Mercury turns retrograde today. Cue missed calls, disappearing emails, and printer rage.
However, if I had the production date of my printer, I think that would definitely confirm that it was made under Mercury retrograde!
But even when words fail us, we don’t lose the power to communicate. And since Venus connects with Neptune and Pluto, we can find subtle ways to send messages.
When the usual signals get stuck, being creative can paint pictures that are worth a thousand words.
Big, significant, cosmic alignments continue to bring drama and change. The Mars-Uranus conjunction earlier this month was the first part of a process. It opened a door. It set something in motion.
Mercury turns retrograde today. Cue missed calls, disappearing emails, and printer rage
That ‘something’ is really starting to happen now. Don’t be afraid. Be excited. Inspired. Elated, even. You have every reason to be all of those things.
This week, on Friday, August 2, Venus connects with Uranus. Invite some celestial magic into your life, with 50% discount on all birth horoscopes plus a FREE Personal Profile.
Read more horoscopes from MailOnline here
March 21 – April 20
Not only have you been through a lot, you’re also surrounded by people who are feeling the pressure. And now that you’re starting to feel less pressure, you can more than empathize with those who are still feeling stressed. And, more importantly, you understand the likely knock-on effects of having so much on your plate. In an ideal world, you’d be able to find an easy way out of a difficult situation; one that benefits you and everyone else involved. You might need a pinch of magic dust. But today, that’s not impossible.
It is a time to seek new excitement and freedom. To bring the magic of novelty, innovation and adventure back into your life. This is exactly what this Venus Uranus square can bring. Invite some celestial magic into your life, with 50% discount on all birth Graphs plus a FREE personal profile.
April 21 – May 21
Some people are immune to caffeine. They can have a cup of coffee before bed and it won’t stop them from sleeping. Wow. But imagine what their dreams must be like! With practice, we can get used to almost any stimulus. The sound of speeding traffic? It doesn’t take long before we stop noticing it. High stress levels? We adapt. You’ve been dealing with more pressure than you realize. Today, the strong position of your ruler brings an opportunity to take a break. With a little forethought, you can find an easy way to gain more control over what’s happening.
You may find that the number of people in your ‘fan club’ increases dramatically. Let the Venus Uranus Square invite some people heavenly magic in your life!
May 22 – June 22
Every day brings new possibilities. That’s great. But it’s also frustrating. It means we’re never quite sure where we stand; just as we think we’ve got it all figured out, a new option pops up and makes us doubt ourselves again. You’re under pressure to come up with answers or make important decisions right now. When your ruler, Mercury, goes retrograde, it jogs your memory and gives you time to think. And that process can be revealing. Don’t expect instant solutions. But know that clarity will come soon.
Major, significant, cosmic alignments bring drama and change. Invite some celestial magic into your life with 50% off all birth charts plus a FREE Personal Profile.
June 23 – July 23
Some people make difficult tasks look easy. Others do the opposite. Even the simplest undertaking turns into a complex riddle. In fact, it is not that simple. Most of us are capable of choosing either option; it depends on our mood and the context. You are dealing with a confusing issue. But you may have managed to confuse yourself with too many questions and ideas. Either way, if you decide to take the wisest, simplest route forward today, you can resolve a messy situation with surprising ease.
Invite the magic of novelty, innovation and adventure back into your life. This is exactly what the upcoming Venus Uranus Square can bring.
Even when words fail us, we don’t lose the power to communicate. And since Venus links Neptune and Pluto, we can find subtle ways to send messages
July 24 – August 23
It may be your birthday season, but while you are not as young as you were, you are not as old as you fear. Think of all the experience you have gained; it has given you the tools to deal with situations that once made you vulnerable. And you have not yet reached the point where you no longer care how things turn out. The current cosmic climate allows you to transform a source of trouble into an opportunity to make your world a better place. If you see an opportunity today, seize it. It will boost your zest for life.
It is a time to seek new excitement and freedom. To bring the magic of novelty, innovation and adventure back into your life. This is exactly what this Venus Uranus square can bring. Invite some celestial magic into your life, with 50% off all birth charts plus a FREE Personal Profile.
August 24 – September 23
Everyone has days when they wonder what the point is. While these moments usually occur when we are stressed, they can also come out of nowhere, when we feel like we are sailing with a fair wind in our sails. That is why it is difficult to figure out with confidence what the point is. Our mood has a great impact on our sense of well-being. If we feel good, everything must be good. Just be aware today that a passing source of frustration should not be interpreted as a sign of a long-term disadvantage. It is not.
You may find that the number of people in your ‘fan club’ increases dramatically. Let the Venus Uranus Square invite some people heavenly magic in your life!
September 24 – October 23
Rest assured. Everything will be fine. It’s just that on the way to that state of well-being there may be some drama and upheaval. So, what’s new?! Doesn’t life always contain a degree of emotional stress and creative tension? What you are experiencing is no more (or less) than normal. It’s just that it’s disguised in unfamiliar clothing. If you want to save yourself a lot of trouble and hasten the day when this problem is solved, try to take a good look at it. You will not only recognize it. You will know exactly how to solve it.
Major, significant, cosmic alignments bring drama and change. Invite some celestial magic into your life, with 50% discount on all birth horoscopes plus a FREE Personal Profile.
October 24 – November 22
Do you have a big question that you want answered? Excellent! Are you in a cloud of uncertainty? Perfect! Then today’s alignment regarding your ruler, Pluto, has come at just the right time. It would be wrong, somehow, to feel like everything was settled, arranged, and straightforward. Lately, your journey has been taking some complicated turns. If you take this opportunity to reflect on all that you’ve been through, you’ll be able to see how the challenges have encouraged you to move forward, on an easier path.
Invite the magic of novelty, innovation and adventure back into your life. This is exactly what the upcoming Venus Uranus Square can bring.
November 23 – December 21
You respond well to challenges. In fact, you enjoy dealing with them more than enjoying life when things are going badly. Because you are good at dealing with crises, you become stronger when things get tough. So what happens when you are charged up, ready to help, but the situation resolves itself without your intervention? What do you do with that adrenaline? There is an easier path to take today. And as for all that energy you have? You can invest it in something that fulfills you, in a healing way.
It is a time to seek new excitement and freedom. To bring the magic of novelty, innovation and adventure back into your life. This is exactly what this Venus Uranus square can bring. Invite some celestial magic into your life, with 50% off all birth charts plus a FREE Personal Profile.
When we arrive on planet Earth, we don’t come with a list of things to worry about. And young children are never too busy to play. It’s only through experience that we learn about tension and stress. We see how other people are hard on themselves and we copy their modus operandi; stalling seems like an adult thing to do – so we don’t question the wisdom of living with this mindset. You can let go of a source of worry today. With a change of attitude, you can find an approach that gives you more time to have fun.
You may find that the number of people in your ‘fan club’ increases dramatically. Let the Venus Uranus Square invite some people heavenly magic in your life!
January 21 – February 19
We all have techniques we use to prepare ourselves for tense situations. Whether it’s puffing out our chests, bracing our shoulders, or furrowing our brows, our bodies reflect our moods. Yet, like the Grand Old Duke of York in the nursery rhyme, we spend far more time rallying our troops than we do fighting battles. Do you find yourself metaphorically running up and down hills expecting a confrontation? If you let your guard down, you’ll find that a source of tension has been removed. Phew.
Major, significant, cosmic alignments bring drama and change. Invite some celestial magic into your life, with 50% discount on all birth horoscopes plus a FREE Personal Profile.
February 20 – March 20
We know our friends and they know us. And we like each other. That’s, in theory, how our close relationships work. It’s the basic principle of building good social connections. Yet sometimes we realize that we don’t know as much about our nearest and dearest as we think we do. Or that they’ve overlooked/forgotten something critical about us. In fact, even the “liking” part can feel challenging sometimes. Ouch! If there’s tension in an important relationship in your world right now, know that this is just part of getting to know someone better.
Invite the magic of novelty, innovation and adventure back into your life. This is exactly what the upcoming Venus Uranus Square can bring.