. Since your ruler, Uranus, is connected to the New Moon, start today with the obvious. And don't let anything distract you. If you stay determined and keep looking, you will find something you have been looking for.

The New Moon brings powerful positive change! Visit cainer.com/dmfree for great news about your future


February 20 – March 20

Like most of us, you are an expert at self-criticism. When something goes 'wrong', you question your actions and decisions. Of course, it's not healthy or helpful to blame other people. But always accusing yourself of messing things up isn't a good habit either. The New Moon brings compassion and forgiveness. Give as many of these qualities to yourself as possible. Because they are plentiful, there is plenty left over to share with someone else. This is how you create the feeling of collaboration you long for.

The New Moon suggests that good times are coming. For more information, visit cainer.com/dm

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